[Amended 10-6-2009; 6-16-2014; 9-16-2014; 6-19-2018]
A. Light Industry District (BRA-LI).
(1) Purpose.
The primary purpose of the BRA Light Industry (BRA-LI) District
is to create a quality setting to provide for a variety of employment
opportunities. The district encourages the development of a mix of
uses, such as offices, research and development facilities, wholesale,
warehousing/distribution, and light manufacturing uses, with the intent
of offering a wide range of job opportunities. This district is also
designed to improve the City's tax base.
Properties in the BRA-LI are visible from New York State Route
5 and/or the Hamburg Turnpike and help establish the image of the
area. Development in this district is subject to higher design standards
in order to present an attractive setting.
(2) Use regulations.
Permitted uses and structures:
Banking and commercial offices;
Laboratories, experimental, testing, research and development
Offices: corporate/regional headquarters, governmental, administrative
and local service centers;
Office-based enterprises such as administrative, back office
and telemarketing facilities;
Professional offices: real estate, insurance, medical and attorneys'
offices in individual or common structures of at least 25,000 square
Public utility service structure or facility;
Research and development offices and laboratories;
Trade and industrial schools (postsecondary);
[11] Light manufacturing, assembly and fabrication,
[a] Electronic component and equipment assembly;
[b] Food and beverage products;
[c] Household items and furniture;
[e] Panels, sheets, tubes or rods;
[f] Pharmaceutical products, cosmetics or toiletries;
[g] Plastic and rubber components and finished products;
[h] Printing, publishing and engraving, including newspapers;
[i] Recreation equipment or toys.
Uses allowed with special use permit:
[Amended 3-29-2021]
Temporary structures for construction purposes;
Wholesale home and garden supply, and nurseries;
Warehousing, lumberyards, storage and wholesale distribution
facilities (no unenclosed outdoor storage of equipment or materials);
[4] Rooftop solar energy system apparatus if visible from a public right-of-way,
if attached to a primary structure and used for on-site operations
(not utility scale), and not creating an exceedance of area height
restrictions measured from top of apparatus to ground.
Permitted accessory uses and structures:
Accessory storage buildings;
Communication towers/dishes required for operation of primary
Employee services, such as cafeterias, credit unions and recreational
facilities, which are located within the primary structure and occupy
no more than 10% of the developed floor area;
Fences, benches, walls and hedges;
Off-street parking and loading facilities in conjunction with
primary use (Loading facilities shall be properly screened from view
of New York State Route 5.);
Satellite television receiving antenna;
Truck shipping and delivery facilities accessory to primary
[10] Warehouse and distribution facilities ancillary
to the primary use and limited to a floor area not to exceed 35% of
the gross floor area of the primary use; and
[11] Rooftop solar energy system apparatus, if not
visible from a public right-of-way, and if attached to a primary structure,
and if not creating an exceedance of area height restrictions measured
from top of apparatus to ground
[Amended 3-29-2021]
Prohibited uses. Per deed restrictions placed on the former
Bethlehem Steel Corporation property, the following uses are prohibited
in the BRA-LI:
Residential (all densities);
Day-care facilities and nursery schools, or other facilities
primarily used for multiple numbers of persons under the age of 18
years; and
Wells for extraction of water, other than for monitoring, treating
or remediation.
Uses requiring site plan review. All changes in land use or expansion of existing land uses are subject to site plan review in accordance with Article
VIII of this chapter.
(3) Site area requirements. (See Subsection
F, Supplemental Regulations.)
[Amended 3-29-2021]
BRA-Light Industry Business (BRA-LI)
Minimum lot size
5 acres; or 50 acres for PUD
Minimum lot frontage
300 feet
Maximum building height
45 feet or 3 stories
Minimum front yard
30 feet/50-foot setback required from New York State Route 5
right-of-way/Hamburg Turnpike right-of-way
Minimum side yard
25 feet
Minimum rear yard
Minimum buffer to Smokes Creek Greenway Corridor Overlay District
50 feet
Minimum building coverage
Maximum lot coverage
Minimum landscaping coverage
Minimum setback for parking from right-of-way
10 feet
B. Medium Industry District (BRA-MI).
(1) Purpose.
