[Adopted 1-11-1999 by Ord. No. 2127; amended in its entirety 5-13-2002 by Ord. No. 2371]
The International Plumbing Code/2000 is hereby adopted as the Plumbing Code of the Township of Whitehall, Lehigh County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (hereinafter referred to with this article as the "code"); the code shall control the plumbing within, at or near buildings and structures as herein provided; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of the code are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof as if fully set out in this article, with the additions, amendments, changes, deletions and insertions, if any, as prescribed herein. Three copies of the code shall be filed in the Township offices at the Municipal Building for inspection, review and reference during regular business hours.
All prior Township ordinances or parts of ordinances or codes in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed.
[Amended 8-8-2005 by Ord. No. 2578; 4-9-2007 by Ord. No. 2670; 6-8-2009 by Ord. No. 2776, approved 11-3-2009; 10-14-2019 by Ord. No. 3176]
The sections of said BOCA International Plumbing Code/2000 are hereby amended as set forth below:
Subsection 101.1, Title, shall be amended in that the phrase "Township of Whitehall" shall replace the following language, "Name of Jurisdiction."
Subsection 103.1, General, shall be deleted, and said provisions shall instead be as written in the 2015 International Plumbing Code and the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code.
Subsection 104.2, Rule Making Authority, shall be deleted, and said provisions shall instead be as written in the 2015 International Plumbing Code and the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code.
Subsection 104.0, Duties and Powers of the Code Official, shall be amended to include the following subsections:
104.8 Annual Report. At least annually, the Code Official shall submit to the Mayor a written statement of operations in the form and content as shall be prescribed by the Mayor. At least monthly, the Code Official shall submit to the Mayor a written statement regarding sanitary sewers and a summary of all actions taken pursuant to the code.
104.9 Qualification of Plumbing Inspector. To be eligible for appointment to the position of Plumbing Inspector, the applicant shall possess, at minimum, certification in the following Construction Code:
Plumbing Inspector
Plumbing Plans Examiner
Mechanical Inspector
Mechanical Plans Examiner
Subsection 106.1, When Required, shall be deleted, and said provisions shall instead be as written in the 2015 International Plumbing Code and the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code.
Subsection 106.3.1, Construction Documents, shall be deleted, and said provisions shall instead be as written in the 2015 International Plumbing Code and the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code.
Subsection 106.4, By Whom Application is Made, shall be amended to read as follows:
The application for a permit to install all or any part of any plumbing system or any plumbing work shall only be made by a homeowner plumber or master plumber. The applicant shall meet all applicable qualifications, licensing or bonding requirements established by this code, or any other ordinance or statute. The full names and addresses of the owner, lessee, applicant and of the responsible officer, if the owner or lessee is a corporate body, shall be stated in the application. For the purposes of this code, the phrase "homeowner plumber" shall mean that person who performs plumbing work in property owned or that is leased by such person and is used as a principal residence by that individual. A permit issued to such a homeowner plumber shall be valid only for work actually performed by such person in the homeowner's principal residence. At the time of issuance of all permits, the applicant shall furnish a certificate evidencing proof of worker's compensation, pursuant to relevant Pennsylvania law.
Subsection 106.6.2, Fee Schedule, shall be amended to read as follows:
The fees for all plumbing work, including permits, shall be as indicated in the Comprehensive Fee Schedule (Chapter A29 of the Whitehall Township Code), as amended from time to time. A reinspection fee, may be charged per visit for failure to have access to the job site, requesting an inspection on incomplete work and repeat violation visits. These fees must be paid in full prior to final inspection.
Subsection 106.6.3, Fee Refunds, shall be deleted in its entirety.
Subsection 108.4, Violation Penalties, shall be amended to read as follows:
Any person who shall violate a provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof, or who shall erect, install, alter, modify or repair plumbing work in violation of this ordinance, the approved construction documents or directive of the code official, or of a permit, license or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be guilty of a criminal offense, punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding 30 days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense.
Subsection 108.5, Stop Work Orders, shall be revised to insert the amounts of $500 and $1,000, respectively in the last sentence of the paragraph.
Subsection 109.1, Application for Appeal, shall be deleted and instead shall reflect the provisions of the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code.
Subsections 109.2 to 109.7, inclusive, shall be deleted in their entireties and instead shall reflect the provisions of the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code.
