[Amended 12-29-1997]
Design standards for residential development have, in part,
been preempted by the Site Improvement Standards (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-40.1
et seq.). A copy of said standard is available at the office of the
Planning Board Secretary and the Township Clerk. Copies may also be
secured through the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Division
of Codes and Standards. These standards shall apply to all residential
development applications filed subsequent to June 3, 1997. The Township
specifically retains the right to specify granite block curb as the
preferred curb specification for all developments. Nonresidential
development shall adhere in all respects to the standards contained
in the Code of the Township of White. Where a standard set forth in
this chapter has not been superseded, it shall continue in full force
and effect.
[Added 9-15-1986; amended 10-7-1988; 3-1-1996; 6-14-2001; 8-5-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-14; 10-6-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-18; 4-27-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-3]
A. All stormwater management measures for a development regardless of use, including structural stormwater management strategies, detention basins and other stormwater management facilities and stormwater collection and conveyance structures, shall be designed in accordance with and comply with the provisions of Chapter
260 of the Code of the Township of White and N.J.A.C. 5:21-7 et seq.
B. For development not defined as a "major development" in Chapter
260, stormwater management measures shall be developed to meet the stormwater runoff quantity requirements in §
260-4 of Chapter
260 of the Code of the Township of White except for agricultural uses or purposes.
[Added 8-5-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-14]
A. General provisions.
(1) Grading required. The yards of every structure shall be graded to
secure proper drainage away from buildings and to dispose of runoff
without ponding. The minimum slope for lawns shall be 2.0%. The minimum
slope for smooth hard finished surfaces shall be 0.75%.
(2) Grading goals. Site grading shall be designed to establish building
floor elevations and ground surface grades that:
Allow drainage of surface water away from buildings.
Minimize earth settlement problems.
Avoid concentrating runoff onto neighboring properties.
Keep earthwork to a practical minimum.
Provide usable outdoor space.
Relate aesthetically with the terrain and buildings on adjacent
Address handicap accessibility where accessibility requirements
must be met on a project.
Minimize land disturbance to better protect existing forested
[Added 4-27-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-3]
(j) Maintain existing drainage patterns.
[Added 7-11-2019 by Ord.
No. 2019-01]
(k) Avoid changes to historical flow paths within a site.
[Added 7-11-2019 by Ord.
No. 2019-01]
(3) Earthwork and yard grading.
No excavation shall be made with a cut face steeper in slope
than two horizontal to one vertical in wooded areas or three horizontal
to one vertical in nonwooded or lightly wooded areas except as approved
by the Township Engineer under special conditions.
No fill shall be placed that creates any exposed surface steeper
in slope than two horizontal to one vertical in wooded areas or three
horizontal to one vertical in nonwooded areas, except as approved
by the Township Engineer under special conditions.
Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent surface water from
eroding the cut face of excavations or the sloping surface of fills.
Retaining walls or cribbing shall be required where needed to
prevent the surface of excavations or fills from exceeding at any
point the maximum allowable slope.
Excavations shall not be made so close to property lines as
to endanger adjoining property without supporting and protecting the
face of the excavation.
No fill or excavation shall be made closer than five feet to
an existing property line or proposed property line.
The finished grade within 20 feet of the building or structure
shall not exceed a ten-percent grade except as approved by the Township
Engineer under special conditions.
When the terrain is such that stormwater will be directed toward
a building foundation, appropriate measures such as swales and storm
sewers shall be provided to intercept and drain surface water.
Swales must be located at least 15 feet from the front and rear
faces of a building and 10 feet away from any side walls. Swales shall
not cross any driveways.
Where swales are run across property boundaries, appropriate
easements shall be recorded, including provisions for repair and maintenance
of the swales.
(4) Retaining walls. Retaining walls shall be constructed in accordance with §
(5) Driveways. Driveways to be constructed, modified or altered as part of a lot grading and land disturbance application shall conform with the provisions of Chapter
B. Land disturbance and drainage.
(1) Deposit or removal of soil. No soil shall be excavated, removed or
deposited within a steep slope area except as a result of and in accordance
with a site grading plan approved by the Township Engineer.
