[Ord. No. 169 of 1991, 11-6-1991]
No person, except employees of the City in the performance of City work or the employees of the Board of Water Supply, shall open or draw water from any City fire hydrant, unless such person shall have first obtained a permit issued for that purpose by the Board of Water Supply or its representative. The term "employees" as used in this section shall not include a person engaged in doing City work under contract with the City or any of his or her employees.
[Ord. No. 169 of 1991, 11-6-1991]
Any person who opens or draws water from any City fire hydrant without having first complied with the provisions of this article, or who tampers in any way therewith, shall be guilty of a violation and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $250, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days or any combination thereof for each offense. With respect to violations of this part that are continuous with respect to time, each day the violation continues is a separate offense.