Chapter 1, Administration, shall be amended to include the following subsections:
111.0 Demolition of Structures.
111.1 Service connections. Before a structure is demolished or removed, the owner or agent shall notify all utilities having service connections within the structure, such as water, electric, gas, sewer and other connections. A permit to demolish or remove a structure shall not be issued until a release is obtained from the utilities, stating that their respective service connection sand appurtenant equipment, such as meters and regulators, have been removed or sealed and plugged in an approved manner.
111.2 Abandoned piping. Where laterals have been abandoned, the house trap shall be removed, and the pipe hermetically sealed by a cap or plug.
112.0 Supervision.
112.1 General. All plumbing work shall be conducted, installed and completed in a workmanlike and approved manner to secure the results intended by this code.
112.2 Supervision. Every person engaged in the business of plumbing in the Township of Whitehall shall have a licensed master or journeyman plumber on the job site for the entire period of the plumbing installation. No laborers or apprentices shall be permitted to perform plumbing work in the Township of Whitehall without the supervision of a master or journeyman plumber on the job site.
113.0 Licensing.
113.1 When license is required. It shall be unlawful for any person, except a homeowner plumber as defined herein, to engage in the practice or business of plumbing work within the Township of Whitehall without first filing an application with the Township and obtaining the required license therefor from the Department of Operations, Bureau of Planning, Zoning and Development.
113.2 Form of application. The application for a license shall be submitted on a form prepared and provided by the Township and shall be accompanied by the required fee as established by the Comprehensive Fee Schedule (Chapter A29) of the Township Code.
113.3 Action on application. The Plumbers Examining Board shall examine, or cause to be examined, all applications for licenses within a reasonable time after filing. If the applicant is deemed competent and qualified pursuant to the within regulations and has successfully passed the examination given by the Plumbers Examining Board, the Township shall issue a license as soon as practicable. Any person who fails to pass the examination required by this section may apply for re-examination for the next examination period. Any individual whose license has been revoked and is applying for a new license shall be re-examined and shall pay all required fees.
113.4 Plumbers Examining Board; qualifications and examination of applicants.
113.4.1 The Plumbers Examining Board shall consist of three individuals appointed by the Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners. One member shall be appointed for one year and one member shall be appointed for two years and one member shall be appointed for three years. Thereafter, as the terms of appointment of each of the original members of the Board expires, their successors shall be appointed by the Township Board of Commissioners for a term of three years. Each member of the Examining Board shall, at a minimum, possess a master plumber's license from either Whitehall Township or another equivalent, tested municipality in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
113.4.2 Members of the Plumbers Examining Board shall, within 30 days form the date of their appointment, meet specially and organize, and shall elect from the members a Chairman. The Board also shall elect a Secretary who need not be a member of the Board. The Board shall meet as frequently as is necessary for the proper and efficient discharge of its business. Meetings shall be held upon 48 hours' written notice to each member of the Board, setting the purpose of such special meeting. Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction for all business.
113.4.3 The Plumbers Examining Board shall formulate its own rules and regulations for all examinations. Such rules and regulations shall become effective immediately upon the adoption by the Board and the approval of the Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners.
113.4.4 The Plumbers Examining Board shall investigate all applications for licenses and shall report to the Department of Operations, Bureau Chief of the Bureau of Planning, Zoning and Development, the results of all examinations which it shall administer to applicants. The Board shall investigate and hear all written complaints against holders of licenses and report to the Bureau Chief its findings and recommendations. The Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings and hearings and records of all its investigations and examinations of applicants for licenses.
113.4.5 Any applicant for a journeyman or master plumber license shall be over the age of 21 years. At the time of application, every applicant for a journeyman plumbers license shall have had at least four years of practical experience in the installation of drainage, waste, vent and water systems with a registered master plumber or its equivalent. At the time of application, every applicant for a master plumber's license shall have had at least five years of practical experience in the installation of drainage, water and vent and water systems with registered master plumbers or its equivalent. In addition, every applicant for a master plumber's license shall have had at least one year of experience as a journey plumber.
113.4.6 Every application for a license shall be made in writing on such form and shall furnish such information as the Plumbers Examining Board may, from time to time, require. Applications must be filed at least 45 days prior to the date of examinations as hereafter provided.
113.4.7 Written or written and practical examinations shall be prepared by the Board and administered by the Board to applicants to test each applicant's knowledge of the provisions of this code, this article and the work covered thereby, and no license shall be issued unless the applicant obtains a passing mark of at least 75% on his examination to entitle him to a certificate or license. The same tests as referenced hereinabove shall be administered to master plumbers.