(2) Reasons for soil disturbance. Proposed disturbance of soil shall
be for purposes consistent with the intent of this section and shall
be executed in a manner that conforms with the provisions set forth
in the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Act (N.J.S.A. 4:24-39 et
seq.), and that will not cause excessive erosion or other unstable
[Amended 9-9-2010 by Ord.
No. 2010-6]
(3) Surface water runoff. Provision shall be made for the proper disposition
of surface water runoff so that it will not create unstable conditions
or increase the potential for off-site flooding. Appropriate storm
drainage facilities shall be constructed as deemed necessary, and
adequate protective measures shall be provided for downstream properties.
Existing drainage patterns shall be maintained to avoid redirecting
surface water to other watersheds and drainage areas.
[Amended 7-11-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-01]
(4) Public safety. Safety barriers such as fences, railings or guiderails
shall be placed along the top of any wall or headwall or slope exceeding
a four-to-one ratio and located adjacent to a street, driveway, sidewalk
or other pedestrian route.
(5) Impeding flow of surface water. No proposed building, structure or
attendant protective measures shall impede the flow of surface waters
through any watercourse or cause an increase in flood heights or velocities.
(6) Roads and parking areas. Any proposed vehicular facilities, including
roads, drives or parking areas, shall be so designed that any land
disturbances shall not cause excessive erosion. Both the vertical
and horizontal alignment of vehicular facilities shall be so designed
that hazardous circulation conditions will not be created.
(7) Removal of trees. No trees in excess of 10 inches caliper shall be
removed within the area of disturbance without the prior approval
of the Planning Board.
(8) Soil classifications.
For the purpose of this section, soils will be classified based
upon their natural permeability and relative suitability for the absorption
of surface water runoff as follows:
Low permeability: less than 0.63 inches per hour.
Moderate permeability: 0.63 to 2.0 inches per hour.
Good permeability: greater than 2.0 inches per hour.
Soil permeabilities may be obtained from data compiled in the
Soil Survey of Warren County, New Jersey, as published by the United
States Department of Agriculture, or from other reference sources,
unless otherwise directed by the Township Engineer.
(9) Roof runoff.
All stormwater runoff from roof areas shall be transported to
drywells, seepage pits, detention basins or other on-site stormwater
management facilities, as approved by the Township Engineer. The required
methodology for the implementation of a roof runoff system will be
as follows:
Low permeability soils: detention basins or other on-site stormwater
management facilities.
Moderate permeability soils: drywells, seepage pits or other
on-site stormwater management facilities.
Good permeability soils: drywells and seepage pits.
All drywells or seepage pits shall have a capacity to store
not less than three inches of direct runoff from all roof areas. The
drywells or seepage pits shall be constructed of precast concrete
rings with perforations that shall be surrounded with gravel or broken
stone not exceeding one-and-one-half-inch size. For the purpose of
computing volume, the gravel or stone shall have a porosity of 40%.
Each drywell, or series of drywells, shall have an overflow to grade.
The conveyance system from the roof to the drywell shall conform with
the requirements of the National Standard Plumbing Code. The location,
construction details and specifications for such facilities shall
be shown on the site grading plan.
C. Site grading plans.
(1) Detailed site grading plans.
The detailed site grading plan shall be drawn and certified
by a licensed professional engineer at a scale of not less than one
inch equals 30 feet.
Detailed site grading plans shall show the following information:
The Tax Map sheet, block and lot number, date, graphic scale,
North arrow, the names and address of owner or owners of the tract
and the applicant, if other than the owner, and the engineer who prepared
the site grading plan.
Front, side and rear yard setback dimensions.
Location of all proposed buildings, dimensions thereof, and
the first floor, garage and basement elevations.
Location of all buildings on adjoining lots.
The existing and proposed contours at a contour interval of
two feet or less.
The proposed elevations of the levels of any land at the corner
of the foundation of any structure or structures and the levels of
land above and below retaining walls, as well as top-of-wall elevations.
The layout of existing and proposed public streets and public
The location of any existing or approved potable water or sanitary
sewage disposal facilities on or within 100 feet of the lot.
