Plans and specifications for construction of sanitary sewerage systems by developers or other persons shall be submitted to the Township and the WC(PR)MUA for approval. Said plans and specifications shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer (signed and sealed) and shall conform to all requirements of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for the design and construction of sanitary sewerage systems. All new sewers shall be properly designed and constructed in order to avoid the creation of infiltration and inflow sources within the sanitation sewer system.
Approval by the Township for construction of said sanitary sewerage systems shall not be provided until the following are obtained:
Approval by the Township Planning Board.
Approval by the Township Engineer.
Approval of WC(PR)MUA.
Receipt of a New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection construction permit, if applicable.
Required maintenance and/or other bonds, as required by the Township.
In the event that construction conditions require field changes, a written request for approval of such changes, stating reasons for such changes, must first be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the Township and WC(PR)MUA.
The person constructing said sewer system shall supervise and direct the work efficiently and safely.
Leakage tests shall be performed by the contractor and approved by the Township prior to the connection of new sewer lines to the Township's mains. Connections to building sewers shall not be made until notice to connect is provided by the Township.
Following completion of construction of any sewers, the developer shall submit to the Township Engineer certified as-built plans of the system constructed.
Said new sewer system shall be operated and maintained by the developer, in accordance with good practice, until ownership of the new sewer system is conveyed to the Township, at which time operation and maintenance shall be performed by the Township. Ownership of the new sewer system shall be conveyed to the Township after 24 months of operation of the new system.