It is the policy of McLean County to hire the most qualified employees available for all jobs. It is the policy to encourage a career service within the County by promoting present employees to fill vacancies whenever possible.
Appointments and promotions in the County shall be based on merit and fitness and may include competitive examination.
Department heads are responsible for the final selection and filling of authorized positions within the departments. In order to provide control and to ensure that our objective in equal employment opportunity and all personnel system goals are met, the department heads shall notify the County Administrator of their needs to fill a vacancy. Applicants hired for employment with McLean County must meet the minimum qualifications established in the approved job description.
When a vacancy occurs, the department head shall inform the County Administrator's Office of intent to fill said vacancy.
The County Administrator is to prepare a notice of the position vacancy and post that vacancy on the County's online job posting portal.
Department heads are encouraged to consider current County employees and applications on hand before the general public and are required to post job vacancies for a minimum of five days unless extenuating circumstances exist.
The County Administrator will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the procedures defined at Article VI, § 108-75, Transfers and promotions.
All applicants for employment will complete the County employment application.
At the request of the department head, preliminary interviews will be conducted to determine basic eligibility. Items reviewed and procedures undertaken to make this determination include:
Written application.
The approved job description.
Verification of references.
License verification where applicable.
Copies of certificates of training received.
Testing procedures, where necessary, to ascertain the necessary job qualification factors.
Each applicant shall be checked against existing personnel files to determine whether the individual has worked for the County during a prior period.
Applicants will be selected by department heads.
Department heads will either complete an interviewer rubric and indicate reasons why the applicant was accepted or rejected, or at least keep sufficient evidence for decision, such as interview notes.
Pre-employment health examinations shall be conducted to determine physical fitness for the position applied for when said position requires particular physical demands of the candidate. These examinations shall be made after an offer of employment and prior to the end of the evaluation period.
Department heads shall submit a job offer acceptance form to the County Administrator by 12:00 noon on Tuesday of the week preceding the payday.
It will be the responsibility of the County Administrator to maintain the position inventory. To effectively maintain the position inventory and job classification system, the County Administrator shall utilize the following guidelines:
The effective date of terminations as reported to the County Administrator shall be the last day worked.
All budgeted positions will be included in the position inventory.
Vacancies will be filled by the procedures outlined in § 108-17.
All changes to the position inventory and job classification system will follow the procedure outlined in Article V, § 108-60, of this chapter.
It is the policy of McLean County to hire the best qualified employees available for all jobs, and the best hire may be a person who is a relative to one of our current employees. It is necessary that judgment be used in the placing of employees who are related. To avoid suspicions or incidents of favoritism and conflict of interest, the following anti-nepotism policy must be followed: Employees who are related must not be involved in a supervisory/reporting relationship with one another. Employees cannot be part of a hiring committee when a relative is considered for the position. Employees cannot be transferred, promoted, or hired to a position with a reporting relationship with a relative. This policy shall not be applied retroactively but will have an effect on all applicants from the date of adoption of the enforcing ordinance.
Former employees of McLean County may be considered for reemployment with the County under the following conditions:
Satisfactory advance notice was given upon termination.
Termination was voluntary or the result of a layoff, expired temporary position, or expired contract.
The employee's last evaluation was satisfactory.
All newly hired employees will report to their department head for instructions regarding any information required.
The County Administrator will be responsible for assuring the completion of all forms necessary to participate in eligible benefits. This function may be delegated. These benefits include:
Group health insurance.
Group life insurance.
Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF).
State and federal withholding forms.
Any other benefit enrollment approved by the County Board.
The County Administrator or designee will explain the benefits to the employee; in particular coverage and the methods of using the insurance. Additional explanatory material will be provided for the employee's later reference.
The County Administrator's Office will provide material outlining personnel policies.
General orientation is the responsibility of the department head.
The following subjects will be generally covered:
Explanation of department and related County services and offices.
Overview of employee intranet showing location of employee resources, personnel policies and procedures.
Employee benefit program.
Fire, disaster, and safety program.
Explanation of pay periods.
Tour of appropriate County buildings.
Completion of the checklist certifying that all instructions and materials have been explained and understood.
Completion of a County equipment inventory checklist.
The department head or supervisor is responsible for further orientation and training of a new employee.
A person hired or promoted to a position shall complete an initial evaluation period.
The first six months of employment (or the first year of employment with the Sheriff's Department) and the first three months after a transfer/promotion to a new position shall be considered an evaluation period. There is no merit increase at the end of this evaluation period for transferred or promoted general employees.
The evaluation period is a time for the County to determine whether the employee is an appropriate match for the position. It is also a time for the employee to determine if the job is suitable to the employee. A department head or designee has the discretion to extend the evaluation period 30 days.
An employee terminated during the evaluation period or returned to a prior position or comparable position shall have no right to appeal this decision.
(See Article VI, § 108-77.) A vacated position, or a newly created position, may be filled by promotion of an employee from within the department, or by the transfer or promotion of an employee from a position in any other department within County service. Qualifications for the vacant position are determined by the position description for that position. The same standards will be used as for an initial hire.
In keeping with the County's commitment to personnel development, when a vacancy occurs, the department head should consider candidates from within the department.
If no qualified employee is located within the department, the position will be posted as notification for all employees in County's service, as specified at § 108-17.
If the vacancy is filled by promotion, the vacated lower-level position will be posted as notification for all employees in County service who may wish to transfer.
If there are no qualified employees within the department or elsewhere within the County service, an applicant search will be undertaken by the County Administrator as specified in § 108-17.
Current employees may be temporarily assigned to a vacant position outside their class, in accordance with § 108-65B, provided that:
There is no monetary loss to the employee.
The employee will be returned to the previous position within a reasonable time.
In filling certain positions in the General Salary Schedule, it may be necessary to recruit personnel from outside McLean County. When recruiting for professional positions outside of McLean County, potential candidates may be reimbursed for their expenses if the appointing authority finds it necessary, and with the approval of the County Administrator. All standards outlined in § 108-18 will be maintained, and the following procedure will be used.
Travel provisions. Candidates traveling from outside McLean County to interview for positions with any agency of McLean County shall, upon submission of receipts for expenditures incidental to such travel, be reimbursed in the following amounts:
The full amount of the cost of travel by the most convenient and direct commercial carrier; or
The prevailing rate paid to County employees for travel by private automobile for round-trip mileage by the most direct route; and
Meals and other incidental expenses; and
The actual cost of single-occupant lodging when travel extends beyond one day.
Household goods. In cases where accepting a position with McLean County necessitates the movement of household goods, moving costs shall be considered during the selection process, and if negotiated, a maximum amount will be specified. McLean County will directly pay for moving expenses.