113.5 Expiration; renewal. Every license issued hereunder shall expire on the 31st day of January of the following year in which the same was so issued. Every license issued hereunder may be renewed by the licensee without further application or examination, provided that the licensee tenders the required renewal fee on or before the day the license is due to expire. Renewal fees shall be established by the Comprehensive Fee Schedule (Chapter A29 of Township Code), as amended from time to time.
113.6 Change of Name or Address. The licensee shall notify the Code Inspector and the Bureau of Planning, Zoning and Development, in writing, of any change in the licensee's name or business address. Any such changes shall be noted on the licensee's license as well as upon the official records maintained by the Code Inspector and the Bureau of Planning, Zoning and Development.
113.7 Reciprocity. The Township may, after the payment of the required fee, issue a temporary license to a holder of a substantially equivalent license from another jurisdiction within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania without examination, provided that the Township is satisfied that the standards and qualifications of the other Pennsylvania jurisdiction are substantially equivalent to those of Whitehall Township, in that the issuing municipality must be a township of the First Class or greater in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All such temporary licenses are subject to review by the Whitehall Township Plumbers Examination Board.
113.8 Temporary license. The Township may issue a temporary license to an individual who possesses a similar license from another jurisdiction. The temporary license, once so issued, shall be subject to the approval of the Plumbers Examination Board, and shall be valid only for the calendar-year in which it was granted.
113.9 Transferability. No license or temporary license issued hereunder shall be transferable. Any license or temporary license so transferred shall be revoked.
113.10 Violations. No person not the holder of an appropriate Whitehall Township plumbing license, nor a proprietorship, partnership or corporation not employing a holder of an appropriate license shall install, alter or repair any plumbing system in or on any building. No person, partnership or corporation shall cause any such work to be done by any person not the holder of such license, nor by any proprietorship, partnership or corporation not employing a holder of such license shall also represent that he or it holds such Whitehall Township plumbing license or shall use in any advertisement the word "Whitehall Township master plumber," "Whitehall Township journeyman plumber" or "Whitehall Township registered plumber" or any words of similar meaning or imprint on any sign, card, letterhead or in any manner.
113.11 Suspension or revocation. The Township, upon recommendation by the Plumbers Examination Board, shall be permitted to suspend for any length of time or revoke, for cause, any license issued hereunder after a hearing has been held on the same. The licensee or his agent shall be served at least five days prior to the hearing and the reasons for the proposed suspension or revocation. At such hearing, the licensee shall have the right to present written or oral testimony, as well as cross-examine any witnesses. All testimony shall be given under oath. The decision of the Plumbers Examination Board shall be based upon the evidence produced at the hearing and shall be made a part of the record thereof. Any decision of the Examination Board shall be appealed directly to the Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas.
113.12 Voluntary suspension. The holder of any valid plumbers license, as herein defined, may, upon written request to the Plumbers Examination Board, surrender and have the Bureau Chief of Planning, Zoning and Development hold said plumber's license in voluntary suspension for a period of up to five years, during which time the licensee may not perform any work which would, under the provisions of this code, require the issuance of a license. Upon proper application for return of the license being held in voluntary suspension, the license shall be returned to the licensee without examination, provided that the Plumbers Examination Board is satisfied as to the licensee's continuing fitness to engage in the work covered by said license.
Subsection 305.4.1, Sewer Depth, insert "42 inches" for sewer depth.
Subsection 306.3, Backfilling, shall be deleted and instead the provisions of the 2015 International Plumbing Code shall apply.
Subsection 312.9, Inspection and Testing of Backflow Prevention Assemblies, shall be deleted and the current provisions of the 2015 International Plumbing Code followed.
Subsection 419.3, Surrounding Material, shall be deleted and instead the provisions of the 2015 International Plumbing Code shall be followed.
Subsection 603, Water Service, shall be amended to include the following subsections:
Subsection 603, Water Service, shall be amended to include the following subsections:
603.3 Separate trench. All water service laterals shall be installed in a different trench from any trench for building sewer pipes, notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection 603.2.
603.4 Minimum depth and width. All water service lateral pipes shall be installed at a minimum depth of 42 inches below finished grade, and the trenches shall have a minimum width of 24 inches.
603.5 Undisturbed ground. All water service lateral pipes shall be installed in a solid base of undisturbed ground, not on any fill or compacted earth.
603.6 Type K, One Length/Minimum Couplings. When Type K soft copper tubing is installed, it shall be in one continuous length from the curbline to the building (or house) with no joints or couplings, for all lengths up to 100 feet, the lengths of the individual pieces of tubing shall be arranged to utilize the minimum number of couplings.
