It is the policy of McLean County to transfer and promote from within the County whenever possible. Employees are urged to obtain the necessary skills, training, education, professional registration or licenses necessary in order to be eligible candidates for transfer or promotion.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
All positions will be posted in the County Administrator's Office and at other bulletin boards located in County facilities to allow employees the opportunity to apply for the identified jobs. Positions will also be posted initially on the County Intranet, and then on the World Wide Web for public access.
A change of an employee from a position of one grade to a position of a higher grade.
A change by an employee from one position to another position of the same job class or another job class in the same salary range, usually involving the performance of similar duties and requiring essentially the same basic qualifications.
Notification of vacancy. Upon notification by the department head that a vacancy is occurring, the County Administrator shall complete the internal listing of the position.
Criteria for promotion to be considered.
Employees seeking promotion to an open position must also apply at the County Administrator's Office. They may be required to resubmit an application and they will also be interviewed by the hiring authority. In the selection of an employee to fill a higher job, the following will be considered:
Aptitude, skills, ability and past performance, where applicable.
Prior or newly acquired credentials which may qualify the employee for consideration in another classification.
Any change to a higher classification is considered a promotion. It should be indicated as a promotion on the payroll change form.
Evaluation period. All transferred and promoted employees are required to serve a three-month evaluation period. All employees will be paid in accordance with the provisions of the pay plan, § 108-43. All accrued benefit time continues to be available to the employee.
Employee request. An employee may request a demotion, which means a change by an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class with less responsible duties and a lower salary range. The same procedures apply for an employee initiating a demotion as for a request for a transfer or application for promotion.
Demotion by department head. A department head may demote an employee for cause (see Article VIII) or may demote in line with reorganization, reduction in force, or other administrative changes ordered by the County Board. Such employee demotions may be on the basis of work performance or on the basis of seniority depending upon the recommendation of the County Administrator.
Reduction in force. An employee may be demoted from a position in one class to a position in another class with less-responsible duties and a lower salary range if the employee's current position will be reduced in force. If the employee's salary in their current position is below the maximum salary of the new lower class position, then the employee shall transfer to the new lower class position at the same salary as the employee is earning in their current position. If the employee's salary is above the maximum salary of the new lower class position, than they shall transfer to the new lower class position at a salary level equal to the maximum salary of the new lower class position.
Purpose. A formal performance evaluation system will be approved by the County Board in order to:
Maintain or improve each employee's job satisfaction and morale by indicating that his or her work supervisor is interested in his or her job progress and personal development.
Serve as a systematic guide for department heads in planning each employee's future training.
Assure considered assessment of an employee's performance rather than a quick and unreliable judgment.
Assist in determining and recording special talents, skills and capabilities that might otherwise not be noticed or recognized.
Assist in planning personnel moves and placements that will best utilize each employee's capabilities.
Provide an opportunity for each employee to discuss job problems and interests with the employee's work supervisors.
Assemble substantiating data for use as a guide for purposes such as salary adjustments, promotions, transfers and disciplinary actions.
Schedule. Department heads will prepare a schedule for the conduct of performance evaluations of employees in their departments. The schedule is for the department head's convenience, but employees should be evaluated as follows:
Employees during an evaluation period: at least one week prior to completion of their evaluation period.
Full-time and part-time employees: in all salary schedules, at any time deemed appropriate by the department head, but at least once a year and prior to annual salary review. The evaluation becomes part of any salary adjustment request.
Appointed department heads: at least once a year. These evaluations will be performed by the County Administrator.
Retention of evaluation in file. A copy of all evaluations accomplished shall be retained within the department and kept in the employee's file. The appropriate person from the County Administrator's Office shall have access to such evaluations, with notice, to determine that such records are being maintained. The State's Attorney, in the event of litigation arising from an employment matter, may request specific employee evaluations. The County Board requires the submission of the overall weighted rating, by employee, to the County Administrator's Office. The employees shall receive a completed copy of their own evaluation.
Performance level definitions.
Consistently Exceeds Performance Requirements
Consistently exceeds performance standards; employee's contribution consistently contributes to the success of the organization. Documentation is required for this score.
Exceeds Performance Requirements
Exceeds performance requirements; employee has achieved effective results and has also exceeded some performance standards for this position.
Meets Performance Requirements
Performance is competent and professional; employee is familiar with the duties assigned and achieves the expected results for this position.
Meets Minimal Performance Standards
Performance is not quite satisfactory in most respects; employee has not fully mastered the duties assigned and occasionally is inconsistent in achieving the expected results for this position.
Fails to Meet Performance Standards
Performance is unsatisfactory; employee has not mastered the duties assigned and performs consistently below the expectations for this position. Documentation is required for this score.
Training. Training in the use of the approved evaluation instrument is an administrative support staff function. A clear manual of instructions will be provided and instructional meetings will be scheduled for all department heads and first line supervisors. Such training will be repeated from time to time as a need may arise. It is the responsibility of the department heads to assure that, as part of their basic introduction to responsibilities, new and/or newly promoted supervisors become familiar with the manual.