[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Quarryville 9-5-1972 by Ord. No. 179. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Park Code."
For the purpose and within the meaning of this chapter, the following definitions shall pertain:
The duly appointed Manager of the Borough or his or her designee.
[Added 10-4-2021 by Ord. No. 445]
Includes parks, park reservations, playgrounds, recreation centers, swimming pools, watershed and all other areas owned or used by the Borough of Quarryville and devoted to active or passive recreation, whether within or without the corporate limits of the Borough of Quarryville.
Includes any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, or association, and any servant, agent, assistant, employee or representative thereof.[1]
Editor's Note: The former definition of "Superintendent of Parks and Public Property, which immediately followed this definition, was repealed 10-4-2021 by Ord. No. 445.
It shall be unlawful for any person to do any of the acts hereinafter described within the limits of any park:
To permit any dog or other animal, except wildlife, to run at large.
To hunt for, shoot at, chase, catch, or intentionally injure or kill, with or without dogs, any bird or animal.
To swim, wade, or bathe at any place except in a public swimming or wading pool.
To engage in any unlawful gaming or throwing stones or missiles.
To discharge within any Borough park or Borough property any firearms, as that term is defined by § 6120(b) of the Pennsylvania Uniform Firearms Act, except for the justifiable use of force as authorized by Chapter 5 of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code.[1] No person shall use or possess within any Borough park or Borough property any bow and arrow, slingshot, air rifle or any other device other than firearms as defined above capable of throwing any projectile of any sort, including the hand throwing of rocks or stones intended to be used as weapons. This section shall not be operative in any specific area now designated or to be designated in the future by the Borough as a rifle range, archery range, or other specific area whose purpose is to allow the activities otherwise prohibited by this section.
[Amended 10-4-2021 by Ord. No. 445]
Editor's Note: See 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq.
To possess, drink or be under the influence of malt or brewed beverages, spirituous liquors or wine.
[Amended 7-7-1975 by Ord. No. 189; 9-5-1978 by Ord. No. 202]
To break, cut, deface, disturb, injure or take any flower, fruit, plant, tree, shrub, bench, building, fence, monuments, or other structure, apparatus or property.
To gather or remove any wood, turf, grass, soil, rock, sand, or gravel.
To injure, deface or destroy any posted or permanently fixed signs or notices.
To smoke in areas where forbidden by signs.
To discard lighted matches, cigars, cigarettes in any wooded area.
To throw or deposit cans, bottles, broken glass, paper or rubbish of any description except in the containers provided for the same.
To discard any refuse, dead animal or offensive matter or substance of any kind.
To make or kindle fire except in picnic stoves or fireplaces provided for that purpose.
To post or erect any bills, notices, or advertising matter of any kind, provided this shall not apply to notices placed by employees of the Borough engaged in the performance of their duties or by permission from the Borough Manager.
[Amended 10-4-2021 by Ord. No. 445]
To sell or offer for sale any merchandise, article or thing whatsoever, provided this shall not apply to authorized concessionaires.
To engage in camping, archery, or any game, sport or foot race except on such grounds or place specially designated for such purpose.
To stand or park any vehicle except at those places designated therefor.
To violate any posted rules for or misuse any picnic court, camp area, playfield, swimming pool or other recreational area.
To operate unlicensed motor vehicles.
To have any musical, theatrical, or other entertainment therein without a permit from the Borough Manager.
[Amended 10-4-2021 by Ord. No. 445]
To operate any vehicle or bicycle at any place other than roadways or special areas designated for operation of such vehicles.
To commit any public nuisance.
To operate snowmobiles, mini-bikes, go-carts, at any place except authorized areas.
To congregate in any area which will hamper the free movement of pedestrians.
To abandon any vehicle within the limits of any park or roads abutting said park.
Closing time. All public parks and playgrounds owned, operated, maintained or supported by the Borough shall be closed at sunset and shall open at sunrise. No person, other than authorized supervisors, police, guards or similar personnel, shall occupy, frequent or use the parks or playgrounds between such hours, except when such parks or playgrounds are being used for special events, entertainments, athletic contests or similar affairs which have been scheduled and are supervised. In such cases, the closing time of the park or playground where such event is being held shall be 1/2 hour after the event has ended, but no later than 12:00 midnight.
[Amended 7-7-1975 by Ord. No. 189; 9-5-1978 by Ord. No. 202]
To possess fireworks or pyrotechnic devices on any Borough property. No person shall discharge or set off any fireworks or pyrotechnic devices on any Borough property. Notwithstanding the forgoing, the Borough may conduct or authorize a fireworks display on Borough property.
[Added 10-4-2021 by Ord. No. 445]
All permits issued by the Borough Manager shall be subject to park rules and regulations and a person to whom such permits may be granted shall be bound by said rules and regulations as fully as though the same were inserted in said permits.
[Amended 10-4-2021 by Ord. No. 445]
Any person or persons to whom such permits may be granted shall be liable for any loss, damage or injury sustained by any person for reason of negligence of the person or persons to whom such permits may be granted, their agents or employees.
It shall be unlawful for permittee to make any alteration to a permit.
[Amended 10-4-2021 by Ord. No. 445]
Any person aggrieved by an act or decision of the Borough Manager may appeal, in writing, within three days thereafter to the Borough Council and pending action by Borough Council, the act or decision of the Borough Manager shall remain in effect.
The security officers may, without warrant, forthwith arrest any offender whom they may detect in the violation of any of the preceding rules and regulations or any Borough ordinance or Act of Assembly, and take the person so arrested forthwith before a magistrate and they shall have, at all times, the right to enter the premises and all other buildings in the parks for the purpose of arresting violators of park rules, and may use all necessary means to obtain that end.
Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding, be sentenced for each violation to pay a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 and costs of prosecution, including the Borough's reasonable attorneys' fees, which fines and penalties may be collected as provided by law. Each day that a violation continues shall be a separate offense, and each section of this chapter which is violated shall be a separate offense.
[Amended 10-4-2021 by Ord. No. 445]
All fines and other money imposed or collected under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid into the Treasury of the Borough of Quarryville.