[Adopted 7-10-1995 by L.L. No. 1-1995 (Ch. 55 of the 1975 Municipal Code)]
The Town Board of the Town of Saugerties, New York, hereby finds and determines that the soiling of public streets, sidewalks and the areas adjacent to same and public grounds and parks by droppings and fecal matter of animals is detrimental to the public health and safety in areas such as the Town of Saugerties, New York, and it is in the interest of public health and safety to prohibit all such soilings by animal droppings and fecal matter.
As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes all feces, excrement, manure, dung or solid waste matter discharged or eliminated by an animal.
Includes each and every animal kept, controlled, harbored or otherwise maintained or played with, whether the animal is owned or not and whether the animal is a pet, domestic or wild or semi-wild animal, or a dog, cat or any other type of animal.
Includes all property, grounds and parks owned by, operated by or subject to the control and supervision of the Town of Saugerties or any municipal body or agency having jurisdiction thereof, which are outside the limits of the Village of Saugerties.
Includes sidewalks, thoroughfares, byways, alleys, squares, lanes and walks, and shall include areas adjacent thereto, such as lawns, public roads, streets and highways, parking lots, loading zones, driveways and other areas accessible to the public or their animals, leading to, adjacent to or in the vicinity of public property, grounds and places above set forth, which are outside the limits of the Village of Saugerties.
No person shall suffer, allow or permit any animal which such person owns or harbors, keeps, controls or otherwise maintains to soil, defecate or deposit any droppings or fecal matter on any public road, street, highway, sidewalk or area adjacent thereto or upon any public grounds or parks or any private property without the permission of the owner of said property, unless such person shall make a reasonable effort to immediately clean and remove such droppings and fecal matter in good faith and so as to prevent such soiling action, which soiling action is declared to be a public nuisance detrimental to public health.
Such soiling action shall be deemed prevented if such persons shall immediately clean up all such fecal matter and droppings by causing same to be gathered in a suitable bag, wrapper or other container and disposed of in a safe and sanitary manner.
Any person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a violation and shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $25 but no more than $250 or by imprisonment of not more than 15 days, or both.