[Code 1992, § 13.02; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
The following rules issued by the Public Service Commission and on file in the office of the Director of Utilities are adopted by reference in this section as though fully set forth in this section. Whenever any provision of this Code shall conflict with any PSC rule adopted by reference in this section, such conflict shall be resolved in favor of the PSC rule.
Schedule No.
Public fire protection service
Private fire protection service - unmetered
General service - metered
Additional meter reading charges
Other charges
Public service
General water service - unmetered
Seasonal service
Bulk water
Reconnection charge
Water lateral installation charge
Water utility operation rules
Water main extension rule
Water main installations in platted subdivisions
[Code 1992, § 13.46(7); amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
The City adopts by reference the state plumbing code, Chs. SPS 382 through 387, Wis. Adm. Code. This section does not supersede the state and City plumbing codes but is supplementary to them.
[Code 1992, § 13.39; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
No person other than an authorized employee of the Utility Commission shall, without written authority, operate any valve within a stop box controlling the flow of water to any premises or break or tamper with the seal of any water meter in service or open or operate any hydrant connected with the distribution service or any valve thereon, except for purposes of extinguishing fires, whether such hydrant is the property of the City or has been placed by the owner for his own protection. No person shall wantonly injure or impair the same. Only persons authorized by the Fire Chief for fire purposes only and persons authorized by a proper City official are permitted to use hydrant wrenches in the operation of hydrants connected with the water supply of the utility. Permits for the use of hydrants apply only to such hydrants as are designated in the permit for the particular use specified.
[Amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
The provisions of § PSC 185.88, Wis. Adm. Code, are hereby incorporated herein by reference.
Thawing of a customer's lateral shall be at the utility's expense if:
The freeze-up is a direct result of a utility disconnect and the disconnection occurs during a time when conditions are such that freeze-up could reasonably be expected to occur; or
The customer's portion of lateral is electrically conductive and:
It is the first thaw for the customer at the location; and
The utility has not provided the customer with seasonal notice of the corrective actions to be taken for a known condition.
Lateral thawing shall be at the customer's expense if:
The customer's lateral is not electrically conductive and the freeze-up is not a direct result of a utility disconnect as set forth in sub. (1)(a); or
The customer neglected to provide or maintain proper insulation or protection for the lateral according to standard accepted practice, or specific utility instructions on, for example, the required depth of burial needed to prevent freezing; or
The utility advises the customer of the corrective measures to be taken and the customer does not follow the utility's advice. (See § PSC 185.35 (7), Wis. Adm. Code, for bill adjustment where a utility requests a customer to let water flow to prevent freezing); or
If the utility disconnects for a dangerous condition.