Pursuant to Article 5, § 96-a, and Article 5-K, New York General Municipal Law; Article 4, Parks, Recreation and Historical Preservation Law; and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, it is hereby declared as a matter of public policy that the protection, enhancement and perpetuation of landmarks and historic districts are necessary to promote the cultural, economic and general welfare of the public. The Town has many significant and interrelated historic resources that constitute its heritage. These include architectural and cultural properties, archaeological sites, and cemeteries as well as important land and maritime transportation routes and the remains of early industrial, commercial, agricultural, recreational and artistic sites. Inasmuch as the identity of a people is founded on its past, this chapter is intended to:
Protect, enhance and promote the landmarks and historic districts which present distinctive, informative and educational elements of the historic, architectural, archaeological and cultural heritage of the Town;
Focus and stimulate attention on and foster civic pride in the historic accomplishments and resources in the Town;
Protect and enhance the attractiveness of the Town to residents and visitors, thus supporting and providing stimulus to the local economy; and
Ensure the harmonious, orderly and sensitive development of the Town.
There is hereby established a commission to be known as the "Historic Preservation Commission of the Town of Saugerties," hereinafter referred to as the "Commission."
[Amended 2-16-2011 by L.L. No. 1-2011; 4-17-2019 by L.L. No. 2-2019]
The Commission shall consist of five members who shall be appointed by the Town Board. Four of the five members shall be residents of the Town of Saugerties. One of the five members of the Commission may be a nonresident of the Town. Persons who have demonstrated significant interest in and commitment to the field of historic preservation, evidenced by involvement in a local historic preservation group, employment or volunteer activity in the field of historic preservation, or other serious interest in the field, shall be eligible for appointment as members of the Commission. The Town Historian shall be an ex officio nonvoting member of the Commission.
Alternate members to Historic Preservation Commission.
Declaration of policy: It is sometimes difficult to maintain a quorum or a full board on the Historic Preservation Commission, because members are ill or are on extended vacation or find they have a conflict of interest situation on a specific matter before such Commission. In such instances, official business cannot be conducted if there is not a quorum or be fully reviewed if there is not a full Commission, which may delay or impede adherence to required timeliness. The use of alternate members in such instances is hereby authorized pursuant to the provisions of this section.
Alternate members of the Historic Preservation Commission shall be appointed by the Town Board or other duly authorized appointing authority for a term of four years.
The Chairperson of the Historic Preservation Commission may designate an alternate to substitute for a member when such member is unable to participate due to a conflict of interest on an application or matter before the board or when a member notifies the Chair that he or she will be absent for two or more consecutive meetings. When so designated, the alternate member shall possess all the powers and responsibilities of such member of the Commission. Such designation shall be entered into the minutes of the initial Historic Preservation Commission meeting at which the substitution is made.
All provisions of state law relating to Historic Preservation Commission member eligibility, vacancy in office, removal, compatibility of office and service on other boards, as well as any provisions of a local law relating to training, continuing education, compensation and attendance, shall also apply to alternate members.
Terms of office. Commission members shall serve for a term of four years, with the exception of the initial term of one of the members which shall be one year, one which shall be two years, one which shall be three years, and two which shall be for four years.
Officers. A Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall be elected by and from among the five members of the Commission.
Meetings. The Commission shall meet at least every two months, but meetings may be held at any time on the written request of any two of the Commission members or on the call of the Chairperson or the Supervisor.
Quorum. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of three of the Commission's members, but not less than a majority of the full authorized membership may render a decision regarding landmark status or grant or deny a certificate of appropriateness.
The powers and duties of the Commission shall include:
A. Adoption of criteria for the identification of significant historic, architectural, archaeological and cultural landmarks and for the delineation of historic districts.
B. Conducting surveys of significant historical, architectural, archeological and cultural landmarks and historic districts within the Town.
C. Designation of individual landmarks and creation of historic districts; such designation to be subject to disapproval supported by findings by the Town Board within 45 days of enactment of the designation, and filed as approved if no action is taken in this time.
[Amended 10-21-2008 by L.L. No. 3-2008]
D. Approval or disapproval of applications for certificates of appropriateness pursuant to this chapter.
E. Increasing public awareness of the Town's historic, cultural and architectural preservation by developing, publishing and distributing educational and promotional information and participating in public education programs.
F. Promulgation of rules and regulations as necessary for the conduct of its business.
G. Making recommendations to the Town Board concerning the use of state, federal or private funds to provide information on and promote the preservation of landmarks and historic districts within the Town.
