The preliminary plan submission shall be drawn by a professional land surveyor or a professional engineer in accordance with the standard set forth in the "Professional Engineers Registration Law" (P.L. 913, No. 367).[1]
Plan size and scale.
[Amended 11-10-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-3]
The preliminary subdivision or land development plan shall be in the form of a map or series of maps on sheet sizes either 18 inches by 24 inches or 24 inches by 36 inches drawn to one of the following scales:
Tracts of one acre or less shall be drawn at a scale of no less than one inch equals 50 feet.
Tracts of one to 10 acres shall be drawn at a scale of no less than one inch equals 100 feet.
Tracts in excess of 10 acres shall be drawn at a scale of no less than one inch equals 200 feet.
Tracts to be used for commercial, industrial or high-density housing development shall be at a scale of no less than one inch equals 50 feet.
The applicant shall submit the required number of plans to the Township and agencies concerned as provided in submission procedures as adopted by the Township from time to time and available at the Township office.
Preliminary plan information.
The preliminary plan shall show:
The proposed name or identifying title of the project, date of the original submission and of each subsequent revision, written and graphic scale and north point.
The name and address of the subdivider or developer. The name, address, license number, seal, and signature of the registered engineer or registered surveyor who shall have prepared the plan.
The name, address and signature of the owner and the date of the owner's approval of the plan.
A location map showing the proposed project in relation to adjacent properties and existing streets, municipal boundaries, and recorded subdivision plans existing within 1,000 feet of any part of the tract being subdivided. The location map may be at a scale no less than one inch equals 2,000 feet and shall show a title, scale and north point.
The limits and dimensions of the tract to be subdivided or developed. The proposed location and elevation of all boundary line (perimeter) monuments shall be indicated. The total area being subdivided or developed shall be indicated.
Existing contour lines at vertical intervals of two feet for land with average natural slope 4% or less, and at intervals of five feet for land with average slope exceeding 4%. The Planning Commission may also require supplemental plans showing final proposed contours.
Location and elevation of the datum to which contour elevations refer; where practicable, datum used shall be an established U.S.G.S. benchmark.
Certification by the professional engineer or surveyor that the topography shown resulted from an actual survey and the date of that survey.
All existing watercourses, wetlands, floodplains, tree masses or other significant natural features.
All existing buildings, sewers, water mains, culverts, petroleum or petroleum products lines, underground electric and telephone lines, fire hydrants and other significant man-made features.
All existing streets on or adjacent to the tract, including name, right-of-way width and cartway width.
All existing property lines, easements and rights-of-way, and the purpose for which the easements or rights-of-way have been established.
Location and width of all proposed streets, alleys, rights-of-way and easements; proposed lot lines with approximate dimensions and areas of all lots; proposed playgrounds, public buildings, public areas and parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use; proposed street names; proposed watercourses and detention ponds; proposed phasing of land development. However, no final plan will be considered for approval by the Board of Supervisors at the same meeting that the preliminary plan is considered for approval. Any final plan may be submitted for approval to the Board of Supervisors for consideration and approval no earlier than the next available meeting of the Board of Supervisors after the preliminary approval is granted.
Total number of lots, average lot size, density, open space and existing zoning classification.
Names of owners of all adjoining properties and the names of all abutting subdivisions. When adjacent properties are part of a recorded subdivision plan, only the lot number and subdivision name need be shown.
When on-lot sewage systems are proposed, the locations of all soil percolation test sites and probe sites shall be shown.
When on-lot water supply is proposed, the location of all well sites shall be shown.
Location, size and invert elevation of all existing and proposed sanitary sewers, including any and all existing or proposed capped sewer lines and location of all manholes, inlets and culverts.
Location, size and invert elevation of all existing and proposed storm sewers and material of each indicated, and any proposed connections with existing facilities.
Location and size of all existing and proposed water mains.
Where the preliminary plan covers only a part of the subdivider's entire holding, a sketch shall be submitted of the prospective street layout for the remainder.
Block for signatures of the Planning Commission and date of recommendation.
Block for signatures of the Board of Supervisors and date of approval.
Land development plans shall show building locations and parking areas in addition to the above information.
Copies of proposed deed restrictions shall be included with the preliminary plan.
Tax Map and parcel information for the original tract being subdivided or developed.
The existing uniform parcel identifier number for each existing tract or separate lot which is not being created by the plan, including but not limited to the parent tract which is being subdivided.
On the first page of the plan, or, in the event of a plan creating or identifying a large number of lots, at such place on the plan as can be readily located, a table identifying each lot number being created or identified by lot number, with a column identified for the placement of the uniform parcel identifier number for each lot, to be assigned by the Tax Map Office, and a column identified as the street address for each lot, to be assigned by the Township.
