[Code 1964, § 15-91]
The business of bone crushing; bone boiling; bone grinding; bone or shell burning; lime making; horse skinning; cow skinning; glue making from any part of dead animals; gut cleaning; hide curing; fat rendering; boiling of fish, swill or offal; heating, drying or storing of blood, scrap, fat, grease or other offensive matter or of offensive vegetable matter or manufacturing materials for manure or fertilizer shall not be carried on in the City without a permit issued by the Board of Health or carried on otherwise than in accordance with the terms of the permit and with regulations of the Board.
[Code 1964, § 15-93]
Cleanliness. Every establishment subject to the requirements of this article shall be kept clean and wholesome and shall be so conducted in every particular as not to be offensive or prejudicial to life or health.
Residuum. All scrap or residuum after use in the trade or business shall be dried or otherwise treated so as to effectually and permanently deprive the material of offensive odors.
Dust, fumes or odors. All dust, gases, fumes, vapors or offensive odors must be cared for by destruction, condensation or other effective means and not allowed to escape into the outside air.
Floors and sewers or cesspools. In every establishment the floors shall be smooth and watertight and must be kept clean and sanitary and in good repair. Where required, the floors shall be properly graded and drained into properly trapped sewer connected drains. Where no sewer is available, a properly constructed watertight cesspool or a leaching cesspool, under permit from the County Department of Health, must be provided.
Walls. The walls of every establishment shall be of smooth hard material and shall be kept in good repair and painted when so ordered by the Department of Health.
Containers. All containers for holding the material in use in the premises shall be metal or metal-lined except where material so handled precludes the use of metal in any form.
Lighting. All rooms or places in which the business is conducted shall be properly and adequately lighted.
Sinks and water. Suitable sinks with running water shall be provided in establishments. In addition, running hot water and hose connections shall be provided in the establishment whenever the Department of Health shall so order.
Water closets. In every establishment, suitable and sufficient water closets shall be provided for the use of the persons engaged in the establishment. The water closets shall be in compartments ventilated to the external air.
Ventilation. All parts of establishments shall be properly ventilated.