The BRA-Medium Industry (BRA-MI) District has been created to
establish a transitional zone between the BRA-LI District along New
York State Route 5 and the Heavy Industry District (BRA-HI) to the
interior of the site. This transitional zone is intended to encourage
"nonsmokestack" manufacturing and high employment uses to promote
redevelopment, while remaining compatible with both the BRA-HI and
BRA-LI Districts.
The BRA-MI District is intended to utilize the site's size,
history, environmental limitations and existing infrastructure to
take advantage of one of the region's best-suited locations for developing
new medium industrial uses. This district is designed to accommodate
compatible industries on medium- to large-sized lots in an organized
manner to promote the efficient redevelopment of the property, while
providing a transitional zone to separate heavy industrial uses from
uses along New York State Route 5. The district is established to
encourage the development of a broad range of employment opportunities
within the City and to enhance the City's tax base.
For portions of the BRA-MI that front on New York State Route
5, screening, landscaping and/or higher design standards shall be
used to promote an attractive image along New York State Route 5.
(2) Use regulations.
Permitted uses and structures:
Laboratories, experimental, testing, research and development
Offices: corporate/regional headquarters, governmental, administrative
and local service centers;
Office-based enterprises such as administration, back office
and telemarketing facilities;
Public utility service structure or facility;
Research offices and laboratories;
Enclosed bulk cargo storage and handling facilities;
[8] Rooftop solar energy production, if not visible from public right-of-way,
and if not exceeding height restrictions for district.
[Added 3-29-2021]
Manufacture, assembly and fabrication of the following and related
[a] Food and beverage products;
[b] Household items and furniture;
[d] Panels, sheets, tubes or rods;
[e] Pharmaceutical products, cosmetics or toiletries;
[f] Plastics and plastic components;
[g] Printing, publishing and engraving, including newspapers;
[h] Recreational equipment or toys;
[i] Aluminum and aluminum products;
[j] Automobile, marine and heavy equipment;
[k] Electrical and electronic equipment and appliances;
[l] Extruded products from plastics, metals and ceramics;
[m] Fabrication of metal products;
[n] Household and industrial chemical compounds;
[o] Machinery, including parts and components;
[p] Plastic and rubber components and finished products;
[r] Alternative energy components and assembly.
[10] Production and handling of fuel sources from organic
natural resources.
Uses allowed with special use permit:
Intermodal (uses allowed in the BRA-INT District);
Motor freight facilities and depot;
Outdoor storage and distribution facilities wholly screened
from all internal roads and bike paths within the Bethlehem Redevelopment
Area, and all roads and bike paths outside the Bethlehem Redevelopment
[Amended 3-29-2021]
Rail yards (limited to BRA-MI area south of Smokes Creek);
Concrete production (batch plant); precast concrete and aggregate
products, provided there is no outdoor storage of raw materials or
reclaimed materials visible from the public right-of-way;
Telecommunications towers if bases and lower 20 feet of structures
are substantially screened from public rights-of-way and recreational
trails by buildings;
[Amended 3-29-2021]
Temporary structures for construction purposes;
Warehousing, storage and wholesale distribution facilities;
noncommercial land filling of on-site remediation material; and
Rooftop solar energy production visible from public right-of-way
or exceeding height restrictions for the district.
