Subdivision I
In General
[Code 1992, § 12.18(2)]
No person shall operate any common motor carrier of passengers within or through any street in the City, except in compliance with action taken by the City Council in relation to such street and route. Such action shall be evidenced by resolution of the City Council.
No public passenger vehicle shall operate within or through any street in the City after permission for such use has been withdrawn or rescinded by action of the City Council.
[Code 1992, § 12.18(5)]
Carrying passengers. No person employed or engaged in the business of conveying passengers for hire shall refuse to carry passengers as required by state law or unless a prospective passenger engages in violent, abusive or indecent behavior.
Radios and tape players; consumption of alcohol beverages. No person in a licensed public passenger vehicle within the jurisdictional limits of the City shall:
Play radios, tape players or other similar devices, except if a device, such as an earphone, is used by the listener. The use of a PA system by the operator is excepted.
Consume any food and/or beverage, except for a licensed operator while taking a break from duty.
Dispose of any litter, garbage or refuse.
Display of prohibitory sign. A sign bearing, in substance, the words "no radio or tape playing, consumption of food and/or beverages or littering . . . City ordinance" shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in each licensed vehicle.
Routes. Licenses must adhere to the routes specified in the City traffic schedules maintained in the Police Department and City Clerk's office. Any change from approved route must be approved by the Mayor.
Obstruction of operator's view. The operator's view is not to be obstructed as follows:
No operator of a public passenger vehicle shall operate the vehicle when it is so loaded as to obstruct the view of the operator to the front or to the sides.
No passenger in a public passenger vehicle shall ride in such a position as to interfere with the operator's view.
The driver's view will be deemed to be obstructed when any passenger is standing forward of a line parallel to and extending through the rear edge of the operator's or driver's seat. Such line shall be clearly marked on the floor of each public passenger vehicle.
Subdivision II
[Code 1992, § 12.18(3)(g)]
Any person not licensed under this article wishing to obtain a license to engage in the business of conveyance of persons within the City under the provisions of this division shall present to the City Clerk a written application therefor stating the name and address of the applicant, the number and type of vehicles proposed to be operated, the method of charging and schedule of rates to be adopted and such other pertinent information as the License and Judicial Committee may require.
[Code 1992, § 12.18(3)(i)]
The License and Judicial Committee shall have the authority to establish a quota or limit every five years on the total number of licenses to be granted.
[Code 1992, § 12.18(3)(j); amended 5-29-2012 by Ord. No. 12-08; 11-10-2014 by Ord. No. 14-08]
Before any such application is accepted by the City Clerk, the applicant shall pay to the Treasurer the amount of money fixed by the Council from time to time for such license or modified license prior to the issuance of public passenger vehicle permits. The applicant shall also present to the City Clerk the policy or certificate of liability insurance as required in Section 86-155, each such insurance policy and certificate to be approved.
[Code 1992, § 12.18(3)(b)]
An annual license shall not be issued for any vehicle until the applicant has filed with the City Clerk a certificate of inspection signed by a reputable automobile mechanic, certifying that the vehicle sought to be licensed is mechanically sound and in safe condition.
[Code 1992, § 12.18(3)(e)]
All licenses issued under this article shall be for a five-year period and expire on January 31 of the fifth year following their issue.
[Code 1992, § 12.18(3)(f)]
All applications for license renewal shall be submitted to the City Clerk on or before November 1 preceding the renewal license year and shall state the name and address of applicant, the number and type of vehicles proposed to be operated, the method of charging and schedule of rates to be adopted and such other pertinent information as the License and Judicial Committee may require. Advanced written notice must be given by either side to each agreement or license of any anticipated changes.
[Code 1992, § 12.18(3)(1)]
No license issued pursuant to this division shall be transferable without approval from the License and Judicial Committee. All licenses can be immediately revoked for just cause by the License and Judicial Committee. Violation of federal or state laws or operating a vehicle in an unsafe manner or in an unsafe condition shall be deemed to be a just cause situation.
[Code 1992, § 12.18(3)(c)]
Such moneys as are needed for the proper enforcement of this division shall be collected by the City Clerk at the time of application.
[Code 1992, § 12.18(3)(h)]
Any person licensed under this article wishing to receive authorization to change the number of vehicles operated under the provisions of their license during the license year may do so by listing such vehicle with the City Clerk, obtain a permit tag from the City Clerk and certify that it will be operated in compliance with the ordinances of the City.
[Code 1992, § 12.18(4)]
The licensee shall provide the City with a certificate of insurance for at least $300,000/$100,000 single limit for liability and property damage with the City named as the additional insured.