[10] The location and grades of proposed vehicular
facilities, including roads, drives or parking areas.
[11] The location of all existing landscaping, including
trees, shrubs and ground cover, with type and size of trees and shrubs.
[12] The disposition and extent of topsoil to be removed
or backfilled.
[13] The disposition and extent of all other soil to
be removed or backfilled.
[14] The plans and specifications for any proposed
retaining walls, fences or other protective structures.
[15] The location, plans and specifications for any
proposed drywells, detention basins, seepage pits or other on-site
stormwater management facilities to control roof runoff.
[16] The limits of disturbance and clearing.
[17] The location of all critical impact areas.
[18] The location of roof leader drains.
[19] Depths to seasonal high groundwater at the location
of proposed buildings and stormwater management facilities.
The applicant for a grading plan approval shall provide a complete
set of architectural plans for the new dwelling unit, signed and sealed
by a licensed architect.
(2) Conceptual site grading plans.
The conceptual site grading plan shall be drawn by a licensed
professional engineer or certified landscape architect at a scale
of not less than one inch equals 30 feet.
Conceptual site grading plans shall show the following information:
Location of all proposed buildings and garage, first floor and
basement elevations.
The existing and proposed contours at a contour interval of
two feet or less.
The proposed elevations of the levels of land above and below
retaining walls, as well as top-of-wall elevations.
The location and grade of proposed vehicular facilities, including
roads, driveways or parking areas.
The location of all existing wooded areas.
The plans and specifications for any proposed retaining walls,
fences or other protective structures.
The location of any existing or proposed potable water or sanitary
sewage disposal facilities, on or within 100 feet of the lot.
A slope map showing existing slope areas, limits of grading
and clearing and all calculations necessary to determine compliance
with this section.
The location of any proposed drywells, detention basins, seepage
pits or other on-site stormwater management facilities to control
roof runoff.
[10] The location of all critical impact areas.
[11] Depths to seasonal high groundwater at the location
of the proposed building.
(3) Subdivision and site plan requirements.
Site grading plans shall be required for all major subdivisions,
minor subdivisions and site plans where the total proposed disturbance
exceeds 5,000 square feet or where slopes exceed 15%.
The installation of drywells, seepage pits, detention basins or other on-site stormwater management facilities to control runoff from roof areas shall be required for the construction of any principal structure upon a lot for major subdivisions, minor subdivisions and site plans. This requirement shall not pertain to existing structures or any addition thereto. All stormwater management measures for a development, regardless of use, shall comply with the provisions of Chapter
260 of the Code of the Township of White and §
160-80 of this chapter.
[Amended 4-27-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-3]
In the case of major and minor subdivisions, in lieu of submitting
detailed grading plans, the applicant may submit conceptual lot grading
plans for the purposes of preliminary and final subdivision approval.
Notwithstanding the above, prior to the issuance of a building permit,
a detailed site grading plan conforming to this section shall be submitted
to the Township Engineer for review and approval. If the applicant
fails to meet the requirements of this section, a building permit
shall not be issued.
(4) Site grading plan procedures.
A conceptual grading plan shall be submitted to the Planning
Board for its review and approval prior to preliminary subdivision
or site plan approval.
All required fees shall be submitted at the time of detailed site grading plan submission in accordance with §
D. Administration.
(1) Issuance of building permit. No building permit shall be issued by
the Construction Official for any proposed structure unless and until
the Township Engineer shall have approved a detailed site grading
plan submitted in accordance with this section. Upon approval or denial
of any site grading plan required by this section, the Township Engineer
shall immediately notify the Construction Official thereof.
(2) Certificate of occupancy. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued
by the Construction Official unless and until proof has been submitted
to him or her that all conditions of the site grading plan approval
have been complied with.
E. Applicability.
[Amended 7-11-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-01]
(1) The lot grading and land disturbance standards in §
160-81 of the Code of the Township of White are applicable to all clearing and grading activities in the Township of White regardless of the area of disturbance and land use. Notwithstanding, an application for a grading plan approval is not required to be filed with the Township for review and approval by the Township Engineer if the overall area of disturbance is less than 5,000 square feet.