[Amended 3-29-2021]
Permitted accessory uses:
Accessory storage and maintenance buildings;
Communication towers/dishes required for operation of primary
Employee services such as cafeterias, credit unions and recreational
facilities, which are located within the primary structure and occupy
no more than 10% of the developed floor area;
Fences, benches, walls and hedges;
Off-street parking and loading facilities in conjunction with
primary use (Loading facilities shall be properly screened from view
of New York State Route 5.);
Outdoor storage of finished goods produced on-site (limited
to 50% of site) and screened from all internal roads and bike paths
and public recreational amenities, Route 5, and all external roads
to the Bethlehem Redevelopment Area;
[Amended 3-29-2021]
Rail sidings and service;
Satellite television receiving antenna, if attached to the primary
[10] Truck shipping and delivery accessory to primary
[11] Warehouse and distribution facilities ancillary
to the primary use and limited to a floor area not to exceed 35% of
the gross floor area of the primary use; and
Prohibited uses. Per deed restrictions placed on the former
Bethlehem Steel Corporation property, the following land uses are
prohibited in the BRA-MI:
Residential (all densities);
Day-care facilities and nursery schools, or other facilities
primarily used for multiple numbers of persons under the age of 18
years; and
Wells for extraction of water, other than for monitoring, treating
or remediation.
Uses requiring site plan approval. All new development projects, changes in land use, expansion of existing facilities and applications for special use permit are subject to site plan review in accordance with Article
VIII of this chapter.
(3) Site area requirements. (See Subsection
F, Supplemental regulations.)
BRA-Medium Industry (BRA-MI)
Minimum lot size
8 acres, or 50 acres for PUD
Minimum lot frontage
500 feet
Maximum building height
60 feet
Minimum front yard
50 feet
Minimum side yard
50 feet
Minimum rear yard
50 feet
Minimum buffer to Smokes Creek Greenway Corridor Overlay District
50 feet
Minimum building coverage
Maximum lot coverage (including parking)
Minimum landscaping coverage
(4) Supplemental requirements.
Outdoor storage and screening.
Screening or enclosures shall be of sufficient height and density
to obstruct the view of the component or finished products stored
on site from New York State Route 5 and interior public roadways,
and all external roadways to the site, and recreational trails.
[Amended 3-29-2021]
Bulk materials stored outdoors must be contained or controlled
in such a manner as to not allow fugitive dust, blowing of bulk materials
or odors migrating off premises and negatively affecting neighboring
There shall be no outdoor storage of raw materials or reclaimed
aggregate materials associated with concrete production.
C. Heavy Industry District (BRA-HI).
(1) Purpose.
The BRA-Heavy Industry (BRA-HI) District has been designated
to accommodate the redevelopment of the site for wind power, heavy
industry and general manufacturing and production uses. The BRA-HI
District allows for a continuation of uses that have shaped Lackawanna's
industrial past. The intent is to utilize the site's size, history,
environmental limitations and existing infrastructure to take advantage
of one of the region's best-suited sites for developing new heavy
This district is intended to co-locate compatible industries
on large lots in an organized manner to ensure the efficient development
of the interior of the site. The district is established to encourage
the development of a broad range of employment opportunities within
the City and to enhance the City's tax base.
(2) Use regulations.
Permitted uses and structures:
All uses permitted by right in the BRA-MI District;
Noncommercial land treatment and land filling of on-site
remediation material under consent order or permit as issued by the
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) or
the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA); and
Slag reclamation under "beneficial use" designation issued by
Bulk materials stored outdoors must be contained or controlled
in such a manner as to not allow fugitive dust, blowing of bulk materials
or odors migrating off premises and negatively affecting neighboring
properties, and all such material must be fully screened from an elevation
from all on-site bike paths, internal or external roads to the Bethlehem
Redevelopment Area, and all on-site recreational amenities, including
Smokes Creek.
