This article contains provisions setting forth minimum requirements for the design, construction, alteration and expansion of mobile home parks (including manufactured home parks) and related facilities.
In accordance with Articles I and V of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code,[1] the following regulations are established to promote the safe use, efficient design, amenity, and coordination of mobile home parks in Schuylkill Township.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. §§ 10101 et seq., and 10501 et seq., respectively.
The provisions of this article shall apply to all mobile home parks to be constructed, expanded, or added in the Township.
Notwithstanding other sections in this chapter, the provisions of §§ 320-44 and 320-56 of this article shall apply to single mobile homes constructed on lots held in single and separate ownership, provided they do not abut any other lot containing a mobile home. When two or more mobile homes abut, the remaining provisions of this article shall apply. In addition, single mobile homes constructed on lots held in single and separate ownership shall meet all other applicable provisions of this chapter.
The provisions of this article shall supersede minimum provisions found in other parts of this chapter.
No part of any mobile home park shall be used for nonresidential purposes, except for approved accessory uses that are required for the direct servicing and amenity of the mobile home or mobile home park's residents and for the management and maintenance of the park.
Any mobile home park or manufactured home park shall be in total compliance with the provisions of Chapter 370, Zoning, with respect to Flood Hazard and Wetland District regulations and shall be in full compliance with Chapter 186, Flood Damage Prevention, of the Code of the Township of Schuylkill, with respect to design, construction, and floodplain management.
[Added 11-20-1996; amended 1-7-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-01]
Effective screening, as defined in Chapter 370, Zoning, shall be placed along property boundary lines except where driveways access public roadways.
An enclosure of compatible design and material shall be erected around the entire base of each mobile home. Such enclosure shall provide sufficient ventilation to inhibit decay and deterioration of the structure.
All lots shall provide a pad area of not less than 800 square feet and constructed either of crushed stone or concrete.
Each mobile home site shall be graded to a slope of not more than 1.0%.
A vehicular access roadway shall be provided from abutting public streets and shall provide access to each mobile home lot and all common facilities.
Street construction and design requirements.
Streets. Except as provided herein, all streets shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications applicable to streets in conventional residential developments, as specified in Article V of this chapter.
A street plan shall be provided with the land development plan.
Notwithstanding provisions in this chapter to the contrary, cartways shall not be less than 24 feet in width (12 feet for each travel lane), and shall not include parking lanes.
On-street parking is prohibited. All parking shall be located in designated off-street areas.
Off-street parking areas.
Off-street parking spaces shall be provided according to the provisions of Chapter 370, Zoning. In addition to the off-street parking required in Chapter 370, Zoning, supplemental off-street parking areas designated for use by park occupants and guests shall be provided at a rate of not less than one space for every two lots.
No common off-street parking area shall be located less than 25 feet from any mobile home lot and shall be screened in areas which abut home lots.
Mobile home parks shall provide sidewalks with widths which relate to the amount of anticipated usage. Notwithstanding provisions in § 320-24 of this chapter to the contrary, sidewalks shall be constructed to the following minimum standards:
General requirements. All parks shall contain individual pedestrian walkways which extend between pads to park streets, street walkways along at least one side of all park streets, and community walkways from street sidewalks to community buildings. All accessways shall be constructed of concrete or similar material. All walkways shall be constructed so as to be safe and convenient to use.
Individual walkways. Individual walkways leading from pads to street walkways shall have a minimum width of two feet.
Street walkways. Walkways along streets shall have a minimum width of three feet.
Community walkways. Walkways leading from street walkways to community buildings shall have a minimum width of not less than 3 1/2 feet.
A subdivision plan or land development plan for all mobile home parks shall be submitted to the Township Supervisors for approval prior to the construction of any such park. In addition to the information required to be provided in §§ 320-18 and 320-19 of this chapter, the following shall be provided as part of any application for approval:
A plan, containing the information required in §§ 320-18 and 320-19 of this chapter as well as the following:
Number of lots.
Total acreage.
Number of lots per net acre.
Zoning district and bulk and lot regulations, as required and as provided.
