Providing for the purchase of real estate and the borrowing of money for sewer purposes. This refers to a tract containing 14,700 square feet, located in the Second Ward, on Fifth Avenue, between Main Street and Buttonwood Street, purchased from John I. Dismant.
Providing for the purchase of a lot of land and a stable situated on the south side of Hall Street near Bridge Street. This refers to Lot 33 on the plan of lots of the John Morgan Estate.
Res. 10/5/1910
Authorizing the sale of the property at the southeast corner of Gay Hall Streets known as the Council Chamber property.
Res. 4/12/1912
Condemning a tract of land situated partly in the Borough and partly in Schuylkill Township, bounded on the north by the Schuylkill River, on the south by land of the Borough, on the east by aline representing the prolongation of Marshall Street and on the west by Franklin Avenue and the Borough's pump house tract, as a site for a filtration plant.
Res. 5/24/1912
Ratifying and confirming the agreement of sale for the property as a site for the filtration plant, and conveying to Joseph W. Hunsicker, his heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, tenants and occupiers of the tract known as the Hunsicker Farm, the right and privilege of using, in common with the Borough, a right-of-way from the road leading to the village of Cromby to a point on the towpath near the Borough pump house.
Res. 5/6/1914
Authorizing the purchase of the unimproved lot of William C. Quick, in the Third Ward of the Borough of Phoenixville. This lot was located at the southwest corner of Bridge and Hall Streets.
Res. 5/7/1924
Accepting the gift of the Phoenix Iron Company to the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Phoenixville of a tract of land for park purposes. This refers to 3.37 acres, located in the Second Ward, bounded by Second Avenue, Starr Street, Third Avenue and Reeves Park, to be used as an addition to Reeves Park, and subject to the conditions set forth in the deed, that the tract be forever protected from unlawful invasions or trespasses of cattle, that it be otherwise clear of all buildings of any sort or kind, and that it be properly laid out and kept in repair for the ornamentation of the Borough, and for the enjoyment of the inhabitants of the Borough, and all other citizens of the Commonwealth, and that it be governed only by such regulations as the authorities of the Borough may provide from time to time for the maintenance of good order therein.
Authorizing the sale of the real estate of the Burgess and Township Council for the Borough of Phoenixville, known as the Borough Hall property on Main Street and the Borough storage yard property on Bridge Street and the purchase of the Phoenixville Iron Company's property on Church Street known as the Club House.
Res. 8/16/1927
Accepting the gift of two frame houses and a lot, situated at the corner of Church and Dean Streets, from William E. Reeves, donated for use as a Borough Hall, and thereby vesting in the Borough title to all property between Church Street, Dean Street, Hall Street and the Catholic Church property.
Res. 8/16/1927
Accepting the gift from the Phoenix Iron Company of the Club House property on East Church Street, as Borough Hall.
Authorizing the sale of the real estate the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Phoenixville, known as the Borough Hall property on Main Street in the First Ward of the Borough of Phoenixville, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
To authorize the purchase of a track of land in the Township of Schuylkill, for purpose of the Borough of Phoenixville. This refers to 1.064 acre tract of land, adjoining the Borough line, purchased from the William D. Althouse Estate.
To authorize the purchase of the right-of-way from the executor and trustee of the last will and testament of William D. Althouse, deceased, for the construction of a water pipe line from Columbia Avenue to the Borough reservoir or standpipe, in the Third and Sixth Wards of the Borough of Phoenixville.
Providing for an exchange of a 40 acre tract of land owned by the Borough in East Pikeland Township for a lot at the northwest corner of Gay Street and Taylor Alley owned by the Central Iron and Steel Company. The land in East Pikeland Township had been conveyed to the Borough by Arthur W. Rossiter et aux., by deed dated March 24, 1928.
Certain tracts of land in the Third Ward as follows: a certain tract of land consisting of 35,046 square feet, the said tract of land being a permanent water retention area; a certain tract of land consisting of 34,287 square feet, the said tract being a permanent water retention area.
Authorizing and declaring the intent of the Borough of Phoenixville to take by eminent domain property known as Bridge Street Lounge for municipal purposes.