[Amended 3-29-2021]
Uses allowed with special use permit:
Commercial solid waste management facilities under permit or
license issued by the NYSDEC;
Concrete production (batch plant), precast concrete and aggregate
Electrical and power production and power facilities;
Energy and fuel production, including but not limited to biomass;
ethanol; and biodiesel;
Extraction industries related to the mining of on-site materials;
Manufacture and assembly of the following and related products:
[a] Cement, lime, gypsum, plaster of paris, and abrasives;
[b] Fabrication and finishing of steel or other metal
[c] Fertilizer, glue, gelatin, grain drying and feed;
Manufacture or production of gases with approval of the Fire
Motor freight facilities and depot;
[10] Production or refining of petroleum-related products;
[11] Production of biomass-derived fuels;
[12] Warehouse, storage and distribution facilities;
[13] Solar energy collection apparatus and power facilities,
provided the aggregate of the land usage of solar energy collection
facilities does not exceed 5% of the gross surface area within the
Bethlehem Redevelopment Area Heavy Industry District;
[Amended 3-29-2021]
[14] Telecommunications facilities: towers, dishes
and ancillary equipment; and
[15] Wind energy conversion systems and wind farms [in accordance with Article
XI, Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS), establishing WECS Overlay District].
Permitted accessory uses:
Accessory storage and maintenance buildings;
Rooftop energy system apparatus for on-site operations, if attached
to a primary structure;
[Amended 3-29-2021]
Employee services such as cafeterias, credit unions and recreation
facilities, which occupy no more than 10% of the developed floor area;
Fences, benches, walls and hedges;
Off-street parking and loading facilities;
Outdoor storage of equipment and bulk materials, provided all
such material must be fully screened from an elevation from all on-site
bike paths, internal and external roads to the Bethlehem Redevelopment
Area, and all on-site recreational amenities, including Smokes Creek;
[Amended 3-29-2021]
Rail sidings and service;
Satellite receiving antenna if attached to the primary structure;
Prohibited uses. Per deed restrictions placed on the former
Bethlehem Steel Corporation property, the following land uses are
prohibited in the BRA-HI:
Residential (all densities);
Day-care facilities and nursery schools, or other facilities
primarily used for multiple numbers of persons under the age of 18
years; and
Wells for extraction of water, other than for monitoring, treating
or remediation.
Uses requiring site plan approval. All changes in land use or expansion of existing land uses are subject to site plan review in accordance with Article
VIII of this chapter.
(3) Site area requirements.
BRA-Heavy Industry (BRA-HI)
Minimum lot size
20 acres individual site or 50 acres for PUD development
Minimum lot frontage
500 feet
Maximum building height
100 feet
Minimum front yard (landscaped)
50 feet
Minimum side yard
50 feet
Minimum rear yard
50 feet
Minimum buffer to Smokes Creek Greenway Corridor Overlay District
50 feet
Minimum building setback to the canal
75 feet
Minimum building coverage
Maximum lot coverage
Minimum open space
D. Intermodal District (BRA-INT).
(1) Purpose.
The intent of the BRA-Intermodal (BRA-INT) District is to encourage
continued use and expansion of the BRA's existing shipping and rail
infrastructure. The area within this district uniquely benefits from
the location of the Gateway Trade Center, the Lackawanna Ship Canal
and an extensive network of rail lines and open areas to move, temporarily
store and transfer goods between ship, rail and truck transport.
Activities permitted in this district shall facilitate the continuation
of traditional water-related industrial uses and promote water-based
and rail-based materials handling facilities on both sides of the
Lackawanna Ship Canal.
(2) Use regulations.
Permitted uses and structures:
Bulk cargo storage and handling facilities and loading/unloading
equipment, including cranes, conveyors, and hoppers, provided all
material stored outside must be fully screened from an elevation from
all on-site bike paths, internal roads to the Bethlehem Redevelopment
Area, and external roads and all on-site recreational amenities, including
Smokes Creek;
[Amended 3-29-2021]
Coal and coke handling, provided all such material must be fully
screened from an elevation from all on-site bike paths, internal or
external roads to the Bethlehem Redevelopment Area, and all on-site
recreational amenities, including Smokes Creek;
[Amended 3-29-2021]
Maritime terminals and activities related to the shipping industry;
Motor freight facilities and operations;
Warehouse, storage and distribution facilities.
Permitted accessory uses:
Motor freight facilities for loading and unloading;
Offices related to operations;
Rail service lines and extensions.
