Res. 36
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval a planning module for land development.
Res. 42
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Sewage Facilities Plan of a parcel of land identified as Lot 154 in the John N. McDonald Plan for an individual sewage system.
Res. 49
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Sewage Facilities Plan of a parcel of land identified as Lot 206 for an individual sewage system.
Res. 50
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Sewage Facilities Plan of a parcel of land identified as Lots 111-114 for an individual sewage system.
Res. 64
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Sewage Facilities Plan of a parcel of land of Harold J. McClelland for an individual sewage system.
Res. 65
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Sewage Facilities Plan of a parcel of land of Julie Kowalski for a community sewage system.
Res. 3-90
Approving and ratifying the Municipal Waste Management Plan for Washington County dated June 1989, pursuant to the requirements of § 503 of the Pennsylvania Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act of 1988 (Act 101).
Res. 7-91
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval as a revision to the Official Sewage Facilities Plan of a parcel of land identified as Haveloch Commons for sewer tap-ins.