(2) Temporary conditions. The provisions of this section shall not apply
to temporary grading and disturbance, such as utility trenches, land
disturbance related to the establishment of lawn areas or other similar
activities that do not result in a change in the natural grade of
the area.
(3) Prior approved lots. For all lots approved or in existence prior
to adoption of this subsection, a detailed site grading plan and a
roof runoff plan in accordance with this section shall be provided
to the Township Engineer for review and approval prior to issuance
of a building permit.
(4) Land disturbance on properties with agricultural and horticultural
uses. Persons engaging in clearing and grading activities in excess
of 5,000 square feet on properties containing agricultural and horticultural
uses that are intended to change the direction of flow of surface
water shall submit a detailed site grading plan to the Township Engineer
for review and approval.
[Added 7-14-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-13]
A. Statement of purpose. The purpose of this section is to protect property
from flooding; to reduce land development impacts on stream water
quality and flows; to protect existing natural drainage features;
to protect others' rights within the same watershed from adverse effects
of improper stream corridor development; and to provide recreation
and wildlife migration corridors.
B. Stream corridor buffers. All residential and nonresidential subdivisions,
including minor subdivisions, and all site plans, both residential
and nonresidential, shall provide for a stream corridor buffer as
part of the development scheme. Stream corridor buffers shall have
a width of 100 feet on each side of all stream corridors. Where an
increased buffer is required pursuant to regulatory controls under
the jurisdiction of the NJDEP or in accordance with the provisions
of the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act, the more restrictive buffer shall prevail.
(1) "Stream corridor" shall be defined as the bed and banks of a stream
that confine and conduct continuously or intermittently flowing water
(also referred to as the "stream channel"). Flow paths with a total
contributory drainage area less than 50 acres must have a definable
bed and banks to be included in a stream corridor. "Stream corridor"
also includes all of the land within the one-hundred-year flood line
on either side of the designated stream or tributary. In cases where
slopes greater than 15% abut the outer boundary of the stream corridor,
the area of such slopes shall also be included within the stream corridor.
If there is no one-hundred-year flood line delineated, the one-hundred-foot
buffer shall be measured outward from the top of the bank of the stream
C. Information required. The following information shall be supplied
for any development within a stream corridor and buffer. Such information
shall be in addition to information required for site plan or subdivision
(1) Delineation of stream corridors and buffers as defined in Subsection
(2) A plan indicating the disposition of any materials proposed to be
deposited or removed by the grading or regrading of land.
(3) A demonstration of how suitable techniques, including erosion and
soil stabilization measures, sediment traps and nutrient control by
vegetation filters or other mechanisms, will be incorporated to protect
the stream.
D. Vegetation requirements. Where the lands proposed for development
include a portion of the stream corridor, a condition of any major
subdivision or major site plan approval shall be the vegetation or
revegetation of any portions of the required stream corridor buffer
which are not vegetated at the time of the application or which were
disturbed by prior land uses, such as agriculture. The Board shall
approve a vegetation plan that utilizes native tree and plant species.
E. Drainage and conservation easements. The drainage and conservation
easement requirements of this chapter shall be followed in addition
to the requirements for stream corridor buffers.
F. Design to protect stream buffer area. The subdivision or site plan
shall be designed so that no building or structure, including driveways
or parking areas, whether pervious or impervious, shall be erected
within any stream corridor or stream corridor buffer, and so that
no septic system shall be located within any stream corridor, or stream
corridor buffer, and in no case closer than 100 feet to the top of
bank of any stream. The subdivision or site plan may be designed so
that the following may be located within the stream buffer area:
(1) Recreational use, whether open to the public or restricted to private
membership, which is specifically related to the stream corridor and
is water dependent; and
(2) Dams, culverts and bridges that have received approval from the appropriate
municipal, county and state agencies having such authority.
G. Exceptions, relief or deviations from standards. The basis for any relief sought from the standards of this section shall be in accordance with the provisions contained in §
160-67 of this chapter.