Prohibited uses. Per deed restrictions placed on the former
Bethlehem Steel Corporation property, the following land uses are
prohibited in the BRA-INT District:
Residential (all densities);
Day-care facilities and nursery schools, or other facilities
primarily used for multiple numbers of persons under the age of 18
years; and
Wells for extraction of water, other than for monitoring, treating
or remediation.
Uses requiring site plan approval. All changes in land use or expansion of existing land uses are subject to site plan review in accordance with §
230-71 of this chapter.
(3) Site area requirements.
BRA-Intermodal (BRA-INT)
Minimum lot size
1 acre
Minimum setback to canal (for structures)
Minimum lot frontage
Maximum building height
100 feet
Minimum front yard
50 feet
Minimum side yard (buildings and outdoor storage of bulk materials)
50 feet
Minimum rear yard (buildings and outdoor storage of bulk materials)
50 feet
Minimum building coverage
Maximum lot coverage
Minimum landscaping coverage
(4) Supplemental requirements.
Outdoor storage and screening.
Screening or enclosures shall be of sufficient height and density
to obstruct the view of the component or finished products stored
on-site from New York State Route 5, Bethlehem Redevelopment Area
interior public roadways, all public bike paths, and all recreational
amenities, including Smokes Creek and all exterior roads.
[Amended 3-29-2021]
Bulk materials stored outdoors must be contained or controlled
in such a manner as to not allow fugitive dust or blowing of bulk
materials or odors migrating off premises and negatively affecting
neighboring properties.
E. Lakefront Open Space District (BRA-LOS).
(1) Purpose. The intent of the BRA-Lakefront Open Space District (BRA-LOS)
is to provide for habitat restoration and limited opportunities for
passive public open space within the constraints of the site. This
area shall include the establishment of a 100-foot vegetative buffer
along the top of the bluff. Site conditions preclude public access
along most of the shoreline, but scenic overlooks may be feasible
near Smokes Creek.
(2) Use regulations.
Permitted uses and structures:
Open space; overlooks; and
Parking areas to service the recreational trail and associated
Nonpermitted uses. Per deed restrictions placed on the former
Bethlehem Steel Corporation property, the following land uses are
prohibited in the Lakefront Open Space District:
Residential (all densities);
Day-care facilities and nursery schools, or other facilities
primarily used for multiple numbers of persons under the age of 18
years; and
Wells for extraction of water, other than for monitoring, treating
or remediation.
(3) Supplemental requirements: A 100-foot setback from the top of the
bluff shall be established. No uses or structures may be placed within
the setback area.
F. Supplemental regulations: design standards.
(1) Purpose. These supplemental regulations are intended to establish
design standards for all development occurring in the portions of
the Bethlehem Redevelopment Area immediately adjacent to New York
State Route 5 and/or the Hamburg Turnpike (which are both segments
of the Great Lakes Seaway Trail and National Scenic Byway). Properties
visible from these roadways are part of the gateway into the City
of Lackawanna and should be held to a higher design standard to maintain
a quality image of this part of the City. It is the intent of this
section to guide site development as it relates to building and parking
orientation, general building design, landscaping, site lighting,
signage and outdoor storage for all development that occurs in this
area of the BRA.
(2) Applicability. The following supplemental regulations and design
guidelines shall apply to development sites located within the BRA
that have property boundaries adjoining New York State Route 5 and/or
the Hamburg Turnpike rights-of-way. These regulations apply to all
areas zoned BRA-LI, and some property zoned BRA-MI.
(3) Building and lot orientation. Unless otherwise specified, the following provisions are supplemental to the applicable regulations outlined in §
230-28, Building, siting, massing and form.
All lots shall have primary frontage along the internal public
roadway, with access to buildings and their associated parking lots
provided from the internal roadway.
For lots situated along New York State Route 5 or the Hamburg
Turnpike, the portion of the building facing these roadways shall
be considered a secondary frontage. No driveway access will be allowed
onto New York State Route 5 or the Hamburg Turnpike with the issuance
of a special use permit.
