[Adopted 5-18-2011 by Ord. No. 407[1]]
Editor’s Note: This ordinance also superseded former Art. IV, Wastewater Control, adopted 7-1-2008 by Ord. No. 391.
Upper Southampton Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania hereby adopts by reference the Wastewater Control Regulations of the City of Philadelphia Water Department, as amended September 30, 2010, in their entirety. A true and correct copy of the said Wastewater Control Regulations is attached hereto as Exhibit A[1] and incorporated herein by reference. All properties located in Upper Southampton Township that are connected to the wastewater collection system shall comply with the City of Philadelphia’s Wastewater Control Regulations including all amendments that may be made from time to time.
Editor's Note: A copy of Exhibit A is on file in the Township offices.
Wherever the requirements of this article are in conflict with other requirements in the Codified Ordinances of Upper Southampton Township, the most restrictive, or those imposing the highest standards, shall govern.