The R-3 Zone District is designed for garden apartment units in addition to those uses permitted by § 160-128.
Any use other than those uses listed in § 160-154 above is prohibited. Specifically prohibited are the following:
Adult bookstores.
The following requirements shall be complied with in the R-3 Zone:
Single-family detached residences. Any single-family detached residence unit shall meet all of the required conditions of § 160-130.
Garden apartment developments. Garden apartment developments shall meet all of the following requirements:
Density. The maximum density for any garden apartment development shall not exceed 10 dwelling units per acre; provided, however, that a minimum tract area of five acres shall be provided. The tract area shall be subject to the provisions of § 160-110.
[Amended 5-6-1988]
Lot width. The minimum lot width measured at the front yard setback line shall be at least 250 feet. The lot width is subject to the provisions of § 160-110.
[Amended 5-6-1988]
Lot frontage. The minimum lot frontage measured along the front street right-of-way line shall be at least 600 feet.
Lot coverage.
[Amended 9-5-1986; 12-1-1989]
The building coverage, as defined in § 160-5 of this chapter, shall not exceed 8%.
The aggregate coverage, as defined in § 160-5 of this chapter, shall not exceed 20%.
Front yard. There shall be a front yard of not less than 75 feet.
Side yard. There shall be two side yards which shall total not less than 150 feet; provided, however, that no side yard shall be less than 75 feet.
Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard of not less than 75 feet.
Building height. No building shall exceed a height of 35 feet or 2 1/2 stories, whichever is the lesser.
Rooms. Any room other than a living room, dining room, bathroom, laundry room, utility room, foyer or hallway shall be construed as a bedroom, and every unit constructed shall be presumed to have at least one bedroom. The number of bedrooms per dwelling unit is unrestricted; provided, however, that the total number of units having more than two bedrooms shall not exceed the total number of units having two or fewer bedrooms, and there shall be no more than 13 bedrooms per gross acre. Under no circumstances shall the bedroom mix result in a gross density that exceeds 10 dwelling units per acre.
Not more than 12 dwelling units shall be located in a single structure.
No apartment shall be located within a basement or cellar.
Every dwelling unit within a garden apartment development must be connected to the public or private on-site sewage disposal and potable water systems, as approved by the Township Engineer.
Fire hydrants shall be installed by the developer in adequate numbers and at locations recommended by the Township Engineer.
Access. Primary access to any garden apartment project shall be from a state or county road, and in no case shall access be from a minor road. Internal access to individual units may be made by way of driveways to remain under private ownership or by way of streets to be dedicated to the Township. The Planning Board may require private or public ownership of roadways and shall consider the specific characteristics of the particular situation in making such a determination. Streets to be dedicated to the Township shall be in accordance with specifications of the Township Engineer. In the case of private access driveways, specification for roadways shall be in accordance with the specifications of the Township Engineer.
Street design. The design of streets within the project shall provide proper access to every building for fire-fighting equipment, trash collection, deliveries and for proper snow removal.
The maximum distance between either entrance to any garden apartment building and the closest point of a parking area shall not exceed 200 feet.
Recreation area shall be provided at a rate of 100 square feet per dwelling unit. Such areas shall not be located within 50 feet of any dwelling unit and shall be improved and equipped in a manner suited to the various age groups anticipated in the project.
Distance between buildings. The minimum distance between all garden apartment structures shall not be less than 40 feet at the closest point.
Open courts in which residential buildings are located on three sides shall be of adequate size to provide natural light and ventilation to all dwelling units. Such courts shall not be less than 50 feet in width. In addition, the depth of such a court shall not exceed 1 1/2 times the width of the court.
Where contiguous buildings are parallel, there shall be a minimum difference of five feet in the front building line. Not more than three contiguous buildings shall have parallel front building lines, after which the next building shall be oriented so that its building line deflects from the parallel line by at least 30°.
The character of the site shall be preserved by retaining and protecting all existing healthy tree growth and other natural features of the site. Such additional plant material shall be added as necessary to provide privacy, shade and beauty of buildings and grounds and screen objectional features.
Outdoor lighting fixtures shall be provided at locations which will assure the safe and convenient use of walks, steps, parking areas, driveways, streets and other such facilities.
Electric power and telephone lines shall be installed underground.
Facilities for the temporary sanitary storage of trash and refuse shall be provided at the rate of one such area for each 20 dwelling units. The design of such facilities shall meet with the approval of the Township Board of Health. Trash and refuse shall be removed from these storage areas at least twice each week for disposal.
Walks. There shall be an adequate system of walks leading from all apartment units to all parking areas, along access drives and along front streets. Such walks shall be constructed in accordance with standards included in Articles IX and XI of this chapter.
A resident superintendent shall be provided for each project. Any project which includes more than 100 units shall have one additional maintenance employee for each additional 100 units or part thereof.
Garden apartment projects shall be subject to the site plan review procedure set forth in Articles IX, X and XI of this chapter.