The inspectors, agents or representatives of the Town, New York
State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and/or Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) charged with the enforcement of this section
of the law shall be deemed to be performing a governmental function
for the benefit of the general public, and neither the Town, the Town
Engineer, nor the individual inspector, agent or other representative
shall ever be held liable for any loss or damage, whether real or
asserted, caused or alleged to have been caused as a result of the
performance of such governmental function. The owners or occupants
of premises where industrial waste is created or discharged into the
sanitary sewer shall allow the Town Engineer, his inspectors, agents,
representatives, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
(NYSDEC) and/or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) free access
at all reasonable times to all parts of such premises for the purpose
of inspection or sampling or any of their duties hereunder, and the
failure or refusal of such owners or occupants to comply with this
provision shall be grounds for the disconnection of water and/or sanitary
sewer service.