[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Fort Edward as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 6-4-2018 by L.L. No. 2-2018]
The Village of Fort Edward (the "Village"), pursuant to General Municipal Law § 22, has the authority to make claims against fire insurance policy proceeds for liens for taxes, special ad valorem levies, special assessments and municipal charges and debts incurred by the Village for properties impacted by fire. After due deliberation, the Board of Trustees finds that it is necessary to adopt such a local law to be made whole for certain instances where debt is incurred by the Village for maintaining such properties. It is further declared that if left unregulated the municipality and its taxpayers would be prejudiced by the lack such a regulation, necessitating the regulation thereof. The Board of Trustees finds that adoption of such a local law is necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public in the Village.
This article shall be known as "A Local Law Regulating Fire Insurance Claims." It is adopted pursuant to § 10 of the Municipal Home Rule Law.
As used in this article, any inconsistent provisions of law notwithstanding, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Any unpaid tax, special ad valorem levy, special assessment or other charge imposed upon real property by or on behalf of the Village or special district which is an encumbrance on real property and which has remained undischarged for a period of one year or more.
The Mayor for the Village of Fort Edward.
Any property upon which there is erected any residential, commercial or industrial building or structure.
A lien upon fire insurance proceeds pursuant to this article and § 22 of the General Municipal Law and § 331 of the Insurance Law, and any amendments thereto.
The Mayor shall file a notice of intention to claim against the proceeds of fire insurance policies with the State Superintendent of Insurance for entry in the Index of Tax Districts in accordance with § 22 of the General Municipal Law, the New York State Insurance Law and all rules and regulations promulgated by the New York State Department of Insurance with respect to this procedure.
Prior to the payment of any proceeds of a policy of insurance for damages caused by fire to real property, which policy insures the interest of an owner and is issued on real property located within the Village, and following notification to the Village by an insurer of the filing of a claim for payment of such proceeds, the Village, by way of the Mayor, shall claim, by serving a certificate of lien, against such proceeds to the extent of any lien, including interest and penalties to the date of the claim, thereon, which claims, when made and perfected in the manner provided for in § 22 of the General Municipal Law and § 331(a) of the Insurance Law, and any amendments thereto, shall constitute a special lien against such proceeds and shall, as to such proceeds, be prior to all other liens and claims except the claim of a mortgagee of record named in such policy. Notice of the service of the certificate of the special lien shall be given to the insured by certified mail.
The provisions of this article shall not be deemed or construed to alter or impair the right of the Village to acquire or enforce any lien against property but shall be in addition to any other power provided by law to acquire or enforce such right.
Whenever the proceeds of a policy of fire insurance which will be or have been paid to the Village instead of an insured, all or part of such proceeds may be paid or released to the insured if the insured satisfies the Mayor that the affected premises have been or will be repaired or restored, that such repairs or restoration are in the public interest and that the insured is issued and complies with an agreement entered into pursuant to this article. To secure such payment or release of proceeds, the insured must notify the office of the Mayor within 45 days after the mailing to the insured of a notice of the service of the certificate of special lien, pursuant to § 190-5, of this article; of the intention to restore or repair the affected premises and must file with the Mayor a completed application with all required supporting documentation, pursuant to § 190-8, within 60 days thereafter, unless the Mayor grants an extension for a stated period of time.
The release or return to the insured of any amounts to which he or it would otherwise be entitled to claim shall be subject to the following conditions:
Such release or return shall be subject to the repair or restoration of the affected premises, in accordance with applicable building laws, to the condition it was in prior to the time the lien of the Village arose or to any improved conditions.
The insured shall file with the Mayor an application, in affidavit form, with such supporting documentation as the Mayor shall require, containing the following:
A complete description of the nature and extent of the damage to the insured premises and of the condition of the premises prior to the time the lien of the Village arose.
A complete description of the nature of the repairs or restoration to be undertaken and the cost thereof.
A statement as to the source of funds needed to complete such repairs or restoration if the insurance proceeds are not sufficient therefor.
The name and address of each contractor who will effect such repairs or restoration.
An estimated time schedule showing how long the repairs or restoration, and each phase thereof, will take.
Such other information as may be required by the Mayor to enable him to determine whether the repairs or restoration are in the public interest and will be or have been timely and properly made.
Upon preliminary approval of an application by the Mayor and the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer, the Mayor may enter into a written agreement with the insured, which shall set forth the terms and conditions for the release and return of all or part of the proceeds, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to enter into such agreement on behalf of the Village.
The repairs or restoration required by the Mayor shall be completed in compliance with the terms and conditions of the agreement prior to the release or return of any part of the insurance proceeds; provided, however, that the Mayor may, upon the written request of the insured and in its sole discretion, approve a prior release of such proceeds or a portion thereof in a lump sum or in installments, where the insured certifies and demonstrates that such release is required to permit such repairs or restoration to go forward. Any such insurance proceeds released or returned prior to the completion of the repairs or restoration required by the Mayor may be paid directly to the contractor or contractors responsible for making such repairs or restoration. Such payment shall, to the extent thereof, release the Mayor from further liability to the insured.
Whenever the Mayor releases the entire amount of the proceeds prior to compliance with the terms and conditions of the agreement, the insured shall post an undertaking in an amount sufficient to assume the restoration or improvement of the property.
If the insured fails to notify the Village of its intention to repair or restore the affected premises, as required in § 190-7, or fails to file a completed application pursuant to this article or fails to enter an agreement with the Mayor or comply therewith within the time set forth, the right of the insured to assert a claim against the insurance proceeds, except to the extent it exceeds the amount of the lien, shall terminate.
There shall be established in the office of the Mayor a fund for the deposit of fire insurance proceeds to be held and applied in accordance with this article. Such funds shall not be held together with the general tax levies in the general fund.
Until such termination, any insurance proceeds received by the Village shall be deposited in a special fund and shall be retained therein. Upon termination of the insured's right to claim against the proceeds, the proceeds and any interest accrued thereon shall be applied to the liens affecting the premises in a manner to be determined by the Mayor and may be transferred to the general fund.
The lien or liens against the affected premises upon which the special lien against proceeds is based shall continue in full force and effect, except to the extent that such lien or liens are or have been paid.
Any agreement entered into by the Mayor pursuant to this article shall be for the purpose of preserving and evidencing the right of release of the special lien created by this article and shall be subject solely to the provisions of this article. Any repair or restoration performed in anticipation of a release of insurance proceeds shall not be deemed to be a public work or Village project nor to have been done pursuant to a Village contract.
The Mayor shall be empowered to promulgate rules and regulations and to adopt approved forms to be used by applicants.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or part of this article or the application thereof to any person, individual, corporation, firm, partnership, entity, or circumstance shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional, such order or judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or part of this article, or in its application to the person, individual, corporation, firm, partnership, entity, or circumstance directly involved in the controversy in which such order or judgment shall be rendered.