The rear facades and side walls of buildings that face the Hamburg Turnpike shall be designed in a manner that is in keeping with an aesthetic image for this gateway area. Properties shall abide by design standards established in §
Primary building entrances shall be oriented towards the internal
roadway with secondary entrances on the side or rear facing the parking
The subdivision of any BRA lots situated along New York State
Route 5 shall result in sublots that are symmetrical in layout (square
or rectangle); the creation of oddly shaped lots is discouraged.
Loading docks shall have access to the internal public roadway
and shall be properly screened from view.
(4) Parking and circulation. Unless otherwise specified, the following provisions are supplemental to the applicable existing regulations of §
230-36, Parking, loading and stacking:
Parking and pedestrian circulation.
Minimum off-street parking requirements for site development shall be as established pursuant to §
230-36B. Off-street parking requirements for uses not listed in §
230-36B shall be determined during site plan review.
All parking areas shall be paved and striped with the surfaces
in good condition and designed for proper drainage.
No parking shall be permitted within eight feet of any portion
of a building other than for loading area and access to the loading
The eight-foot area between parking lots and buildings shall
be used for sidewalks, foundation plantings and other site amenities,
such as benches, bike racks and lighting.
Shared parking and shared access between parking lots is encouraged
in order to reduce the total area dedicated to parking.
Where parking areas abut parking areas on adjacent lots, a minimum
five-foot vegetative buffer strip shall be installed to break up the
monotony of the paved areas.
Clearly marked pedestrian pathways shall be provided within
the interior of parking lots to avoid large expanses of asphalt and
to enhance pedestrian safety.
As per §
230-34B(10), shade trees shall be provided in parking lots to ensure that within 15 years after the establishment of the lot at least 40% of the lot, calculated by using the diameter of the tree crown at 15 years, will be shaded. This can be accomplished with center islands and plantings along the parking lot edges.
Areas that will be utilized by trucks shall be built to a standard
that can effectively support the anticipated weight.
Sidewalks. Unless otherwise specified, the following provisions are supplemental to the applicable regulations of §
230-37, Pedestrian and bicycle facilities:
Sidewalks measuring six feet in width shall be provided along
the internal public roadway in the BRA-LI District.
Interior sidewalks or striped crosswalks shall be provided to
ensure safe pedestrian travel between building and the sidewalk along
the internal public roadway.
Sidewalks shall be provided to connect parking areas located
to the sides and rear of buildings with the front entrance.
Pedestrian amenities such as benches and trash receptacles shall
be provided where appropriate.
(5) Building character and materials.
Building scale and design.
Diversity in architectural style is encouraged; however, multiple
buildings on the same site shall be designed to present a coordinated
or compatible visual relationship.
Exterior building design features shall be encouraged to provide
individual character to buildings. Such features may include decorative
cornices, pilasters, columns, relief, medallions, dormers and eave
No building facade that faces a street shall have a blank, uninterrupted
wall of more than 20 linear feet (40 feet for buildings greater than
120 feet in length). This can be achieved through the use of a combination
of divisions or breaks in the materials, separate entrances and entry
treatments, windows, vegetation or other visual design elements, colors
and textures.
In multistory buildings, the ground floor shall be distinguished
from the floors above. This can be achieved through a combination
of an intermediate cornice line, a difference in building materials
or detailing, an awning, trellis or arcade, special window lintels
or brick corbels or quoins.
Architectural elements and features should be designed at a
scale to be visible from the street.
Buildings that front more than one street shall have a front
facade facing each street.
Rooftop screening shall be incorporated in the design of buildings
to shield vents and rooftop-mounted equipment from view of the street.
Equipment that emits noise shall be appropriately screened to
prevent sound from traveling beyond the property line.
Accessory structures.
Mobile office trailers, truck trailers, shipping containers
or other storage trailers shall not be permitted for permanent use
as office or production space, or for storage purposes.