Number of off-street parking spaces.
Locations of all existing trees over six inches DBH.
The location and capacity of all firefighting equipment serving the site.
Plans and locations of trash and garbage collection facilities serving the site.
Pads shall be oriented such that not more than two dwellings (long sides) shall be on any one plane.
Pads shall be oriented on angles of not less than 40° nor more than 60° to internal streets.
[Amended 1-7-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-01]
All water facilities shall be subject to the applicable provisions of the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code, as adopted by the Township Supervisors.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 140, Construction Codes, Uniform.
[Amended 1-7-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-01]
All sewage facilities shall be subject to the applicable provisions of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, the Chester County Health Department, and the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code, as adopted by the Township Supervisors.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 140, Construction Codes, Uniform, and Ch. 280, Sewers.
[Amended 1-7-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-01]
All electrical facilities shall be subject to the applicable provisions of the National Electrical Code or the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code, as adopted by the Township Supervisors.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 140, Construction Codes, Uniform.
The provisions of § 320-30 of this chapter shall apply to all mobile home parks.
The provisions of § 320-38 of this chapter shall apply to all mobile home parks.
The requirements of this article shall apply to service buildings, recreational buildings and other common service facilities such as:
Management offices, repair shops and storage areas;
Laundry facilities;
Indoor recreation areas;
Commercial uses supplying essential goods or services for the exclusive use of park occupants.
Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided and maintained in public service buildings under park control, and a sufficient number shall be maintained throughout the park in readily accessible and well marked positions, as required by the Pennsylvania and County Fire Marshals and the Fire Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 140, Construction Codes, Uniform, § 140-3A(3).
Hydrants and fire suppression facilities shall be installed and maintained subject to the rules and regulations of the Schuylkill Township Fire Code,[2] the County Fire Marshall, and applicable regulations of the Pennsylvania State Fire Marshal.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 140, Construction Codes, Uniform, § 140-3A(3).
A recreation area shall be constructed and maintained within the park for the use of all park residents, according to the provisions of § 320-27 of this chapter.
No mobile home, whether installed on a single lot or in a mobile home park, shall be removed from the Township of Schuylkill without first obtaining a permit from the Township Tax Collector, as required by Act No. 54, 1969, of the Pennsylvania General Assembly.[1]
Editor's Note: See 72 P.S. § 5020-407.
All mobile homes erected and maintained as single-family dwellings outside a mobile home park shall conform with the following:
The lot upon which the mobile home is installed shall conform to the minimum lot size requirement of the applicable zoning district.
The mobile home shall meet all front yard, side yard and rear yard set back lines applicable to single-family dwellings in that district.
The mobile home shall be installed upon, and securely fastened to, a foundation or footer which extends below the frost line, and in no event shall be erected on jacks, loose blocks, or with other temporary materials.
The area between the surrounding grade and the bottom of the mobile home shall be enclosed with materials which are computable with the materials used in the mobile home. The enclosure shall resist decay and deterioration of the structure.
The mobile home shall be connected to public water and sewer systems, if available. If not available, the owner shall provide a potable water supply and shall provide a septic system that shall meet the standards of the Chester County Health Department and/or the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
The tract shall be seeded, landscaped and planted with shrubs to prevent erosion and stabilize the ground surface.
All garages, utility sheds, or other out buildings shall conform to the standards applicable to such structures as contained in Chapter 370, Zoning.
All mobile homes shall meet the specifications for mobile homes in the United States Standards Institutes Standards for Mobile Homes, USA Standard A 119.1-1969, NFPA No. 501B-1968, and any subsequent modification or amendment.
No mobile home shall be erected on a single lot unless a building permit is first obtained in accordance with Chapter 370, Zoning.
Any single mobile home or manufactured home shall comply with all provisions of Chapter 370, Zoning, as amended, with respect to Flood Hazard and Wetland District requirements and shall be in compliance with Chapter 186, Flood Damage Prevention, of the Code of the Township of Schuylkill, regarding floodplain construction and floodplain management requirements.
[Added 11-20-1996; amended 1-7-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-01]