Applicability. All mobile home parks shall conform to the provisions of this section as well as other applicable standards in this chapter.
Use regulations. The uses allowed in a mobile home park shall be as specified in the Shirley Township Zoning Ordinance, if adopted.
Application procedures. All applications for mobile home park developments shall follow the procedures for submission of land developments found in §§ 240-35, 240-36 and 240-37 of this chapter.
Minimum site area. Each mobile home park site shall be at least 10 acres in size.
Site location. Mobile home parks shall be located on well-drained lands free of natural or man-made hazards. Mobile home parks shall be laid out with due consideration to natural features. No development shall occur on the floodway, wetlands or steep slope areas. Natural drainageways shall in no way be impaired by development.
Density. The maximum number of dwelling units permitted in a mobile home park shall be calculated on the net area by deducting nonbuildable and constrained land from the total site area in conformance with § 240-20 of this chapter.
Clustering. The clustering of mobile home lots or sites is encouraged to provide for conservation of open space, protect environmentally sensitive areas and to provide for efficient development of streets and utilities. In order to approve any cluster plan the Township shall apply the following test: The number of mobile home lots times 5,000, plus the area of common open space in square feet, shall equal at least the minimum lot standard in § 240-21 of this chapter for each proposed mobile home lot.
Site improvements and design. Minimum site improvements for all mobile home parks shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
Minimum mobile home lot. No mobile home lot shall be less than 5,000 square feet. However, the lot shall be large enough to meet yard and parking requirements. Mobile home lots shall not be located in environmentally sensitive areas as defined in this chapter. Each mobile home lot shall contain a mobile home stand, which shall be improved with concrete columns or slab to provide an adequate foundation for the placement of a mobile home, securing the structure against uplift, sliding or rotation. Each mobile home shall be provided with skirting of durable material entirely enclosing the area beneath the mobile home.
Streets. All mobile home park streets shall be designed to serve only residents of the mobile home park. Each mobile home site shall be accessible from a street. Access shall be designed to minimize congestion and hazards at the entrance or exit and allow free movement of traffic on streets within the park.
All streets shall be improved in accordance with § 240-26 of this chapter. Streets shall meet minimum paving thickness and other requirements set out in this chapter and the street standards adopted by resolution of Shirley Township.
All streets within any mobile home park shall have a paved width of not less than 12 feet for one-way and 22 feet for two-way. Street width shall be increased by six feet if on-street parking is permitted. All streets shall be kept free of debris or other obstructions to provide clear access for fire, police or other emergency access. If streets are proposed for dedication, a minimum right-of-way of 40 feet shall be required.
Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall be provided in all mobile home parks for the use of park occupants and guests. Parking shall be located convenient to each mobile home and in no case be located more than 200 feet from the use it is intended to serve. The number and design of parking spaces shall be in accordance with § 240-38.
Yard requirements. Mobile homes shall be placed off center on the lot so as to provide a larger useable open yard space and outdoor living area on one side of the unit. No structure or mobile home shall be located at less than the following:
Fifty feet from any perimeter lot line.
Twenty feet from any park street.
Twenty feet from any mobile home.
Five feet from any interior lot line.
Common open space. Portions of the mobile home park not developed into mobile home lots, streets, recreation areas or service buildings shall be designated as common open space. All mobile home parks shall provide not less than 10% of the total land area for common open space purposes. Such lands shall be improved whereby the same will be accessible to all families residing within said tract and whereby such open space may be used for recreational purposes. Environmentally sensitive areas may either be included within individual mobile home lots or deeded separately with appropriate deed restrictions barring future development.
Utility improvements. All mobile home parks shall provide to each lot both a continuing supply of safe and potable water as approved by the Department of Environmental Resources and a connection to a sanitary sewerage disposal facility as approved by the local sewage enforcement agency. Electric, telephone and centralized television cable service shall also be provided and shall be buried.
Other site improvements. Each mobile home park shall provide garbage and trash collection and disposal facilities as approved by the Shirley Township, an adequate park streetlighting system, and such other improvements or services as may be required in the best interest of the public's health, safety and general welfare.
Screening. Buffer screening shall be provided along the perimeter of any mobile home park where the park abuts any of the following: arterial or collector highway, commercial or industrial area, developed residential subdivision. Buffer screening shall consist of Type I screening per § 240-41H of this chapter.