The Township Engineer or his representative shall inspect all phases of the installation of the permanent BMPs and/or stormwater management facilities as deemed appropriate by the Township Engineer. Additional inspections will be required to ensure that erosion and sediment control measures have been installed and are functioning per the approved E&SC plan.
During any stage of the project, if the Township Engineer or his designee determines that the permanent BMPs and/or stormwater management facilities are not being installed in accordance with the approved erosion and sediment control and/or stormwater management plan, the Township may revoke any existing permits or other approvals and issue a cease and desist order, as specified in this chapter, until the deficiencies are corrected and approved by the Engineer.
A final inspection of all BMPs and/or stormwater management facilities shall be conducted by the Township Engineer or his representative to confirm compliance with the approved drainage plan prior to the issuance of any occupancy permit.
Prior to final inspection, as-built plans of all stormwater management facilities including, but not limited to, the site grading and other related physical improvements shall be submitted certifying that the facilities are built and conform to the approved design. As-built plans shall be submitted to the Township Engineer for review prior to the issuance of the use and occupancy permit.
For all permanent stormwater management facilities approved as part of a plan approved by the Township, the applicant and/or property owner shall be responsible for implementing routine and emergency inspections, as defined within the applicant's stormwater management operation and maintenance plan submitted along with the stormwater management plan.