[Code 1992, § 13.22; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
Fire protection service shall consist of connections for automatic sprinkler systems, standpipes (where standpipes are connected permanently or coterminously to mains) and private hydrants.
Consumers who are regular users of City water service may be supplied with larger water pipes with hydrants and hose couplings or a sprinkler system under the rules of the American Waterworks Association, to be used only in case of fire. Automatic sprinkler equipment shall be provided with controlling valve, backflow preventor or indicator post valve of a make and design to be approved by the Director of Utilities in either a valve pit near the main in the street or at the curb.
[Code 1992, § 13.23; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
A combination commercial and fire hydrant or sprinkler service shall consist of a pipeline with a backflow preventor and either a meter on a bypass of suitable size for commercial service required around the valve of the same diameter as the pipe place on line, such valve to be closed and sealed so as to divert all water through the meter and opened only in case of fire, or a compound or detector meter of standard make which will register accurately all water passing through it from a no-load to a fifty-percent overload under varying pressures.
[Code 1992, § 13.24; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
Automatic sprinkler service alone, as required by insurance companies, with water supplied either direct to tank of a combination or tank and direct pressure, shall have all manual valves sealed. Such seal shall be broken only in case of fire. Any abuse or illegal connection for the use of water through these services shall forfeit the right of the consumer to such service for fire protection, and the Utility Commission, upon receipt of a report of such illegal use, shall, at its discretion, have the power to require any such service to be provided with a compound or meter to be installed at any time the Utility Commission may prescribe and to make any change on just and reasonable requirements as good service may from time to time require, either as to such meter or to any other parts of such appliance pertaining to the same.
[Code 1992, § 13.25; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
Private fire hydrant service, where it exists, shall consist of a pipeline with hydrants on such pipeline. Such hydrants shall have hose threads and operating nuts as found on City hydrants. All such hydrants shall be closed and sealed and opened only in case of fire. When the seal is opened on any private hydrant, the Director of Utilities shall be notified at once and shall cause the hydrant to be resealed. Private fire hydrants must be checked and flushed no less often than every two years.
[Code 1992, § 13.26; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
Consumers having unmetered connections used for fire protection may test their fire apparatus at any time under the following conditions:
Upon notice given at the Utility Commission office that such test is desired and the date and hour fixed when such test is to be made.
When testing of fire service is made by a duly authorized insurance representative or insurance inspector, no permit shall be required to break any seals on the system, but in each instance the Director of Utilities shall be notified at once before making the test, and such seals shall be replaced by an employee of the Utility Commission. Such notice shall be given by the property owner or his agent.
[Code 1992, § 13.27; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
Any private fire protection system which is supplied with water from the City's system shall be supplied exclusively with City water, and no connection will be allowed with any other system which draws any part of its supply from another source whereby the City's water may be contaminated by failure to close valves or by leaking check valves, etc., and no auxiliary or secondary suction pipe to any pump taking water from a stream or any other source will be permitted. Any private fire protection system using water, in whole or in part, shall be kept separate from any such system which is supplied from the City water system.
[Code 1992, § 13.28; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
The Utility Commission reserves the right to shut off the water supply in the mains temporarily for the purpose of making repairs, alterations and additions. When circumstances will permit sufficient delay, the Director of Utilities or Utility Commission will give notification by newspaper publication or by written notice delivered to the premises of the discontinuance of service and the approximate length of time service will be discontinued. In such cases the utility shall not be liable for any rebate, damages or inconveniences caused by such temporary suspension of supply.
[Code 1992, § 13.29; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
Consumers, in accepting water service for their requirements, agree to accept such service at their own risk, and the City shall not be liable for any damage caused by lack of pressure, failure to supply, leaks, breakage of machinery or facilities or any cause beyond the control of the Utility Commission.
[Code 1992, § 13.43; amended 3-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-04]
The City reserves the right and the Director of Utilities is authorized to require a controlling valve to be placed upon the hydrant nozzle when water is being used for any purpose other than for fires, in order to prevent damage to fire hydrants and consequent impairment of fire protection.