[Adopted 10-5-1978 by Ord. No. 2335 as Ch. 17 of the 1978 Revised General Ordinances); amended in its entirety 9-8-2015 by Ord. No. 15-10]
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to mobile food operations engaged in the business of cooking, preparing, and/or distributing food or beverage from mobile retail food vendors on private property within the City of Englewood.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any movable restaurant or retail food establishment in or on which food and beverage are transported, stored, or prepared for retail sale or given away at temporary locations. The term "mobile retail vendor" shall include and incorporate the term "mobile retail food vendors," as defined in Chapter 13 of the Englewood Health Code. Only the following mobile units shall be allowed within the City limits for use as a mobile retail food vendor, none of which shall exceed 35 feet in length:
MOBILE RETAIL MOTORIZED FOOD VENDORA food establishment that is located upon a motorized vehicle where food or beverage is cooked, prepared and served for individual portion service. Such food vendors comply with this chapter and all requirements of this chapter, as well as any other applicable section of this Code. Shall also be known as "mobile retail food vendors."
MOBILE RETAIL NONMOTORIZED FOOD VENDORMovable, nonmotorized unit (i.e., pushcart) where food or beverage is transported, stored or prepared for retail sale or given away at temporary locations.
MOBILE RETAIL PREPACKAGED FOOD VENDORSA food establishment that is located upon a motorized vehicle where prepackaged food or beverage is served for individual portion service. Mobile retail prepackaged food vendors shall be subject to Chapter 311, and shall be exempt from the regulations of this chapter.
Sunday through Saturday, mobile retail food vendors shall operate between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
No person holding a mobile retail food vendor license and/or permit shall sell, lend, lease or in any manner transfer any interest in a mobile retail food vendor license and/or permit.
Mobile food vendors shall only be permitted in the following location:
The Light Industrial (L-I) Zones throughout the City and the Research, Industry and Medical (RIM) Zone, excluding the Planned Unit Development Overlay (PUD-1) Zone north and south of Route 4 on private property. There shall be no mobile food vendors parked on public property or streets. There shall be no more than one mobile food vendor permitted on any property at any time.
Any mobile retail food vendor being operated without a valid mobile retail food vendor license and/or permit shall be deemed a public safety hazard and may be ticketed and impounded.
Mobile vendor licensees shall be required to display the mobile retail vendor license and/or permit prominently when located in a permitted location. Being the lawful holder of a City of Englewood mobile vendor license and/or permit shall not be a valid defense to a citation for failure to prominently display the license in violation of this chapter.
Unless otherwise specified herein, this chapter shall be enforced by any Code Enforcement Officer, Parking Enforcement Officer, the Englewood Police Department, and/or the Health Officer.
Mobile retail motorized food vendor business license. The application fee for a license or any renewal of a license granted by the City shall be $100. The cost of the annual health certificate shall be included in this fee.
Mobile retail motorized and nonmotorized food vendor parking permits. Mobile retail motorized and nonmotorized food vendors operating within the City of Englewood are required to purchase an annual permit. The application shall include the proposed location(s) at which the applicant seeks to park as well as the written consent of the property owner(s). Only one permit shall be issued per property (i.e., block and lot).
Permits are available as follows:
Time Length
Annual Permit Fee
7 days
7 days
The permits and business licenses shall be renewable on an annual basis.
Mobile retail food vendors shall not exceed 35 feet.
Mobile retail food vendors may provide or allow a dining area, including but not limited to tables, chairs, booths, bar stools, benches, and standup counters. Vendors must have written permission of the property owner and shall take necessary steps to insure the safety of their patrons as City officials deem necessary, including but not limited to safety barriers to separate pedestrians and vehicles. Additionally, vendors must provide a proposed layout plan containing scaled drawings clearly illustrating the number, type of materials, and the location of all tables, chairs, or other furnishings or fixtures intended to be located in the proposed dining area. The scaled drawing shall also illustrate the following: the location of all fire hydrants, utility poles, benches, handicapped ramps, furniture, trees, and curb, and any other fixture permanently located near the dining area.
[Amended 5-16-2023 by Ord. No. 23-14]
By acceptance of the license, the licensee shall consent to the health, fire, police and building officials of the City of Englewood inspection of the dining area for continued compliance with the terms and conditions of this article, and any federal, state, county or local law, ordinance or regulation affecting same.
The City reserves the right to temporarily move any mobile retail food vendor to a nearby location for emergency purposes as determined in the sole discretion of the City.
All licensees and permittees shall comply with all applicable state statutes, all applicable City of Englewood ordinances, and any other law or regulation which may be applicable under the given circumstances.
Mobile retail food vendors shall comply with all ordinances, laws and regulations relating to noise in effect by the City of Englewood.
Unless otherwise specified herein, any person violating any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof before the Municipal Court, be subject to a fine not exceeding $1,000 or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days, or both. The amount of such fine and/or imprisonment shall be determined by the sound discretion of the Municipal Judge. In addition to the aforementioned penalties, and as provided for herein, violations of this chapter may subject the license to suspension or revocation as provided for herein.