[Code 1992, § 15.11(2)]
Every occupant of any dwelling, boardinghouse, restaurant or any place of business having garbage to dispose of who does not otherwise provide disposal of garbage in a sanitary manner shall provide one or more metal, plastic or rubber containers sufficient to receive all garbage that may accumulate between the times of collection. Each container, except when otherwise permitted by the Building Inspector, shall be watertight, of a capacity not less than five nor more than 25 gallons, with a verminproof, flytight and watertight cover and shall be provided with a bail or handles. Cans shall be so placed that they may be readily accessible for removing or emptying the cans, and no other receptacle shall be used for garbage. All garbage accumulated between the times of collection shall be placed in such garbage containers which shall be kept covered and shall be cleaned by the owners at least once a week and shall be kept in a sanitary condition. All garbage shall be well drained and completely wrapped in paper before being placed in containers, unless the Building Inspector shall otherwise provide by regulations.
[Code 1992, § 15.11(3)]
The owner of any residence, flat, rooming house or boardinghouse shall be jointly responsible for the sanitary condition of the premises with any tenant or renter thereof and when any tenant or renter fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of this chapter, the City may, after giving 48 hours' notice, remove or have removed all such unsanitary or deleterious material. The cost of such removal shall be charged against the property from which such material has been removed.
If the cost of removing such material is not paid by the following October 1, the City Clerk shall spread such cost on the tax roll as a special charge against the property affected to be collected in the manner of all other special charges and assessments.
[Ord. No. 94-22, § I(16.10), 12-12-1994]
Contractor to furnish necessary equipment. The contractor shall furnish material, equipment, tools, trucks and labor sufficient at all times to carry out the duties which he undertakes to perform and to accomplish such duties in a good and workmanlike manner.
Approval of equipment. All collection equipment shall be as approved by the City Business Administrator or the supervising department, and garbage collection trucks must be completely enclosed and kept clean and sanitary.
Appearance of employees and trucks. The contractor shall require that all employees and trucks shall present as neat an appearance as possible considering the type of work involved. The contractor agrees that his employees shall at all times conduct their duties with politeness and shall act in a well-mannered manner.
Routes and schedules. The contractor shall provide the City with schedules of collection routes and keep such information current at all times.
Bankruptcy. If the contractor is adjudged bankrupt, either voluntary or involuntary, then the City may terminate, effective on the day and at the time the bankruptcy is filed.
Assignment. No assignment of the agreement for refuse collection or any right occurring under the agreement shall be made, in whole or part, by the contractor without the express written consent of the City. In the event of any assignment, the assignee shall assume the liability of the contractor.
Default or breach of contract. In the event of any default or breach of the refuse collection contract by the contractor, the City in its sole discretion may withhold subsequent monthly installments until such time as the parties resolve or have resolved for them any controversy arising therefrom and the acts of the City of so withholding shall not constitute a waiver, breach, repudiation, election, bar, estoppel, ratification or the like. Its right to do so shall be in addition to any other remedy it may have, legal, equitable or otherwise, and the contractor shall not be relieved of performing further hereunder, but shall continue to be obligated to so perform.
[Ord. No. 94-22, § I(16.11), 12-12-1994]
Garbage cans. Garbage cans may be made of steel, aluminum or plastic. The maximum size of cans is 45 gallons, and the maximum weight of each can when full is 70 pounds. All cans must have handles and lids and in no case shall any surfaces of the container have sharp, dangerous or noxious surfaces which may be harmful to the collectors or others.
Throwaway containers. Throwaway containers shall mean plastic or water-resistant paper bags, boxes, cartons, cans, crates and baskets which shall be secured in such a manner that the contents thereof shall not be blown or scattered about, become frozen to the ground or become a nuisance to the neighbors or the area. Such containers may hold refuse.
Dumpsters. Dumpsters, commonly used by nonresidential facilities and multiple-family properties, must have lids which are hinged and must be free of holes which would allow leakage. All dumpsters used in the refuse service must meet specifications set by the City Business Administrator or the department supervising refuse services. Dumpsters which are found to be leaking may be ordered to be replaced by the City.
Desirable area for dumpsters. An outside area shall be provided to accommodate dumpsters and so placed that desirable screening can be used to create an aesthetically acceptable refuse storage area. Plans or drawings for a proposed area of this type shall be presented to the City Building Inspector for approval before construction takes place. The City shall establish separately from this chapter a policy statement containing the standards for design of proper screening material. New construction must submit plans as part of their primary building construction plans.
[Ord. No. 94-22, § I(16.12), 12-12-1994]
Solid waste collection rules are as follows:
Garbage containers. All solid waste and garbage generated by residential class facilities or properties shall be well-drained, dry or wrapped in paper and deposited in an approved container of not more than 45 gallons. All approved containers shall be kept closed with a tight-fitting cover, except when being filled or emptied, and shall be vermin and flyproof and kept in a sanitary condition. Garbage cans, carts and dumpsters shall be placed so they can at all times be readily accessible for removing or emptying.
Garbage pickup days. Garbage pickup days shall be Monday through Friday on a regular schedule approved by the City. Where holidays interfere with regular pickup days, the pickup shall be rescheduled for the next following workday. Persons unsure of their pickup day should contact City Hall.
