The following documents shall be submitted for review of a preliminary layout:
A preliminary layout, prepared at a scale of not less than 50 feet to the inch, showing:
The proposed subdivision name, date, North point, scale, and the name and address of the record owner, the subdivider and the engineer or surveyor.
The names of all owners of record of all adjacent property.
School or special boundaries.
The location of existing property lines, streets, easements, buildings, watercourses, marshes, rock outcrops, wooded areas, single trees with a diameter of six inches or more, measured four feet above the base of the trunk, and other significant existing features.
Contours with intervals of five feet or less, referred to a datum satisfactory to the Board of Trustees.
[Amended 6-17-2014 by L.L. No. 8-2014]
All proposed streets with approximate profiles indicating grades, lots, easements and public or community areas, with approximate dimensions.
The approximate location of all proposed waterlines, valves and hydrants and of all sewer lines, with profiles indicating connections with existing lines or alternate means of water supply or sewage disposal and treatment.
A storm drainage plan.
The requested or suggested names of all proposed streets and alleys.
Cross sections of proposed streets showing width of roadway, location and width of sidewalk and location and size of utility lines.
Sketches or models of at least three homes or other buildings or structures proposed to be built on the subdivision.
If the application covers only a part of the applicant's entire holding, a map of the entire tract, drawn at a scale of not less than 400 feet to the inch, showing an outline of the platted area with its proposed streets and an indication of the probable future street system in the remaining portion of the tract and the probable future drainage layout.
A copy of such covenants or deed restrictions as are intended to cover all or any part of the tract.
The following documents shall be submitted for plat approval:
The plat shall be drawn in ink on tracing cloth in sheets not exceeding 24 inches by 36 inches and at a scale of not less than 50 feet to the inch. When more than one sheet is required, an additional index sheet of the same size shall be filed showing, to scale, the entire subdivision with lot and block numbers clearly legible. The plat shall show:
The subdivision name, date, scale and North point.
The certification of title showing ownership.
The names of the owners of adjacent land.
The certification by a licensed engineer or surveyor as to the accuracy of the survey and plat.
Primary control points (wherever possible, including monuments included in the state system of plane coordinates or reference points previously established by public authority) or descriptions and ties to such control points, to which all dimensions, angles, bearings and similar data on the plat shall be referred.
Boundaries of the property; building or setback lines if different from those required in Chapter 470, Zoning, and lines of streets, lots, reservations, easements and areas to be dedicated to public use; and lengths and deflection angles of all straight lines and radii, lengths, central angles, long chords and tangent distances of all curves. All lengths shall be in feet and decimals of a foot, and all angles shall be given to the nearest 10 seconds or closer if deemed necessary by the surveyor. The error of closure shall not exceed one to 10,000.
Area of all lots in square feet or a certificate by the surveyor that all lots within the subdivision comply with the requirements specified herein.
The location, material and size of all permanent monuments.
Proposed, requested or suggested street names and block, lot and section numbers in sequence, as directed by the Village Assessor.
Designation and purpose of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use and of any streets which are not to be dedicated.
Deeds of cession of streets, rights-of-way, easements and any sites for public use and copies of agreements, covenants or other documents showing the manner in which areas to be reserved for the common use of the residents of the subdivision are to be maintained, all certified as to their legal sufficiency by the Village Attorney.