[Code 1964, § 17-208; L.L. No. 4-1984, § 1]
The Commissioner of Public Safety may establish a Public Service Officers Bureau and establish rules and regulations for the conduct of the bureau.
Public service officers may issue appearance tickets for vehicular parking violations within the City and perform such other related duties as the Commissioner of Public Safety may direct.
Nothing contained in this section shall abrogate or diminish the duties and powers of the police officers of the City already invested in them by any other law.
[L.L. No. 1-2002, § 1; L.L. No. 3-2005, § 1[1]]
The Common Council does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor of the City to submit an application to the State Department of Economic Development to amend and confirm an empire zone, and to take such other action as may be necessary in support of said application upon its approval through the Department of Urban and Economic Development.
The Zone Administration Board shall be comprised of 12 members consisting of the following: one representative of a financial institution; one representative of an educational institution; one representative of a community development organization; one representative of organized labor; one representative of a local business and a zone resident, along with one representative from National Grid, one representative from the New York State Department of Labor, one representative from the Workforce Investment Board, one representative from the City Urban Renewal Agency, one representative from the Mohawk Valley Economic Development District and one representative from the Mohawk Valley Applied Technology Corporation to be selected by the Mayor; and the Commissioner for the Department of Urban and Economic Development, who will serve as Chair.
The Common Council supports the designation of the Department of Urban and Economic Development as the office to assist in the administration, marketing and delivery of all services and technical activities for said program.
The Common Council supports the designation of a zone certification officer pursuant to said legislation creating the empire zone program, and the Zone Administrative Board shall designate a zone certification officer.
Pursuant to §§ 961 and 957(d) of the General Municipal Law, as amended, the City hereby authorizes the Department of Urban and Economic Development to prepare and submit on the City Common Council's behalf the City's application for redesignation of the existing empire zone into three "distinct and contiguous areas," including a description of the areas identified for such redesignation, to the State Commissioner of Economic Development for ultimate approval by the empire zones designation board.
Thee following shall constitute boundaries of the proposed zone as established on the maps and tax parcel list attached to Local Law 3 of 2005.[2]
Editor's Note: Said maps and tax parcel list are on file in the City offices.
Editor's Note: the boundaries of the proposed zone, which are established on the tax parcel list attached to L.L. 3 of 2005, are not set out in length herein, but are on file with the office of the City clerk.