Buildings occupied, in whole or in part, as defined in this chapter shall comply with the requirements hereinafter set forth concerning occupancy, size, light and ventilation in order to provide a safe and healthy environment.
The term "accessory use" shall have a uniform meaning and shall apply in the same manner and under the same conditions or restrictions to all residential and nonresidential buildings.
The words, terms and phrases used in this chapter for buildings by occupancy, use, construction, or fire hazard shall have the meanings ascribed to them in Chapter 470, Zoning, hereof and in the Uniform Code, and such classifications shall apply as if set out at length herein, except that buildings classified as one- and two-family dwellings and multiple dwellings are not classified on the basis of fire hazard.
In dwelling units, the maximum number of occupants shall be limited to the number determined on the basis of floor areas of habitable rooms, other than kitchens, as follows:
For the first occupant, at least one minimum floor area of 150 square feet with a minimum horizontal dimension of 10 feet.
For each additional occupant, at least one minimum floor area of 80 square feet with a minimum horizontal dimension of seven feet.
It shall be prohibited to:
Use for sleeping purposes any kitchen, nonhabitable space or public space.
Prepare meals in hotel units or lodging units unless a special permit therefor shall have been issued by the Board of Trustees.
Use any cellar space as habitable space.
Occupy or use for residential purposes the residential part of a mixed-occupancy building if the nonresidential part of such building is classified for use as a high-hazard occupancy or if the nonresidential use is obnoxious or offensive to residential occupancy or use.
Dwelling units shall be separate and apart from each other. Sleeping rooms shall not be used as the only means of access to other sleeping rooms or habitable spaces.
Habitable space located partially below grade shall conform to the definition of a basement, with the floor level of such space not more than four feet below the average finished grade, and to the requirements for exits.
It shall be prohibited to convert any space into habitable space, including basement space or attic space, where the minimum ceiling height and the egress are less than that required in the Uniform Code.
It shall be prohibited, in a one- or two-family dwelling, to convert a third story into habitable space except by the addition of approved firesafety devices to assure safe, continuous passage to a legal open space.
Toilet rooms and bathrooms.
Toilet rooms and bathrooms shall be arranged to provide for privacy.
Toilet rooms and bathrooms serving hotel units or lodging units, unless located within such respective units or directly connected thereto, shall be provided on the same story with such units and be accessible only from a common hall or passageway.
The entrance to every toilet room with facilities to serve more than one person at a time and opening into a public space or passageway shall be provided with a vestibule or fixed partition to screen the interior from view, and the door of each such toilet room shall have an effective self-closing device. Doors of toilet rooms with facilities to serve one person at a time shall be provided with an interior door lock.
Bathrooms and toilet rooms shall be provided with floors of moisture-resistant material.