[Code 1964, § 17-19]
There is established in the Bureau of Police a Traffic Division to be under the control of an officer of police appointed by and directly responsible to the Chief of Police.
[Code 1964, § 17-20]
With such aid as may be rendered by other members of the Bureau of Police, the Traffic Division shall enforce the street traffic regulations of this City and all of the state vehicle laws applicable to street traffic in this City, make arrests for traffic violations, investigate accidents, cooperate with the Commissioner of Public Safety and other officers of the City in administering the traffic laws and in developing ways and means to improve traffic conditions and carry out those duties specially imposed upon the division by this chapter and the traffic ordinances of this City.
[Code 1964, § 17-21]
The Bureau of Police or the Traffic Division of the Bureau shall keep a record of all violations of the traffic ordinances of the City or of the state vehicle laws for which any person has been charged, together with a record of the final disposition of all alleged offenses. The record shall be so maintained as to show all types of violations and the total of each. The record shall accumulate during at least a five-year period, and, from that time on, the record shall be maintained complete for at least the most recent five-year period.
All forms for records of violations and notices of violations shall be serially numbered. For each month and year a written record shall be kept available to the public showing the disposal of all the forms.
All records and reports of violations shall be public records.
[Code 1964, §§ 17-22, 17-23]
The Traffic Division and all other officers of the Bureau of Police shall investigate all motor vehicle accidents required to be investigated by law, ordinance or regulation including, but not limited to, Sections 600 and 603 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law and any other accident which, in the opinion of the investigating officer, involves a violation of law and shall arrest and assist in the prosecution of those persons charged with violations of the law causing or contributing to traffic accidents.
The Traffic Division and all other officers of the Bureau of Police shall make full and complete written reports of all traffic accidents investigated or reported to them.
[Code 1964, § 17-24]
Whenever traffic accidents at any particular location become numerous, the Traffic Division shall cooperate with the Commissioner of Public Safety in conducting studies of the accidents and determining remedial measures.
[Code 1964, § 17-27]
Required. The Bureau of Police or the Traffic Division shall maintain a suitable record of all traffic accidents, warnings, arrests, convictions and complaints reported for each driver which shall be filed alphabetically under the name of the driver concerned.
Studies. The Traffic Division shall study the cases of all the drivers charged with frequent or serious violations of the traffic laws or involved in frequent traffic accidents or any serious accident and shall attempt to discover the reasons for the violations or accidents and shall take whatever steps are lawful and reasonable to prevent the violations or accidents or to have the licenses of these persons suspended or revoked.
Accumulation of records. Records shall accumulate during at least a five-year period and from that time on the records shall be maintained complete for at least the most recent five-year period.
[Code 1964, § 17-28]
The Traffic Division shall annually prepare a traffic report which shall be filed with the Mayor. The report shall contain information on traffic matters as follows:
The number of traffic accidents, the number of persons killed, the number of persons injured and other pertinent traffic accident data.
The number of traffic accidents investigated and other pertinent data on the safety activities of the Bureau of Police.
The plans and recommendations of the Traffic Division for future traffic safety activities.