Subsection 608.13, Backflow Protection, shall be amended to include the following subsection:
608.13.11 Thermal expansion device required. Where backflow preventers, check valves, water meters with check valves or pressure-reducing valves are installed, approved thermal expansion devices shall be required. The thermal expansion device shall be installed in the cold-water line which supplies any water heater between the backflow preventer, check valve, water meter with check valves or pressure-reducing valve and the water heater. Thermal expansion devices shall be installed as close to the water heater as practical. The thermal expansion device shall be a type, design or model acceptable to the Code Inspector.
Subsection 608.16.5, Connections to Lawn Irrigation Systems, shall be amended to include the following:
The terms, conditions and provisions of this code and this article (except as set forth in the immediately preceding three sentences) shall not be applicable to lawn irrigation systems. Lawn irrigation systems are not considered to be plumbing systems, plumbing fixtures, water supply and distribution systems or individual water supply systems. For purposes of this section, the phrase "lawn irrigation" shall mean any water distribution used exclusively for the watering of plants (of all types) and flowers or systems to supply water to ornamental landscaping fixtures (such as water fountains or pools, including lawn or plant watering devices, but not swimming pools). The terms, conditions and provisions of this code and this article shall be followed with respect to those portions of the lawn irrigation system that extend from the interior of a structure through the walls of such structure and immediately to the other side thereof. It is the intent of this subsection that the terms, conditions and provisions of this code and article for lawn irrigation systems shall be complied with for all fixtures or devices needed to provide water to the outside of the structure.
Subsection 701.1, Scope, shall be amended to include the following subsections:
701.1.1. Except as otherwise set forth in this chapter, the water distribution and drainage system of any structure in which plumbing fixtures are installed shall be connected to a public water main and sewer, respectively, where available. Where a public water main is not available, a private sewage disposal system that conforms to the International Private Sewage Disposal Code shall be provided.
Subsection 701.2, Sewer Required, shall be amended to include the following subsections:
701.9 Installation of sewer laterals. All sewer laterals from the curb to the house shall consist of not less than four-inch PVC or ABS Schedule 40 plastic pipe or four-inch service weight cast-iron pipe and shall be installed on a six-inch base of 2A modified stone and covered with 12 inches of modified stone before backfilling.
701.10 Drainage. Whenever a consulting engineer and/or the Township Engineer determines that an underground sanitary sewer line shall be installed on the outside of a structure or building, and the same shall either be eight inches in diameter or larger, or manholes are required by this code, or whenever the same is required by this code, the plumber shall obtain a permit from the Township, and shall install such line in compliance with the applicable rules and regulations as promulgated by the Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority (hereinafter referred to as "Authority") and then in effect. The owner shall, as and when required by the Authority, enter into improvements agreements with the Authority to ensure proper construction of the line. Whenever this is applicable, the owner shall permit the Authority to inspect all labor work or materials performed or used and the site to ensure compliance with the Authority's rules and regulations.
Table 702.1, Above Ground Drainage and Vent Pipe, shall be deleted and instead the provisions of the 2015 International Plumbing Code shall apply.
Subsection 702.2, Underground Building Sanitary Drainage and Vent Pipe, shall be amended to include the following sentence:
"No-Hub pipe shall not be used for any underground installation."
Table 702.2, Underground Building Drainage and Vent Pipe, shall be deleted and instead the provisions of the 2015 International Plumbing Code shall apply.
Subsection 702.3, Building Sewer Pipe, shall be amended to include the following sentence:
"No-Hub pipe shall not be used for any underground installation."
Table 702.3, Building Sewer Pipe, shall be deleted and instead the provisions of the 2015 International Plumbing Code shall apply.
Subsection 708.3.1, Horizontal Drains Within Buildings, shall be deleted and instead the provisions of the 2015 International Plumbing Code shall apply.
Subsection 708.3.2, Building Sewers, shall be deleted and instead the provisions of the 2015 International Plumbing Code shall apply.
Subsection 708.8, Pipes Eight Inches (203mm) and Larger Nominal Size, shall be deleted and instead the provisions of the 2015 International Plumbing Code shall apply.
Subsection 712, Sumps and Ejectors, shall be deleted in its entirety and be replaced with the following:
712.1 Application. The pressure sewer system shall be considered an alternative means for the collection of wastewaters from residential, commercial and industrial establishments within the Township. Pressure sewers shall not be considered a replacement for a conventional gravity sewer, except where gravity sewers are not feasible. A pressure sewer system may be approved by the Township for construction and use under the following conditions:
712.1.1. Where the proposed building cannot be served by a conventional gravity sewer lateral to an existing gravity system due to the topography, unsuitable subsurface conditions or other conditions.
