In addition to the purposes expressed in § 370-2 and the community development objectives of § 370-5 of this chapter, it is the purpose of this district to provide for the development of research facilities and small industrial plants which emit no objectionable fumes or smoke and which will not cause a large increase in vehicular traffic, particularly large truck traffic, and where adequate off-street parking shall be provided. This district is located in the outer areas of residential areas and near nonresidential areas, so that conflicts with residential areas will be minimized.
[Amended 10-2-2002 by Ord. No. 02-09; 2-1-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-01; 5-2-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-02; 12-7-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-11]
A building may be erected or used, and a lot may be used or occupied, for any one of the following purposes and no other, except as otherwise provided in § 370-58 of this chapter:
Agriculture, including single-family detached dwelling when an accessory use to agriculture.
Any combination of the following uses individually on lots held in single and separate ownership:
Laboratory for scientific research and development.
Manufacturing, pursuant to the provisions of § 370-163.
Business or professional office park, restaurant, personal services shop, provided that such uses are planned and incorporated as an industrial park.
Warehousing and distribution, excluding, however, outdoor storage of materials, products or equipment, and further excluding bulk storage or sale of coal, petroleum and other fuels.
Mobile home parks, which shall comply with all the requirements of Chapter 320, Subdivision and Land Development, and subject to the provisions of § 370-145.
Newspaper publishing, job printing.
Signs, subject to the regulations of Article XXI herein.
Off-street parking in accordance with Article XXII herein.
Any of the following uses when authorized as a special exception:
Motel, pursuant to the provisions of § 370-156.
An accessory heliport and/or helistop, pursuant to the provisions of § 370-152.
Hospital for humans, pursuant to the provisions of § 370-153.
Hospital for animals, pursuant to the provisions of § 370-158.
Wholesale establishment, lumber yard, building and plumbing supplies, farm machinery, motor vehicle fuels, and trucking incidental to such uses, pursuant to the provisions of § 370-160.
Gasoline service station, service and repair of vehicles, storage garage, automobile sales establishment, automatic automobile laundries and car wash facilities, pursuant to the provisions of § 370-161.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection G(7), regarding communication towers, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 9-4-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-06. This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection G(8) as Subsection G(7).
Billboard, subject to the regulations of Article XXI herein.
[Added 7-11-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-03]
Any of the following uses when authorized as a conditional use:
Day-care center, the applicant to prove compliance with § 370-165 and the following requirements:
Day-care center shall be located within a business park;
Outdoor play areas shall be fenced and shall be set back 75 feet from public or private roads and not in a front yard;
No play areas structures shall be located in any easement areas, except subsurface utilities serving the property only;
Day-care activity shall be restricted to the lot on which the use is located;
Pickup and dropoff of children shall be internal to the lot on which the day-care use is located. Adequate stacking and parking areas shall be provided on the lot to serve pickup/dropoff;
Day-care center will submit hours of operation for approval;
Lighting pursuant to § 370-130C.
Wireless communications antenna support structures, pursuant to the provisions of § 370-151.
[Added 9-4-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-06]
The following regulations shall apply:
Minimum lot area
3 acres, provided that the minimum lot area may be reduced to not less than 1 acre when authorized as a special exception
Minimum developable area
3 acres, provided that the minimum developable area may be reduced to not less than 1 acre when authorized as a special exception, pursuant to the provisions of Articles XX and XXV
Maximum height
For any structure, 35 feet
Minimum front lot line width
300 feet*
Minimum lot width at building line
300 feet*
Minimum front yard depth
75 feet*
Minimum rear yard
75 feet*
Minimum side yards (each)
75 feet each*
When the Zoning Hearing Board reduces the minimum lot size from three acres to not less than one acre, these dimensions may also be reduced at the Board's discretion.
Maximum coverage:
Lot Size
Building Coverage
Lot Coverage
1.0 acre to 2.9 acres
3.0 acres to 5.9 acres
6.0 acres to 10.0 acres
Over 10.0 acres
Points of ingress and egress between street and off-street parking and service areas shall be so located and so controlled that vehicles can be moved from such parking and service areas to the street only by way of such designed points of ingress and egress; no parking area shall be permitted which might allow or encourage the backing of vehicles directly into a street.
The exterior storage of trucks, trailers and heavy machinery shall not be permitted on a permanent basis, and all exterior storage of products or materials shall be screened from view at pedestrian eye level from all abutting streets.
All lot lines abutting a residential district shall be provided with an effective screen pursuant to the provisions of § 320-34D of Chapter 320, Subdivision and Land Development.
The provisions of Article XXII to the contrary notwithstanding, there shall be no off-street parking within a front yard or within a side yard abutting a street.
All activities and all storage of flammable and explosive material at any point shall be provided with adequate safety devices against the hazards of fire and explosion, and adequate fire-fighting and fire-suppression equipment and devices as detailed and specified by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All buildings and structures and activities within such buildings and structures shall conform to the Building Code, the Fire Prevention Code, and all other applicable ordinances adopted by the Township.[1] Any explosive material shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 211, Title 25, Rules and Regulations, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, for Storage, Handling and Use of Explosives, as amended.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 140, Construction Codes, Uniform.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
There shall be no activities which emit dangerous radioactivity at any point. There shall be no radio or electrical disturbance adversely affecting the operation of equipment belonging to someone other than the creator of the disturbance. If any use is proposed which incorporates the use of radioactive material equipment or supplies, such use shall be in strict conformity with Chapters 221, 223, 225, and 227, Title 25, Pennsylvania Code, Article V, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Rules and Regulations, as amended.
There shall be no emission of smoke, ash, dust, fumes, vapors or gases which violate the Pennsylvania Air Pollution Control Laws, including the standards set forth in Chapter 123 (Standards for Contaminants) and Chapter 131 (Ambient Air Quality Standards), Article III, Title 25, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Rules and Regulations, as amended.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
There shall be no storage of or discharge at any point into any public or private sewerage system, or watercourse or into the ground, of any materials in such a way or of such a nature as will contaminate or otherwise cause the emission of hazardous materials in violation of the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including, but not limited to, Chapters 73 and 95, Title 25, Pennsylvania Code, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Rules and Regulations, as amended.