Time of collection. Residents shall move their garbage containers from their storage point to a collection point in time for prompt collection by 6:00 a.m. on the designated collection day and return their containers to storage points from any curbside collection point by 8:00 p.m. on the day of collection. Residents shall be responsible for the removal of snow, ice and other impediments which would restrict easy access to the containers located at the collection points. Materials shall not be placed at the roadside more than 12 hours prior to pickup. Scheduled pickup shall begin at 6:00 a.m.
Storage point. All garbage containers and throwaway containers shall be stored every day, except the day of collection, at any location on private property convenient to the resident which is enclosed, stored in the dwelling/garage or located behind or on the side of the resident's dwelling/garage and which is so located so as not to create a nuisance to the neighbors or the area.
Collection point. The collection point shall be as follows:
For properties with street access only, garbage cans and throwaway containers shall be placed for regular collections by 6:00 a.m. on the collection day at a point between the curb and the public sidewalk, near or on the driveway approach or service walk, affording easy access to the collectors.
For properties with alley access, garbage cans and throwaway containers shall be placed for regular collection by 6:00 a.m. on the collection day at a point immediately adjacent to the alley right-of-way.
Nonacceptable materials. Unacceptable materials include, but are not limited to, grass clippings; building contractors' demolition material; clean fill; broken concrete; logs; tree limbs; leaves; sod; turf; solvents; caustics; acids; hazardous waste or substances; and other unusual, heavy, bulky or hazardous items impossible or difficult to handle by one person because of dimension, weight or potential harm, which the City's contracted refuse service will not pick up. Building contractors, landscapers and arborists are responsible for removal of any debris resulting from their work, including all trees, limbs and leaves. Removal of such materials must be contracted for separately.
Collector may reject. The City Business Administrator or his designee, City employees or contracted agents of the City may refuse to collect any garbage or refuse improperly prepared or deposited for pickup as provided by this section.
Exceptions to day certain service. Exceptions to day certain service are as follows:
Holidays. When a holiday falls on the resident's appointed collection day, the collection shall be made on the next working day following the holiday.
Weather. When a collection day falls during a declared snow emergency, collection shall be made on the next working day after the emergency ends. Extreme cold or excessive rain may also be cause for temporarily halting refuse pickup.
Exceptions to curbside pickup. Exceptions to curbside pickup are as follows:
An exception to the curbside pickup service for reason of inability to move approved containers because of the physical characteristics of a lot from the point of storage to the point of collection may be made by the City Business Administrator or supervising department upon application of a resident.
An exception to the responsibility for moving a cart to the point of collection for reason of incapability of all members of a household shall be granted by the City Business Administrator or the supervising department, upon application by any resident who shall be able to demonstrate such incapability, provided that the City Business Administrator or the supervising department may require verification of such incapability by the applicant's personal physician.
[Ord. No. 94-22, § I(16.17), 12-12-1994]
Pickup of tree limbs, branches and brush. All tree limbs, cut trees, branches and brush will be picked up on a day specified by the City. The City will also make special collections of such material upon request.
Requests. Requests for special collections shall be made in the form of a telephone call or in writing to the City. The City Business Administrator or the supervising department shall determine if any charge for services is required, based upon the amount of time required or difficulty of providing the special pickup.
Fees. Special collection fees shall be set by the Council from time to time, payable upon order for collection and shall include 15 minutes of City crew operation or the rate charged by an independent contractor. "City crew" is hereby defined as two Public Works Department employees and the use of equipment. Additional time required shall be billed to the resident on a time-consumed basis at the rate set by the Council from time to time per additional and succeeding fifteen-minute period or the rate charged by an independent contractor. Special collection fees shall be charged to the property owner. Said fees are special charges pursuant W.S.A. to § 66.0627. Any fees unpaid by October 1 of each year shall be entered upon the tax roll as a special charge against the property, and all proceedings in relation to the collection, return, and sale of property for delinquent real estate taxes shall apply to the special collection fee. Any property owner or resident of said property owner who places yard waste on the roadside on days not specified by the City and who does not make a request for special collections will receive a forty-eight-hour notice to remove or have removed such yard waste. Upon failure to remove or have such yard waste removed, the City will remove the yard waste and charge the special collection fees as set forth above.
[Amended 6-27-2011 by Ord. No. 11-20; 8-13-2012 by Ord. No. 12-16]
Cutting and bundling of trees, branches or shrubs. Trees, branches or shrubs with a diameter over three inches shall be cut in lengths of eight feet and stacked at roadside for removal. Small branches, limbs and brush shall be cut to a length not exceeding eight feet and shall be bundled with string or rope. Bundles should not exceed 18 inches in diameter. Tree trimmings may also be deposited at the City composting center in the area provided for this purpose.
Demolition material, major appliances, lead acid batteries, waste tires and waste oil. Pickup of resident-generated, as opposed to contractor-generated, loose demolition or remodeling material, major appliances, lead acid batteries, waste tires and waste oil must be arranged directly by the resident with the refuse hauler.
Leaves. The City will provide regular pickup of leaves at the curbside each fall season. Scheduling of the leaf pickup will be announced by the City each year just prior to the beginning of service. Leaves shall be left open on the terrace area adjacent to the street and not bagged.
Grass clippings. The City does not provide pickup of grass clippings and encourages residents to return their grass clippings to their lawns which adds nutrients necessary for healthy growth. A municipal dropoff site for grass clippings is provided for those that wish to collect their clippings. The City shall provide annual notice of the availability and procedures to follow for use of the drop-off site.