[Ord. No. 4, 2-3-2021]
Map incorporated. The boundaries of the zoning districts hereby established are shown on a map entitled “Utica Zoning District Map.” The Zoning District Map and all notations, references and other information shown thereon shall have the same force and effect as if fully set forth or described herein, and such map is hereby made part of this chapter. The Zoning District Map shall be properly attested and kept on file in the office of the Department of Urban and Economic Development.
Omitted land. It is the intent of this chapter that the entire area of the City, including all land and water areas, rivers, streets, alleys, railroads, and other rights-of-way, be included in the districts established by this chapter.
[Ord. No. 4, 2-3-2021]
Where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of the various districts, as shown on the Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:
Where the designation on the Zoning Map indicates a boundary approximately upon a road, the center line of the road shall be construed to be the boundary;
Where the designation on the Zoning Map indicates a boundary approximately upon a lot line, such lot line shall be construed to be the boundary;
Distances shown on the Zoning Map are perpendicular distances from road center lines measured to the district boundary, which boundaries in all cases where distances are given are parallel to the road center line;
In other cases, the district boundary shall be determined by the use of the scale of the Zoning Map.
Where a district boundary divides a lot of record at the time such boundary is adopted, the district requirements of the greater portion of the lot will become the requirements of the entire lot.
[Ord. No. 4, 2-3-2021]
The City of Utica is hereby divided into the following districts:
Central Business District - CBD.
Urban Mixed-Use - UMU.
Neighborhood Mixed-Use - NMU.
Residential Mixed - RM.
Residential Single - RS.
Industrial - I.
Land Conservation - LC.
Mixed-Use Campus - MUC.
The City of Utica contains the following overlay districts. Overlay districts supplement and may modify the uses of the underlying zoning district. Unless specifically modified by the overlay, all the uses in the underlying district are permitted subject to all the other provisions of this chapter.
Planned Development District - PDD.
[Ord. No. 4, 2-3-2021]
Central Business District. Highest density with the greatest variety of uses including buildings of regional importance. New infill development should reinforce the urban character.
Urban Mixed-Use. High-density commercial and residential area. Contains many of the historic areas and areas of the city with existing design guidelines. Adaptive reuse of large buildings and new infill construction of mixed-use buildings is preferred.
Neighborhood Mixed-Use. Vibrant neighborhoods that allow for a mix of residential dwelling unit types, commercial services, parks and community facilities. This district reflects the walkable and historic nature of Utica’s neighborhoods. Commercial uses in the NMU District compliment the dense residential neighborhoods in the adjacent RM neighborhoods.
Residential Mixed. Compact residential neighborhoods that provide a variety of housing options reflective of the needs of all residents. Primarily single- and two-family structures and some multifamily structures that are smoothly integrated into the fabric of existing neighborhoods.
Residential Single. Low-density residential zones where the primary use is single-family homes. Lot sizes vary from medium to large. Streets are lined with sidewalks and ample greenery.
Industry. A district designed to diversify and strengthen the local economic base by allowing for light manufacturing, assembly and fabrication, including small scale or specialized industrial operations, office, including processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, packaging, incidental storage, sales, or distribution of such products general retail.
Industrial Mixed-Use. A district designed to diversify and strengthen the local economic base by allowing for light manufacturing, assembly and fabrication, including small-scale or specialized industrial operations, office, including processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, packaging, incidental storage, sales, or distribution of such products general retail, along with residential uses.
Planned Development. The Planned Development District is both a fixed and floating district intended to provide flexible land use and design regulations that allow for unique development that conforms to the long-range vision of the city and is harmonious with the surrounding district.
Mixed-Use Campus. Mixed-Use Campus is intended for the reuse of existing institutional and campus type facilities throughout the city. The existing layout of such parcels and buildings requires a flexible approach to redevelopment that respects the unique characteristics of the parcel and the surrounding neighborhoods.
Land Conservation. This district is designed to protect the health, safety and general welfare, reduce impacts of flooding on homes and businesses, and to protect the ecosystem of the floodplain. It also contains active and passive recreational areas in the City.