[Adopted 6-3-2008 by Ord, No. 175-08]
It shall be the duty of the owners of every property located in Jackson Township, York County, Pennsylvania, to do the following:
To keep all public street cartways (paved area) and public sidewalks/pedestrian paths free from obstructions such as fallen trees and/or branches, recreational equipment, trailers that are not hitched to properly licensed and inspected tow vehicles, and motor vehicles that are not currently licensed or inspected.
To keep all trees on or in front of their property, with branches extending over the cartway (paved area) of any public road or street, trimmed or cut and kept trimmed or cut, such branches and limbs thereof so extending, so as to maintain a clearance of at least 16 feet above the cartway.
To keep all trees on such property with branches extending over any public sidewalk or pedestrian path trimmed or cut and kept trimmed or cut, such branches and limbs thereof so extending, so as to maintain a clearance of at least eight feet above the sidewalk or path.
To keep all trees, shrubs, hedges or other vegetation trimmed or cut and kept trimmed or cut so as not to obstruct the vision of motorists on any public street bordering such property.
To keep all trees, shrubs, hedges or other vegetation trimmed or cut at all intersection of streets, private roads and/or access drives in order to maintain clear sight distances.
Any officer or employee of Jackson Township is hereby authorized to give notice, by personal service or by United States Postal Service mail, to the property owner, as the case may be, of any violation of the provisions of this article, directing said owner to correct or conform to the requirements of this article within 10 days after the service of said notice by personal service or the mailing of said notice by United States Postal Service mail.
In the event that the owner shall neglect, fail or refuse to comply with such notice within the period of time stated therein, the Township may remove obstructing objects and/or trim obstructing trees, branches, shrubs, hedges or other vegetation; and the cost thereof, together with any additional penalties authorized by law, may be collected from the owner by the filing of a municipal lien or by an action in assumpsit or in any other manner provided by law for the enforcement and collection of municipal claims.
Any person violating any provision of § 109-15 of this article shall be guilty of a summary offense and shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $50 and not more than $600, and costs of prosecution, and, in default of payment thereof, shall be imprisoned in the York County jail for a period not exceeding 30 days. Each day that such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.