[Adopted 3-18-2015 by Ord. No. 56;[1] amended in its entirety 5-6-2015 by Ord. No. 82]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Art. IX Sidewalk Vending, adopted as §§ 8-220 through 8-224 of the 1964 Code, as amended.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Engaging in or carrying on any business, business activity or otherwise at an established location, wholly or partly located or situated upon a sidewalk, pathway, street, alley or other similar surface regularly and generally traversed and used by the public, regardless of whether or not the area or surface is owned publicly or privately, and shall remain at this established location for not less than 30 minutes on any day.
No person shall engage in stationary vending or carry on any business, business activity or otherwise, wholly or partly located or situated upon a sidewalk, pathway, street, alley or other similar surface regularly and generally traversed and used by the public, regardless of whether or not the area or surface is owned publicly or privately, without first obtaining a license to do so from the office of the City Clerk, nor shall any such business, business activity or otherwise be continued after the license has expired or has been suspended or revoked.
This article shall not apply to any lawful business, business activity or otherwise which incidentally and occasionally may be located or situated upon a sidewalk, pathway, street, alley or other similar surface that is directly adjacent to the permanent quarters of the business, business activity or otherwise and the incidental and occasional location is intended only for the display and promotion of goods, articles, services or things generally contained within the adjacent quarters for commercial purposes and where the commercial activity is in all respects in compliance with all other laws, statutes, codes and ordinances.
The Clerk shall send a copy of the application to the Bureau of Police Records Division in City Hall for investigation. The Bureau of Police shall report its findings, if any, to the City Clerk within the three-day period.
Submission; contents. Prior to conducting any stationary vending use, an application for a license required under the provisions of this division shall be submitted to the office of City Clerk, and in addition to any other requirements, include the following:
Name of applicant.
Telephone number.
Cell phone number.
Social Security number.
Date of birth.
If the applicant represents a firm or corporation, the name of said entity must be provided, along with the principal office address, applicant's affiliation with said organization and a letter of authorization on company stationery from the firm or corporation whom the applicant purports to represent.
A statement of the activity, the goods to be sold or dealt with, the proposed structure to be used, the hours of operation, the intended clientele and a statement of the business advantage of the activity and location. If food or food products are to be sold, then the applicant must provide a current permit from the County Department of Health and must comply with all laws, regulations and rules of the Department.
The length of time for which the license is required.
Ask on the application whether the applicant has been convicted of any crimes (as the term "crime," is defined by the New York Penal Law) and the nature of those convictions. (The applicant shall be denied if he or she provides false information.)
A certificate of insurance indicating that the applicant has secured or will secure general liability insurance of $1,000,000. In lieu of the certificate of insurance, the applicant may submit a signed and verified statement to the effect that the liability insurance is or will be held by the owner of the adjacent real estate and that the coverage expressly includes incidents occurring on and around the area proposed to be used for stationary vending. Any insurance policy must name the City as an additional insured.
A certificate identifying the applicant's sales tax number or proof of tax exemption status.
Review; approval. Upon verifying that the application is complete and meets the requirements of Section 2-14-265, the office of the City Clerk shall submit the application to the City of Utica Police Department Record Division, and if necessary, the Chief of Police, the Commissioner of Public Safety, the City Engineer and the Planning Director for their review. If there is no substantial objection or required modification, or if the applicant can and does comply with the required modification, then the application may be approved. Barring any complications or holidays, the applicant can expect this process to take approximately three business days from the time of submission.
Upon approval of the application for the license required under the provisions of this division, the applicant shall remit to the Office of the City Clerk the fee for a license in the sum of $150 for the vendors of food or food products for one year; $100 for half year (six months); or $15 per day or fraction of a day for any stationary vending activity, or $550 for all other stationary vendors; $300 for half year (six months); or $25 per day or fraction of a day for any stationary vending (nonfood) activity and, thereupon, the license shall be issued for a term of one year from the date of issuance.
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Within 30 days prior to the expiration of the term of the license required under the provisions of this division, an application shall be made for renewal which need not contain the full disclosures as required for a new location but shall require a statement, signed under oath, to the effect that all conditions of the license have been observed and complied with and that there are no material changes from the facts stated in the original application.
No license for stationary vending may be issued for a location not meeting the following general and specific standards:
The stationary area shall not be less than 10 feet in width between the established curbline and any abutting building or structure.
The stationary area shall not be within 20 feet of any fire hydrant, street intersection, vehicle driveway, parking meter, utility access, building accessway, fire escape, traffic control equipment or other things requiring access.
The stationary area to be occupied by a stationary vending use shall not exceed 50% of the established width between the curbline and adjacent building or that area regularly available for the use by the general public, to the end that the use and enjoyment of the area by the general public shall not be curtailed to less than five feet in any case and shall not result in any hazard to the public.
Stationary vending shall not take up more than two legal parking spaces. Additionally, vending should be conducted on the sidewalk at all times.
Any license issued for stationary vending shall be conditioned upon the following:
The stationary vending activity shall continuously comply with all of the standards of location specified in Section 2-14-265 subsequent to issuance.
The activity shall be restricted to only that which was specified in the application and no other.
Any structure, appliance, equipment or other paraphernalia related to the stationary vending activity shall be strictly maintained in good condition, free from defects and in a visually attractive and acceptable appearance.
The activity will not be allowed to interfere with any other public or private activity or become a nuisance and shall continue to fulfill a general need and convenience.
The City of Utica Police Department has the authority to approach any stationary vendor for the purpose of public safety and further has the authority to have him or her move, if it is in the interest of public safety.
Prohibited areas. Stationary venders are prohibited within 500 feet of the property lines for Utica public, parochial and private schools between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on school days.
A license required pursuant to the provisions of this division may be summarily revoked by the City Clerk for a violation of the terms of the license, the violation of any ordinance, local law or state or federal statute or for falsification in applying for a license. Written notice of the revocation, stating the terms of the revocation, shall be personally served upon the licensee or mailed to the address given in application. Upon the filing of notice of revocation in the City Clerk's office, with affidavit of service by mailing, the license shall be revoked.
If a license is revoked pursuant to the provisions of this section or if a license is denied to any applicant by the Clerk or the Chief of Police refuses to countersign a license, the licensee or applicant may request a hearing within a period of 30 days after the revocation, refusal and denial. The request shall be in writing and shall be made to the Common Council and filed with the City Clerk within the thirty-day period. The Common Council shall hear the licensee's or applicant's request for a review of the determination of the City Clerk or the Chief of Police at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Common Council following the filing of the application for review with the City Clerk. The Common Council may grant a license to the applicant if the Council should determine that the refusal on the part of the Clerk or the Chief of Police was arbitrary or otherwise in error. If the Common Council, after the hearing, determines that the decision of the City Clerk or Chief of Police was not arbitrary and was justified under the circumstances, the Common Council shall refuse the license. The decision on any hearing shall be rendered by the Common Council in writing within 45 days after the hearing and shall be entered in the minutes of the Common Council.
[Added 2-12-2018 by Ord. No. 7; amended 9-6-2023 by Ord. No. 159]
See Sections 2-14-246 through 2-14-267 except Section 2-14-263, Fees.
One day: $25.
Six months: $100.
One year: $200.
Balloons: $20 per year.