H. Making recommendations to the Town Board regarding appropriate zoning laws protecting historic, architectural, archaeological and cultural landmarks and to the Planning Board regarding applications for site plan review or subdivisions of real property containing landmarks or within a historic district.
I. Making of recommendations to the Town Board concerning acceptance of donations or the acquisition of facade easements or other interests in real property as necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
J. Recommending acquisition of a landmark property by the Town Board where its preservation is essential to the purposes of this chapter and where private preservation is not feasible.
K. Employment, with Town Board approval, of staff and professional consultants as necessary to carry out the duties of the Commission.
The Historic Preservation Commission shall comply with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act under Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and its implementing regulations.
All work performed pursuant to a certificate of appropriateness issued under this chapter shall conform to any requirements included therein. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to inspect any such work to assure compliance. In the event work is found that is not being performed in accordance with the certificate of appropriateness or upon notification of such fact by the Commission, the Building Inspector shall issue a stop-work order and all work shall immediately cease. No further work shall be undertaken on the project as long as a stop-work order is in effect. Any nonconforming work shall be removed unless approved by the Commission.
[Added 10-21-2008 by L.L. No. 3-2008]
An applicant whose certificate of appropriateness for a proposed demolition has been denied may apply for relief on the ground of hardship. In order to prove hardship, the applicant shall establish that:
A. The property is incapable of earning a reasonable return, regardless of whether that return represents the most profitable return possible;
B. The property cannot be adapted for any other use, whether by the current owner or by a purchaser, which would result in a reasonable return; and
C. Efforts to find a purchaser interested in acquiring the property and preserving it have failed.
[Added 10-21-2008 by L.L. No. 3-2008]
An applicant whose certificate of appropriateness for a proposed alteration has been denied may apply for relief on the ground of hardship. In order to prove existence of hardship, the applicant shall establish that the property in incapable of earning a reasonable return, regardless of whether that return represents the most profitable return possible.
[Amended 10-21-2008 by L.L. No. 3-2008]
A. After receiving written notification from the Commission of the denial of a certificate of appropriateness, an applicant may commence the hardship process. No building permit or demolition permit shall be issued unless the Commission makes a finding that a hardship exists.
B. The Commission may hold a public hearing on the hardship application, at which an opportunity will be provided for proponents of the application to present their views.
C. The applicant shall consult in good faith with the Commission, local preservation groups and interested parties in a diligent effort to seek an alternative that will result in preservation of the property.
D. All decisions of the Commission shall be in writing. A copy shall be sent to the applicant by certified mail and a copy filed with the Town Clerk's office for public inspection. The Commission's decision shall state the reasons for granting or denying the hardship application. If the application is granted, the Commission shall approve only such work as is necessary to alleviate the hardship.
[Amended 10-21-2008 by L.L. No. 3-2008]
Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Historic Preservation Commission related to hardship or a certificate of appropriateness may, within 15 days of the decision, file a written application to the Town Board for review of the decision. Reviews shall be conducted based on the same record that was before the Commission and using the same criteria.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any act or process that changes one or more exterior or designated interior features of a landmark.
A structure which represents a rare or early example of a design that has become a widely known style associated with a particular architectural period.
A permit issued by the Saugerties Commission for Historic Preservation allowing exterior alteration, restoration, reconstruction, demolition, new construction or moving of a building designated as a landmark or any property within a historic district. A certificate of appropriateness is required before any material change is made in the appearance of a landmark property or a property within a historic district.
Any act of erecting an addition to an existing structure or the erection of a new principal or accessory structure on a lot or property.
A type of preservation easement derived from the charitable donation to an organization that is exempt from tax under Internal Revenue Code § 501(c)(3). A legal agreement designed to protect a significant historic, archaeological, or cultural resource, in which the historic property owner is assured that the building's facade (front) will be maintained, protected and preserved forever.
The shape and structure of a building as distinguished from the material of which it is composed.
Any area containing a significant concentration of structures, landscape features, sites or objects having historic, architectural, archaeological, cultural or aesthetic significance which are contextually united.
A designation which may include any structure, landscape feature, site or area having historic, architectural, archaeological, cultural or aesthetic significance.
The architectural relationship between the various masses or volumes of a building, including proportion, profile, volume, relationship and contour.
Replacement in kind or refurbishment of materials on a structure.
The regular recurrence of similar features in a building.
The distance between any two objects in a usually regularly arranged series.