[Code 1964, §§ 4-1—4-4; Ord. No. 30, 2-18-1998; Ord. No. 5, 1-23-2008]
Required. Every person exhibiting, conducting or operating any theatric or opera performance, picture show, amusement parlor, concert, circus, carnival, horse show, acrobatic performance or other show including an exhibition of natural or artificial curiosity, firework displays, legerdemain (skillful use of ones) hands when performing conjuring tricks, etc.), or necromancy (prediction of the future, etc.).
Contents, duration. The license shall specify the purpose and the length of time for which it has been granted.
Signatures; issuance. The license shall be signed by the city clerk, countersigned by the mayor and issued by the city clerk, countersigned by the mayor and issued by the city clerk upon payment of the required fee.
Fee. The fee for the license shall be $100.
Approvals required. No license for any circus or amusement shows which will have over 12 amusement rides shall be issued by the city clerk and countersigned by the mayor without the approval of the majority of the common council.
Exceptions. No license shall be required for musical parties, concerts, theatrical performances or exhibitions of paintings or statuary given for purposes of charity or made by residents of the city who shall not make or give the exhibition, musical party, concert or theatrical performance for a business or profession unless otherwise provided by ordinance of the common council.
[Code 1964, § 4-5]
Any person licensed pursuant to section 2-4-1 shall:
Keep good order in and about the place of exhibition or amusement.
Provide adequate means of ingress and egress to and from any halls, theaters or assembly rooms used in connection with the license.
Keep the means of ingress and egress unlocked during performances and the passageways and stairs leading to the street adequately lighted.