A use shall be deemed prohibited within a land use district unless it is listed as a permitted use or as use allowed by special use permit within that district.
The following apply to all districts:
Where a lot has frontage on two or more streets, all boundaries of said lot fronting on a street shall be considered front yards for purposes of setbacks and location of structures or accessory structures.
When establishing measurements to meet required setbacks, measurements shall be taken from the street right-of-way or lot line to the furthermost protruding part of the use or structure. This shall include such projecting facilities as porches, carports and attached garages.
"In line with neighboring structures" shall mean that a building is located at the average setback of buildings on any adjoining lots on either side. Lots located across a street shall not be considered to be adjoining lots for purpose of this determination.
The height limitations of this chapter shall apply to all structures except church steeples, residential chimneys, antennas, flagpoles and transmission poles and cables.
No building shall be erected, altered, extended, constructed or reconstructed which is intended, designed or arranged to be used in whole or in part except for one or more of the purposes, and no land shall be used except for one of the purposes set forth for the particular district on Table 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof.[1]
No improvement shall be constructed, enlarged, replaced or modified except in conformance with the dimensional limits set forth in Table 2 attached hereto and made a part hereof.[2]
No single-family residence shall be used for the rental of rooms to independent and unrelated persons.
In the R-1 District, the following supplemental regulations shall apply.
In the R-1 District, the following accessory uses shall be permitted, provided that they are used only as a secondary use to a primary permitted use provided for in § 350-4-2A above:
One-story attached or detached garage. If detached, the garage shall be located behind the front of the house measured by a line parallel to the immediate front of the house and extending to both side lines of the lot on which the house is located.
Pools, provided that pools may only be located behind a house measured by a line parallel to the back of the house and extending to both side lines of the lot on which the house is located.
Any single-family residence, with or without an office, discussed in this section constructed on or after the effective date hereof shall include in the case of single-family residences, adequate off-street parking for two automobiles, and in the case of offices, adequate off-street parking for such spaces as may be determined necessary by the Planning Board, but in no event shall it be less than two.
In the R-2 District, the following supplemental regulations shall apply.
One-family manufactured homes are permitted with the following restrictions:
Current regulations for new lots and setbacks will apply.
There will be a minimum of 960 square feet of living space, and the minimum width of the home will be 24 feet.
Must be positioned to have the front of the home facing the street.
Must have minimum 3/12 roof pitch with type of shingle commonly used in standard residential construction and shall have a minimum rating of 30 psf snow load.
Exterior siding must be similar to siding commonly used in standard residential construction.
All towing devices, wheels, axle springs and hitches must be removed within 60 days of arrival on lot.
Home must be fastened to a foundation or slab. There shall be a weatherproof access opening to the crawl space and the walls must be constructed of a masonry product (no vinyl skirting) extending from the foundation or slab to the bottom of the unit.
Must be installed in accordance with ANSI Standard 225.1 regarding manufactured home installation.
Must meet or exceed New York State Building Codes regarding manufactured homes and Department of Housing and Urban Development standards.
All placement and installation of manufactured homes shall be approved by the Building Inspector.
[Amended 7-5-2017 by L.L. No. 3-2017]
In the C-1 District, the following supplemental regulations shall apply.
Supplemental regulations in the C-1 District.
In the C-1 District, no residential uses or occupancy shall be permitted in any commercial or mixed use building on the ground floor thereof.
For motel uses in the C-1 District, the following additional requirements shall be met:
A minimum of one parking space per motel unit and 1.5 spaces per employee shall be required.
In the C-1 District, the following supplemental limitations apply to residential uses in said district:
No existing single-family dwelling may be converted to a multifamily dwelling, including a duplex.
Residential uses in mixed commercial-residential buildings shall be permitted above the ground floor with the ground floor considered as street level for purposes of this limitation.
Existing multifamily dwellings may be continued but may not be enlarged to include any other residential space except for conversions where the ground floor will be converted to commercial space with the floor(s) above the ground floor remaining residential. The ground floor is considered as street level for purposes of this limitation.
In the HC District, the following supplemental regulations shall apply.
Supplemental regulations in the HC District.
In the MC district, the following supplemental regulations shall apply.
Supplemental regulations in the MC District.
No marina shall be used for the importation, transportation or storage of garbage, waste products, junk or hazardous waste into the Village, excepting that refuse produced at the marina in the normal course of business.
Prior to construction in the Marina Zone, the owners shall prepare a study, which shall review and address the potential impacts upon the historical and archeological value of the land. The New York State Department of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation shall be named as an interested agency in the process of reviewing the study.
In the DD District, the following supplemental regulations shall apply.
Supplemental regulations in the DD District.
In the DI district, the following supplemental regulations shall apply.
Supplemental regulations in the DI District.
In the IP district, the following supplemental regulations shall apply.
Supplemental regulations in the IP District.