Authorizing the transfer for three parcels of Borough owned land, all located on the south side of High Street, the north side of Railroad Street and the west side of North Street, to the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Chester.
Authorizing the condemnation, by eminent domain, of certain property, located in the Borough and known as 251 Bridge Street.
Authorizing the transfer, to the Redevelopment Authority of Chester County, a parcel of Borough owned land, located in the southwest corner of the intersection of Bridge Street and Church Avenue.
Authorizing the acceptance of deeds of dedication for certain public improvements in the Winding River Subdivision
Authorizing the acceptance of deeds of dedication for certain public improvements in the Village at Caines Creek
Authorizing the condemnation, by eminent domain, of certain rights, easements and rights-of-way, for public water supply use and facilities, with respect to certain real property in the Borough and known as 136 South Phoenix Drive.
Authorizing the condemnation, by eminent domain, of certain rights, easements and rights-of-way, for public stormwater management facilities and use, with respect to certain real property, located in the Borough and formerly used by the Reading Railroad Company as part of its rail line located east of Starr Street and abutting the south side of Bridge Street.
Authorizing the condemnation, by eminent domain, of certain rights, easements and rights-of-way, for public stormwater management facilities, water supply, sanitary sewer and/or utility purposes, with respect to certain real property, located in the Borough and known as 110 Starr Street.
Authorizing the condemnation, by eminent domain, of certain rights, easements and rights-of-way, for public stormwater management, water supply, sanitary sewer and/or utility purposes, with respect to certain real property, located in the Borough north of the Bridge Street center line, east of Main Street and south of the French Creek.
Authorizing the condemnation, by eminent domain, of certain rights, easements and rights-of-way, for public stormwater management, water supply sanitary sewer and/or utility purposes, with respect to certain real property, located in the Borough north of the Bridge Street center line, east of Main Street and south of the French Creek.
Authorizing the condemnation, by eminent domain, of certain rights, easements and rights-of-way, for public road and/or utility purposes, with respect to a certain part of the parcel located in the southwestern corner of the intersection of Nutt Road (S.R. 23) and Kimberton Road (S.R. 113).
Authorizing the acceptance of deeds of dedication for: a road right-of-way and all utilities easement for all public roads laid out pursuant to the River Walk Subdivision Plan; a road right-of-way and all utilities easement for area contiguous to the existing Black Rock Road right-of-way; an easement and rights to use the common stormwater management system and a twenty foot wide water supply easement running across the common open space south of the Swan Drive Cul de sac.
Authorizing Borough acceptance of deeds of dedication for certain rights-of way, easements and rights with respect to roads, water supply, sanitary sewer, stormwater and utility facilities, systems and improvements associated with the River Walk Subdivision.
Authorizing the condemnation, by eminent domain, of certain rights, easements and rights-of-way, for public trail use, with respect to certain real property located in the Borough and formerly used as a rail line along the French Creek Corridor and extending north crossing High Street and Fillmore Street, in order to establish the Phoenixville Borough section of the Schuylkill River Trail which is a regional trail extending from Pottsville to the City of Philadelphia.
Authorizing the condemnation by eminent domain to acquire, in fee simple, certain real property located in the Borough and formally used as a rail line, located approximately 190 feet south of Fillmore Street and along the westerly side of lands of Coventry Ridge Limited Partnership, to extend Fillmore Street to the west and connect to Township Line Road, as part of the street and road system in the Borough of Phoenixville.
An ordinance authorizing the condemnation, by eminent domain, of real property for municipal purposes located on Tax Parcel No. of 15-10-103.
Authorizing the acceptance of deeds of dedication for certain public improvements in the Eland Downe phased subdivision.
An ordinance authorizing the condemnation, by eminent domain, of real property for municipal purposes located at 395 Bridge Street and more particularly identified as UPI No. 15-9-94.
Authorizing the condemnation, by eminent domain, of real property for municipal purposes located at Chester County UPI No. 15-4-10.
Accepting dedication of right-of-way of Ashburn Road and Bunning Road.
Authorizing the condemnation, by eminent domain, of the real property located at Chester County UPI No. 15-9-91.1 for municipal purposes.