The Code Enforcement Official shall keep permanent official records of all transactions and activities conducted by him, including all applications received, plans approved, permits and certificates issued, fees charged and collected, inspection reports, all rules and regulations promulgated by the municipality and notices and orders issued. All such reports shall be public information open to public inspection during normal business hours.
The Code Enforcement Official shall submit to the Mayor and Village Board a written report of all business conducted. Said report is to be submitted on a monthly basis or any periodic basis that the Mayor or Board of Trustees deems proper.
Any owner or authorized representative of a building or premises affected by the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code or this chapter may appeal the following actions to the appropriate New York State Regional Board of Review:
The application of the code where practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship may result.
Any order or determination, or the failure within a reasonable time to make such order or determination, by an administrative official charged with the enforcement of, or purporting to enforce, the code.
An appeal to the Regional Board of Review shall be in writing, on forms prescribed by the Secretary of State, and accompanied by a fee determined by the state.