The owner, tenant, manager and all other persons maintaining,
operating or in charge or control of any public place shall at all
times keep and maintain every such public place and all parts thereof
in a clean and sanitary condition and open to inspection by the Health
Every retail food establishment where food or beverage is sold
or offered for sale to the public for consumption on the premises,
and any camp or public recreation place or any other place of business
where toilet facilities or water for drinking or culinary purposes
are available for use of the public shall contain public lavatories.
In all public lavatories there is prohibited:
A. The use of cake soap in common;
B. The use of towels in common; and
C. The storage of cleansing agents containing poisonous ingredients.
The standards and prohibitions applicable to public lavatories regulated in §
517-2 shall apply to the public lavatories provided in any public place.