There shall be a Borough Clerk who shall be appointed by the Mayor and Council and serve as Clerk of the Council. The Borough Clerk shall prior to appointment have been qualified by training and experience to perform the duties of the office. The Borough Clerk shall devote full time to the duties of the office. The Borough Clerk shall serve until appointment or qualification of a successor.
The Mayor with the advice and consent of Council shall appoint a Deputy Borough Clerk, whose term shall be from January 1 until December 31 of each year. The salary shall be determined by formal actions of the Council. The powers, duties and responsibilities of the Deputy Borough Clerk shall be as follows:
The Deputy Borough Clerk shall be under the immediate supervision of the Borough Clerk and shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of the Borough Clerk during such times and for such specific periods as the Borough Clerk shall be absent together with any other duties assigned by the Borough Clerk or required by any ordinance of the Borough of Eatontown.
The Deputy Borough Clerk shall, in the absence of the Borough Clerk, have the right and power to execute all documents required by law or ordinance to be executed by the Borough Clerk and affix the Seal of the Borough thereto whenever required. In signing any documents, the Deputy Borough Clerk shall sign the name of the Borough Clerk, followed by the word "by" and the Deputy Borough Clerk's own name and the words "Deputy Borough Clerk" and shall have the right, in connection with such documents, to affix the Seal of the Borough.
In the event that the office of the Deputy Borough Clerk shall become vacant during the term, the same shall be filled by appointment of the Mayor and Council.
The Borough Clerk or, during the absence or disability of the Borough Clerk, the Deputy Borough Clerk shall have but not be limited to the following powers and duties:
Act as Secretary of the Municipal Corporation and custodian of the Municipal Seal and of all the minutes, books, deeds, bonds, contracts and archival records of the Municipal Corporation, except those records that the Council may provide, by ordinance, that any other officer shall have the custody of, or any other specific class of records.
As the Secretary of the Council, prepare meeting agendas at the discretion of the Council, be present at all meetings of the Council, keep a journal of the proceedings of every meeting, retain the original copies of all ordinances and resolutions and record the minutes of every meeting.
Serve as the Chief Administrative Officer in all elections held in the municipality, subject to the requirements of Title 19 of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated.
Serve as the Chief Registrar of the voters in the Borough, subject to the requirements of Title 19 of the Revised Statutes.
Serve as the Administrative Officer responsible for the acceptance of applications for licenses and permits and the issuance of licenses and permits, except where statute or municipal ordinance has delegated that responsibility to some other municipal officer.
Serve as coordinator and records manager responsible for implementing local archives and records retention programs as mandated pursuant to Title 47 of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated.
Perform such other duties as are now hereafter imposed by statute, regulation or by municipal ordinance or regulation.
Publish ordinances as required by law and file in his or her office the requisite proofs of such publication.
Number all ordinances and resolutions consecutively. At the close of each year, with the advice and assistance of the Borough Attorney, the Borough Clerk shall bind, compile or codify all ordinances and resolutions or true copies thereof of the municipality that then remain in force and effect or if the Borough has contracted out for that purpose coordinate the actions of the outside contractor. The Borough Clerk shall also properly index the record books, compilations or codification of ordinances and resolutions or coordinate such actions by an outside contractor designated by the Borough Council.
The Borough Clerk shall issue and deliver all notices of meetings required to be given to the Mayor and Council.
The aforesaid chapter and prior and subsequent chapters that have established the organization of the departments of the Borough of Eatontown shall be set forth more fully in the chart attached to this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: The chart is located at the end of this chapter.