No person shall conduct or operate or permit to be conducted or operated in the Village any restaurant, eating place, lunch counter, or place for the sale of food or beverages of any class or description to be eaten or consumed on the premises without obtaining a license therefor as hereinafter provided.
Any person desiring to conduct or operate a restaurant, eating place, lunch counter or place for the sale of food or beverages of any class or description to be eaten or consumed on the premises shall apply in writing, no later than December 1 of each year, to the Village Clerk/Treasurer for the issuance of a license therefor.
If there is any change after the granting of a license in any of the facts required to be set forth in said application, a supplemental statement giving notice of such change, duly verified, shall be filed with the Village Clerk/Treasurer within 10 days after such change. Failure to do so, if wilful and deliberate, shall be cause for suspension or revocation of the license. In giving any notice or taking any action in reference to any license issued pursuant to this article, the Board of Trustees or its designated agent or officer may rely upon the information furnished in such application or in any supplemental statement connected therewith, and such information may be presumed to be correct.
The same fee shall be payable upon application for renewal, which must be filed at least 30 days prior to expiration of the license. If an application for renewal is not filed by the date specified in § 179-4C, there shall be imposed a late fee as set by the Board of Trustees.
Upon making application for a license under the provisions of this article, the applicant shall present for examination by the Village Clerk/Treasurer a certificate of approval or permit issued by the County Department of Health.
The Clerk/Treasurer shall issue a license to the person applying therefor after compliance with the provisions of this article in the form and manner prescribed and upon the payment of the required fees.
A fee in an amount to be set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees shall be paid to the Village of Roslyn upon the filing of each application for a license or renewal thereof pursuant to this article.
Live entertainment shall not be permitted in any restaurant without the issuance of a license. However, a licensee shall be permitted to supply music such as radio, television (where no admission fee is charged for viewing), cassette, or compact disc or where professional reinforced amplification equipment is not used only where the purpose of the same is to provide background music.