[Adopted 5-12-1969 by Ord. No. 929]
[Amended 2-26-1973 by Ord. No. 1096; Ord. -/-/1991]
Sick leave entitlement shall accrue from the employment date as follows, to wit:
Any person who is a Township employee for a period of three months or less shall not be entitled to any sick leave whatsoever.
All other Township employees shall be entitled to one day per every two months of employment for the first year; and one day per every month for the second year of employment; and 1 1/2 days per each month of the third and subsequent years of employment; provided, however, that sick leave time may be accumulated and carried over from year to year, but not in excess of 90 days.
Township employees shall receive full salary or compensation for any such authorized leave, except as hereinafter otherwise provided.
[Amended by Ord. -/-/1991]
In the event that an injury, illness or other events or causes for a sick leave by a Township employee is determined to be covered by the Pennsylvania Workmen's Compensation Law, the employee shall thereupon be entitled to receive such compensation thereafter provided by the Pennsylvania Workmen's Compensation Law.
During the mandatory "waiting period" prior to receiving any benefits or compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Law, the employee may elect, but shall not be required, to use part or all of the sick leave entitlement under this article.
The employee shall not be required, but may elect, to use part or all of the sick leave entitlement under this article in lieu of or in addition to receipt of benefits under the Workmen's Compensation Law.
[Amended 5-13-1976 by Ord. No. 1187; Ord. -/-/1991; 6-8-2009 by Ord. No. 2776, approved 11-3-2009]
If an employee needs to call off sick, that employee's supervisor shall be notified at least one hour before that employee's normal starting time. No sick leave shall be authorized for any Township employee for a period greater than three days unless such sickness is reported by a certificate signed by a physician stating that he has examined the employee within the first three days of such employees illness and that the nature of the illness is such that it was not caused by improper habits of the employee, and that the employee is unable to work by reason of such illness; and further, that he is confined to his home or a recognized medical institution or hospital, clearly setting forth the probable duration of such illness. Such physician's certificate shall be presented to the Mayor on or before the fifth day of such illness. The Mayor shall have the discretion to require a reexamination of the employee by another physician. If the employee shall refuse to be examined by another physician as so directed, he shall forfeit all sick leave for such illness except for the first three days thereof.
The Mayor may also request a physician's certificate of illness, whenever sick time abuse becomes evident.
Failure to submit a physician's certificate of illness when requested by the Mayor shall subject the employee to disciplinary action.