Required and achievable sight distance for each proposed driveway or access drive.
[Added 12-9-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-6]
Final topographic contours at vertical intervals of two feet for land with average natural slope of 20% or less, and at intervals of five feet for land with average slope exceeding 20%.
[Added 12-9-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-6]
Required supplemental data.
The preliminary plan shall be accompanied by the following supplemental data where applicable:
Whenever a tract or other parcel of land, or part thereof, proposed for subdivision or land development is located adjacent to a designated floodplain district, a map showing the location of the proposed subdivision or land development with respect to any designated floodplain district including information on the one-hundred-year flood elevations.
Where the subdivision or land development lies partially or completely within any designated floodplain district or where such activities border on any designated floodplain district, the preliminary plan map shall include the following information:
The location and elevation of proposed roads, utilities, and building sites, fills, flood or erosion protection facilities.
The one-hundred-year flood elevations.
Areas subject to special deed restrictions.
Contours at intervals of two feet.
Accurate boundaries of the designated floodplain districts.
Copies of cross-section drawings for all proposed streets showing rights-of-way, cartway widths, location of sidewalks, and planting strips. Copies of profile drawings of all proposed streets showing existing and proposed grade.
[Amended 11-10-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-3]
Copies of plans and profiles of existing and proposed sanitary and storm sewer systems, water distribution systems, and any other pertinent utilities. Such plans shall include grades, pipe sizes and the location of valves and fire hydrants.
[Amended 11-10-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-3]
Results of preliminary percolation tests which shall be conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection and inspected by the Township's Sewage Enforcement Officer.
Whenever a single tract or other parcel of land, or part thereof, is subdivided or developed such that the subdivision or development is subject to the rules and regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act, as amended, the subdivider or land developer shall prepare, for the use of the Township, copies of a formal revision to the municipality’s official sewage facilities plan (Act 537 Plan) and copies of any required supporting data. A plan revision module established by the Department of Environmental Protection and available at the office of the Township shall be used as the format for the formal revision.
[Amended 11-10-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-3]
A preliminary plot plan indicating within the site the location of existing and proposed buildings, lot lines, sewage or sewerage systems, all sources of water supply, such as wells and springs, ponds, streams, and other bodies of water, rights-of-way, streets, roadways, highways, and access routes.
Information relating to the type of water supply and sewage supply provided or to be provided, including soil conditions and limitations for on-lot sewage disposal if applicable.
Information relating to adjacent property, building, sources of water supply, ponds, streams, sewage or sewerage systems, rights-of-way, streets that may have a significant effect on the environmental and sanitary aspects of the proposed subdivision.
Direction to north, direction of slopes, and degree of slope.
Direction and distance of the nearest sewage treatment plant and information as to its present or future accessibility in terms of time, finances and load capacity as well as the sources of this information.
Whenever a single tract or other parcel of land, or part thereof, is subdivided or developed and the subdivision or land development involves a new street, activity in any designated floodplain district, a required stormwater drainage or management plan, earthmoving activity, subdivision consisting of three or more residential lots (this is not to be construed to include large residual lots), any land development on a lot or site in excess of one acre, an erosion and sedimentation plan shall be required.
Such plans shall show, as a minimum, the information required by § 208-51 of this chapter.
Copies of any required erosion and sedimentation plan shall be submitted to the Township.
[Amended 11-10-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-3]
Such plans may be combined with any required stormwater drainage or stormwater management control plan.
Preliminary designs of any bridges or culverts which may be required. Such designs shall meet all applicable requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Where the land included in the subject application has an electric transmission line, a gas pipeline, or a petroleum or petroleum products transmission line located within the tract, the application shall be accompanied by a letter from the owner or lessee of such right-of-way stating any conditions on the use of the land and the minimum building setback or right-of-way lines. This requirement may be satisfied by submitting a copy of any recorded agreement containing such information.
Whenever a single tract or other parcel of land, or part thereof, proposed for subdivision or land development requires stormwater drainage facilities which receive water from drainage areas in excess of 1/2 square mile (320 acres), the subdivider or developer shall prepare a stormwater drainage plan.
Such plans shall show, as a minimum, the information required by § 208-52 of this chapter.
Copies of any required stormwater drainage plan shall be submitted to the Township.
[Amended 11-10-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-3]
Such plans may be combined with any required erosion and sedimentation control plans.
In the event that the plans propose extension of service into the project by any authority or jurisdiction other than the Township, a statement from the applicable authority or jurisdiction regarding the adequacy of such extension shall be submitted.