Building materials.
No fewer than two exterior materials shall be utilized for building
Building materials shall be comprised of materials of high quality
and durability. Walls shall be clad in a mix of stone, brick, marble,
metal paneling, cast concrete, vinyl siding, Dryvit® and Hardie
board, cement paneling or similar material.
All walls visible from a public right-of-way shall be clad with
the same material required for the front facade of the building.
Roofing systems shall be comprised of materials appropriate
to the architectural style and color palette of the building.
Deteriorated or damaged exterior building materials shall be
repaired or replaced using appropriate materials.
The entrance points to any site shall be well designed and landscaped
as a unique element of each business.
Foundation landscaping shall consist of trees, shrubs, and flower
Trees shall be planted along the street frontage every 30 feet
on center.
Trees shall be provided in setback areas to ensure that within
15 years of establishment at least 60% of the setback, calculated
as the diameter of the tree crown, will be shaded.
Landscaped islands, planted with trees and shrubs, shall be
provided within parking areas for more than 30 vehicles to break up
the monotony of pavement and provide shaded areas. One island shall
be placed between every 15 parking spaces.
Landscaping shall be protected from impacts of snow clearance
and storage.
All on-site landscaping shall comply with additional standards found in §
All landscape features identified for site development as part
of an approved site plan shall be properly maintained and, as necessary,
replaced to ensure compliance with this approval.
(6) Screening and outdoor storage.
Screening. Unless otherwise specified, the following provisions are supplemental to the applicable regulations outlined in §
230-40, Screening:
Parking areas situated between buildings and the New York State
Route 5 corridor shall utilize a combination of berms, shrubs and
trees to effectively screen these areas from view.
Loading docks shall be effectively screened from view from both
Route 5 and primary interior roadways through the use of fencing,
partitions constructed of brick or other acceptable materials, berming,
vegetation or any combination thereof.
Dumpsters shall be properly screened from view with fencing
or a masonry enclosure that exceeds the height of the trash receptacles
contained therein.
Dumpster enclosures shall be gated and gates shall be kept closed
when not in use.
Trash compactors and recycling bins shall be properly screened
with dense vegetation, wood fencing or masonry enclosures that match
the design of the building.
Mechanical and utility equipment.
Ground-mounted mechanical and utility equipment shall be properly
screened from view with vegetative plantings or other measures to
not be visible from New York State Route 5 and the interior public
Roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened with parapet
walls or other appropriate measures to not be visible from New York
State Route 5 or the interior public roadway.
Outdoor storage. Outdoor storage or display of bulk materials,
equipment, component products or finished products shall not be allowed
in the BRA-LI District or portions of the BRA-MI District located
along Route 5.
(7) Utilities. All on-site utilities shall be designed and constructed in compliance with the provisions of §
(8) Lighting and signage.
All site lighting, both freestanding and fixtures attached to
structures, shall be properly screened to prevent glare, uplighting
and spill off the property.
Night lighting must be provided for all pedestrian facilities.
Bollard lighting can be used as accent lighting along pedestrian
paths and to highlight pedestrian crossings in parking lots and across
Lighting within industrial sites for security and nighttime
operation shall be limited and properly screened.
Lighting on buildings to highlight architectural detail is permissible.
Lighting shall comply with additional standards found in §
Signage. Unless otherwise specified, the following guidelines are supplemental to the applicable existing regulations §
230-41, Signs:
The size and color of signs shall complement the facade, scale
and architectural style of the building.
Street numbers shall be prominently displayed at the main entrance
to every business and be clearly visible from the street.
Exterior signs shall be limited to business identification and
description; signs advertising products shall be prohibited.
External signage that is illuminated shall be properly controlled
to prohibit excessive light that spills outward or upward.
Rooftop signs and billboards on buildings shall be prohibited.
Directional signage may be provided at key locations within
a site that has more than one primary structure for wayfinding purposes.
No off-premises signs are permitted.