712.1.2. If the first floor(s) of a building and/or a substantial portion (30%+) of a building can be served by gravity flow to the sanitary sewerage conveyance system, that portion of the building shall be sewered by gravity to minimize the use of pressure sewer systems and pumping flows. Rock excavation and/or additional plumbing/piping costs are not considered enough reason to waive or exempt the partial building gravity sewer service requirement.
712.2. Design Criteria. Criteria for the design of a pressure sewer system, including grinder pump units, or centrifugal pump units, shall be in accord with current standards of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and recommendations of the pump manufacturer. The following requirements shall also apply to the design of pressure sewers:
712.2.1, Piping.
712.2.1.1. Sizing of piping for low-pressure sewers shall be determined according to the projected peak flow and have two-inch minimum diameter for the pressure lateral.
712.2.1.2. Pressure sewer pipe inside diameter shall be sized in accordance with Subsection 712.2 hereof. Minimum required pipe size shall be determined to maintain low frictional losses and a minimum scouring velocity of two feet per second at all points in the piping network. A "C" value of 140 shall be used in the Hazen Williams formula for calculating frictional losses in plastic pipe pressure sewer systems. All piping in pressure sewer systems shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Schedule 40 with solvent weld joints. The pipe shall be pressure rated at 280 psi.
712.2.1.3. Layout and configuration of pressure sewer laterals shall avoid abrupt changes in horizontal alignment; all bends shall be 45° or less and the use of 90° bends is prohibited.
712.2.1.4. A plan view of the entire pressure sewer system shall be prepared to indicate the location and direction of flow for each lateral and the point of discharge to the nearest gravity sewer. Profile drawings shall be provided to show the elevation of all mains and pumps and sufficient information shall be provided to demonstrate the adequacy of the grander and/or centrifugal pumps under design flow and pressure conditions within the system.
712.2.1.5. Cleanouts (details referenced hereinafter) shall be provided at distances not to exceed 400 feet and at the pressure to gravity lateral connection point.
712.2.1.6. Lateral shut off valves shall be provided at distances not to exceed 400 feet. Lateral shut off valves shall be true-union ball valves as specified by the Code Inspector.
712.2.1.7. Combination air and vacuum release valves shall be provided at appropriate locations to prevent formation of air pockets and a vacuum from developing within the system. Combination air and vacuum release valves shall be APCO Series 400 Sewage Air and Vacuum Valves or approved equal. Pressure sewers shall be constructed on a gradual slope approximately parallel with the slope of the ground surface to prevent air binding and flow restrictions.
712.2.1.8. A reducer fitting shall be provided in the pressure sewer lateral for connection of the pressure lateral to the gravity lateral and a four-inch diameter cleanout provided on the gravity lateral at this connection point as indicated on the Typical Pressure Sewer Lateral and House Drain Connection Detail. The length of pressure sewer lateral shall be minimized as much as possible by continuing the four-inch to six-inch gravity lateral into the lot until it cannot meet the minimum forty-two-inch cover requirement. In no case shall the pressure lateral extend beyond the curbline or edge of a Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority easement.
712.2.2, Grinder pump units.
712.2.2.1. The minimum net storage capacity of the sewage collection tank containing the grinder pump shall be 100 gallons for each equivalent dwelling unit. The collection tank shall be adequately sized to accommodate normal peak sewage flows and emergency storage from the volume during an eight-hour power failure. In multi-unit dwellings, commercial and industrial establishments, where the sewage volume generated is substantially larger than for a single-family residence, an emergency drain from the collection tank to a holding tank shall be required for use during an extended power failure longer than eight hours. Duplex pump units shall be provided in all facilities with an estimated average sewage volume greater than 1,000 gallons per day.
712.2.2.2. Check and shutoff valves shall be provided to isolate the grinder pump from the pressurized house drain, lateral and main sewer. Where duplex grinder pumps are installed, separate check and shutoff valves are required for each pump. Check valves shall be approved swing or flapper type. A duplicate check valve shall be installed in the grinder pump discharge piping or in the pressurized house drain at an approved location.
712.2.2.3. A high-level detection device with visual and audible alarms shall be furnished on each wastewater collection tank unit.
712.2.2.4. Grinder pumps shall be capable of reducing the wastewater solid material to such size that the material will pass through the pump, pressurized house drain, lateral and main sewer without clogging or causing a blockage.
