[Amended 8-16-2005; 2-17-2015; 5-16-2024]
It shall be unlawful for any licensee to permit any person to consume alcoholic beverages on a Class C licensed premises at any time, or on Class A, B, E, F, or G licensed premises except during the hours when the license permits the sale of alcoholic beverages on such premises or outdoor gardens.
[Amended 8-16-2005; 10-18-2011]
It shall be unlawful on any licensed premises to sell or offer for sale at retail or allow the consumption of any alcoholic beverages on any day of the week except between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 1:00 a.m. the following day.
Class G license: An outdoor garden's hours shall be the same as the hours for the Class A or B license that is associated with the Class G license holder.
On December 31, it shall be unlawful on any licensed premises to sell, offer for sale at retail or allow the consumption of any alcoholic beverage except between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. New Year's Day.
Every licensee shall cause his license or licenses to be framed and displayed in plain view in a conspicuous place on the licensed premises.
[Amended 2-17-2015]
All premises used for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, and shall be kept in full compliance with the laws of the State of Illinois and the applicable ordinances of this County regulating the condition of premises used for the storage or sale of food for human consumption, as provided in Chapter 216, Food Service.
All employees shall meet any applicable requirements of Chapter 216, Food Service, referred to in § 160-31 herein.
No licensee shall sell, give or deliver alcoholic beverages to any person under the age provided by the law of the State of Illinois for purchasing or possessing alcoholic beverages, or to any intoxicated or disorderly person, or to any person known to him to be a habitual drunkard.
[Added 6-17-1986; amended 8-16-2005]
It shall be unlawful for any person to carry any alcoholic beverages in any unsealed or opened container from the premises or outdoor garden where such alcoholic beverage was purchased.
It shall be unlawful for any licensee or person acting as agent, servant, or employee of such licensee to knowingly permit any patron to carry any alcoholic beverages in an unsealed or opened container from the premises or outdoor garden of said licensee.
[Added 6-17-1986; amended 8-16-2005]
Each licensee and each of his agents, servants, and employees shall promptly report to the McLean County Sheriff's Department any outbreak of any fights, riots, or disturbances of the peace occurring on or about the premises or outdoor garden which in the licensee's knowledge or opinion constitutes the commission of a crime as prohibited by the laws of the State of Illinois, and/or the United States and/or this chapter and shall truthfully and fully answer all questions and fully cooperate in any investigation by any member of the McLean County Sheriff's Department who makes inquiry of any persons on or about the premises or outdoor garden.
[Added 7-17-1990; amended 8-16-2005]
It shall be unlawful for any licensee or person acting as agent, servant or employee of such licensee to knowingly deliver any sealed or unsealed, or any unopened or opened containers of any alcoholic beverage at or through any non-outdoor garden walk-up windows, doors, or openings located on or attached to the premises. It shall also be unlawful for any licensee or person acting as agent, servant or employee of such licensee to knowingly deliver any sealed or unsealed, or any unopened or opened containers of any alcoholic beverage at or through any drive-up windows or doors, or openings located on or attached to the premises or outdoor garden.