If water is to be supplied by means other than on-site wells, maintained and operated by individual lot owners, a copy of a certificate of public convenience from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or an application for such, a cooperative agreement or commitment must accompany the plan as evidence that the proposed development will be supplied with an adequate, reliable and safe water supply.
Traffic impact study which identifies the projected impacts of the proposed development on the transportation network and identifies essential transportation improvements or enhancements required on both on-site and off-site. A traffic impact study shall be submitted with preliminary plan for subdivisions and land developments which meet the following criteria:
[Added 12-9-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-6]
Any use involving 20 or more peak hour trips as determined from ITE trip generation:
Whenever the Planning Commission or Township Board of Supervisors shall find that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the existing transportation network may be inadequate to handle the volume of or character of traffic likely to result from the proposed subdivision or land development.
Editor's Note: See now "Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist Registration Law, " 63 P.S. § 148 et seq.
No sooner than 30 days nor later than 60 days after the applicant submits the preliminary plan, the applicant shall submit to PennDOT, where required for final approval of the plan, a highway occupancy permit application, and shall at the same time provide the Township and the York County Planning Commission with a complete copy of that application, together with proof satisfactory to the Township that the applicant has filed that application with PennDOT.
Number of copies.
On or before the last business day of the calendar month prior to the next month's regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission at which initial consideration is desired, the applicant shall submit the required number of preliminary plans and accompanying documentation to the Township and agencies concerned as provided in submission procedures as adopted by the Township from time to time and available at the Township office. The applicant shall submit additional copies of plans and supplemental data as provided in the submission procedures.
[Amended 11-10-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-3]
Additionally, preliminary plans shall be submitted to adjacent municipalities and governmental agencies or authorities that may be affected by the plan.
At a regular or special Planning Commission meeting following receipt of reports from agencies listed above, but in no case later than 60 days from the time of preliminary plan submission, the Planning Commission shall:
Review the applicant's submission.
Review all reports received.
Discuss submission with applicant or applicant's agent.
Evaluate the plan, reports, and discussion.
Determine whether the preliminary plan meets the objectives and requirements of this chapter and other ordinances of the Township.
Determine any required supplemental plans and/or studies, such as traffic impact studies, environmental impact assessment reports, etc.
Either recommend approval, disapproval or conditional approval of the preliminary plan.
Submit its reports to the Board of Township Supervisors. When the Planning Commission recommends disapproval in terms as filed, the decision shall specify the defects found in the application and describe the requirements which have not been met and shall, in each case, cite to the provisions of the ordinance relied upon.
The Township Planning Commission shall transmit the plans and report its decision, comments and/or recommendations in writing to the Board of Township Supervisors.
During the course of the Planning Commission’s review of the preliminary plan and prior to any action by the Board of Township Supervisors within the required 90 day review period, the preliminary plan may be revised by the applicant. The required number of copies of the revised plan shall be submitted which shall note the dates of any and all revisions and a summary of the nature thereof. One of the copies submitted shall be color coded to identify the revisions. Upon submission of a revised preliminary plan, a new ninety-day time period shall commence from the date of the Planning Commission’s meeting next following the filing of the revised preliminary plan; provided, however, should the date of the Planning Commission’s next meeting be more than 30 days from the submission date of the revised preliminary plan, the ninety-day review period shall commence on the 30th day after submission of the revised preliminary plan. If it is determined that the revision(s) are of a substantial nature, the applicant shall resubmit the plan as a new submission subject to all submission procedures and applicable fees for a new submission.
[Amended 11-10-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-3]
Upon review of a subdivision or land development plan, the Township Engineer shall make comments and recommendations, in writing, to the Township Planning Commission and the Board of Township Supervisors.
The Township Engineer shall review the highway occupancy permit application, and shall, within 30 days of its receipt, submit comments to the Township and PennDOT regarding the highway occupancy permit application.
The Board of Township Supervisors shall render its decision and communicate it to the applicant in accordance with the requirements of § 208-20 of this chapter.
The preliminary plan shall not be approved by the Board of Township Supervisors unless and until the applicant has provided the Township with evidence of the filing of a highway occupancy permit application as required in § 208-31B. Any preliminary plan approval by the Board of Township Supervisors which is granted prior to the issuance of a highway occupancy permit by PennDOT shall be conditioned on such approval being given by PennDOT. Any changes which become necessary to the final plan after preliminary plan approval which are as a direct result of modifications caused by the highway occupancy permit application process shall be capable of being implemented in the final plan, notwithstanding the fact that they may cause a variation in the final plan from that of the approved preliminary plan.