712.2.2.5. Grinder pumps and sewage collection tanks shall be installed outside the building and shall be accessible from above ground to permit maintenance and repair and must be designed to allow removal of the pumps without de-watering the collection tank. An exemption to this outside installation requirement may be permitted in the case of an ancillary bathroom facility that requires pumping (such as a second bathroom in a home basement) where the main building facilities have gravity sewage flow service.
712.2.2.6. Grinder pumps shall be free from electrical and fire hazards; evidence of compliance with this requirement shall be indicated by the completely assembled pump being listed by the Underwriters' Laboratories or another national testing service.
712.2.2.7. Grinder pump installations shall meet accepted standards for plumbing equipment, shall be free from noise, odors or health hazards and the pumps shall have been tested by an independent laboratory to certify the capabilities of the equipment to function in pressure sewer system applications. The grinder pump and collection tank, when furnished together as a unit, shall bear the seal of approval of the National Sanitation Foundation as evidence of compliance with this requirement. The manufacturer of the grinder pump unit shall be experienced in the design and manufacture of equipment for specific use in pressure sewer systems. Detailed information published by the grinder pump manufacturer shall be submitted to verify compliance with this requirement.
712.2.3, Centrifugal pumps.
712.2.3.1. As an alternative to using the grinder pump, a centrifugal pump may be approved for use in conjunction with a collection tank of sufficient size to accommodate projected normal peak flows.
712.2.3.1. All conditions applicable to grinder pump units as stated in Subsection 712.2.2 shall also apply to centrifugal pumps.
712.3. Testing of lower-pressure sewer pipe. For normal working pressure of 35 psi or less, the piping shall be tested using static pressure test of 60 psi for two hours.
712.4, Ownership, operation and maintenance. Grinder pumps or centrifugal pumps, including the collection tank, valves, piping and appurtenances, and the pressurized or gravity house drain to the curb, curbline or an easement shall be owned, maintained and operated by the individual, private concern or owner of the property served by the public sewer system. The gravity lateral and mains within the street's cartway up to the curbline or easement shall be owned, operated and maintained by the Township or the Authority unless otherwise determined by the Township or the Authority.
712.5, Construction specification and details. Pressure sewer systems shall be constructed in accordance with the approved specifications and detail drawings of the Township as attached hereto as Drawings 712.5.1, 712.5.2 and 712.5.3. All applicable sections of these specifications for construction of sanitary sewer shall be considered a part hereof.
Subsection 802.1.2, Floor Drains in Food Storage Areas, shall be deleted in its entirety.
Subsection 901.2.1, Venting Required, shall be amended to read as follows:
Every trap and trapped fixture shall be provided with an individual vent located not more than two feet from said trap, except as otherwise provided for in this chapter. Wet vents will be permitted in Whitehall Township only when approved by the Township.
Subsection 903.1, Roof Extension, insert six inches for "number."
Subsection 1002.6, Building Traps, shall be deleted and instead the provisions of the 2015 International Plumbing Code shall apply.
Subsection 1003.1.1, Grease Traps and Grease Interceptors Required, shall be amended to read as follows:
Grease interceptors shall be required in all restaurants, hotel kitchens, bars, factory cafeterias, clubs and other similar establishments. Food waste grinders shall not discharge into the building drainage system through a grease interceptor.
Subsection 1102.4, Building Storm Sewer Pipe, shall be amended to include the following sentence:
"No-Hub pipe shall not be used for any underground installation."
Table 1102.4, Building Storm Sewer Pipe, shall be deleted and instead the provisions of the 2015 International Plumbing Code shall apply.
Subsection 1102.5, Subsoil Drain Pipe, shall be amended to include the following sentence:
"No-Hub pipe shall not be used for any underground installation."
Table 1102.4, Subsoil Drain Pipe, shall be deleted and instead the provisions of the 2015 International Plumbing Code shall apply.
Table 1102.7, Pipe Fittings, shall be deleted and instead the provisions of the 2015 International Plumbing Code shall apply.
The provisions of this article hereby adopted, insofar as they are the same as those ordinances and/or codes in force immediately prior to the enactment of this article, are intended as a continuation of such ordinances and codes, and not as new enactments. Nothing in this article or in the Plumbing Code hereby adopted shall be construed to affect any suit or proceeding pending in any court, or any rights acquired, or liability incurred, or any cause or causes of action acquired or existing, under any act or ordinance repealed hereby, nor shall any just or legal right of remedy of any character be lost, impaired or affected by this article.