[Adopted 12-21-2004 by Res. No. 225-04]
Mutual Aid Plan. The Saratoga County Mutual Aid Plan will supersede all other County Mutual Aid Plans.
Definition of "mutual aid." Mutual aid is organized, supervised, coordinated, cooperative, reciprocal assistance in which personnel, equipment and physical facilities of all participating fire departments, regardless of type or size, are utilized for fire or other public emergencies in which the services of a firefighter would be used throughout the County of Saratoga and adjacent areas.
Amendments. Amendments to this plan may be made periodically and will adhere to the following procedure:
Prepared by the County Fire Coordinator and the Fire Advisory Board.
Recommended by the County Fire Advisory Board.
Submitted by the County Fire Coordinator.
Adopted by the County Board of Supervisors.
Admitted into the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control.
Annual review. Each year this plan shall be reviewed by the County Fire Coordinator and the Mutual Aid Committee of the Fire Advisory Board for corrections or changes.
Extent and limit of participation by fire departments. All cities, towns, villages and fire districts in Saratoga County may fully participate in this plan. These departments presently are:
Arvin Hart
Ballston Spa
Ballston Lake
Quaker Springs
Burnt Hills
Rock City Falls
Clifton Park
Round Lake
Saratoga Springs
South Glens Falls
Victory Mills
G.E. Silicone
Waterford Vischer Ferry
Waterford (Village)
Waterford (Northside Fire)
Harmony Corners
West Charlton
West Crescent
Malta Ridge
Extent and limit of participation with adjacent counties. Mutual aid is provided to and received from any County in New York State through their respective County Fire Control Centers under direction of their County Fire Coordinator and subject to the State Mobilization Plan as per § 209E of the General Municipal Law.
Entering and participating in the plan.
Any duly established fire company or fire department may participate in this plan by filing a copy of a resolution adopted by the legislative body of each participating city and village, or by the Board of Fire Commissioners or other Commissioners or other governing board having jurisdiction over the fire department, the Board of Fire Commissioners of each participating fire district, or the Town Board of each town in relation to participating fire companies serving territories outside of cities, villages and fire districts or in relation to a town fire department. Such resolution shall state that such fire company or department elects to participate in the Saratoga County Mutual Aid Plan and will comply with the provisions of such plan. The resolution shall state that the fire company or department shall recognize a call for assistance from another fire company or department through the Saratoga County Fire Communications Center.
Such resolution shall state that no restriction exists against "outside service" by the fire company or fire department of the municipality or district within the meaning of § 209 of the General Municipal Law which would affect the power of such fire company or fire department to participate in the Saratoga County Fire Mutual Aid Plan.
If the outside service activities of a participating fire company or department are restricted pursuant to § 209 of the General Municipal Law, notice of any restriction shall be given promptly to the Saratoga County Fire Coordinator. Any such restriction imposed by the legislative body of a city, village or town by the Board of Fire Commissioners shall take effect in accordance with the resolution imposing the restriction.
Withdrawal from plan.
Any fire company or fire department may elect to withdraw for this plan by adopting a resolution to such effect. Such withdrawal shall become effective 30 days after filing of such notice with the Saratoga County Fire Coordinator.
Any fire company or fire department withdrawing from this plan, upon the effective date, shall surrender and return to the County of Saratoga at Ballston Spa, New York, all County-owned equipment. Such withdrawal shall remain in effect until reinstated as defined by § 209 of the General Municipal Law.
Withdrawal from this plan will result in the suspension of mutual aid pursuant to this plan to the withdrawing Fire Company or Department. All radio identifiers, call signs and use of radio frequencies 46.42, 46.28 M.C., 46.32 M.C. and 46.48 M.C. authorized for use of such Fire Company or department are canceled on the effective date of withdrawal.
Organization of the Saratoga County Mutual Aid Organization per Personnel Enclosure.[1]
032 Designation of Personnel.tif
Editor's Note: Enclosure 1 is on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
Extent and limit of authority of County officials.
County Fire Coordinator as Chief Fire Officer at the County level for the fire service.
Administers the New York State Fire Training Program, the New York State Graduate Fire Training Program, and any and all training programs developed by the state or by the Coordinator's office throughout the County.
Administers the County Fire Mutual Aid Plan and is responsible for the efficient operation of the plan for intra- and intercompany purposes at fires or where the services of firefighters are used.
Acts as the liaison officer between the fire service of Saratoga County and the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control.
May appoint and remove Deputy County Fire Coordinators in accordance with § 401 of the County Law, § 3 of the Public Officers Law and the Civil Service Law.
May delegate duties to Deputy County Fire Coordinators as required.
Operates a system of countywide fire reporting. Reports monthly to the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control.
Absence of County Fire Coordinator. The County Fire Coordinator shall designate in writing and file in the Office of the County Clerk and of the Clerk of the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors the order in which Deputy County Fire Coordinators are to possess the powers and perform the duties of County Fire Coordinator during his absence or inability to act pursuant to § 401 of the County Law. See Enclosure 2.[1]
Editor's Note: Enclosure 2 is on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
Vacancy in position of County Fire Coordinator. The Saratoga County Fire Coordinator shall designate the Deputy County Fire Coordinator who shall possess the powers and perform the duties of County Fire Coordinator in the event of a vacancy in the County Fire Coordinator position, until a successor is appointed by the County Board of Supervisors and has qualified, pursuant to § 401 of the County Law.
Maintenance of individuality. Each fire department participating in this plan shall retain its internal command and individuality.
Liability. Liability for expenses incurred by the responding agency rests with the host district as per § 209-g of the General Municipal Law.
Authority of requesting fire chief or incident commander.
A "requesting" fire chief or incident commander is one who requests mutual aid for his department in accordance with this plan.
The "chain of command" for the firefighters and officers entering an area under mutual aid remains with the fire department requesting the mutual aid.
The incident commander will work with chiefs, senior officers, and company officers of departments providing mutual aid in accordance with the Incident Command System structure.
Initial emergency call.
Upon receipt of a call, a Fire Department receiving the call shall respond to the scene of the emergency. If the Incident Commander determines a need for mutual aid, the Incident Commander shall notify the Saratoga County Communications Center and shall specify the equipment and manpower needed. The Fire Communications Center will dispatch the requested mutual aid to the scene of the emergency.
Should the responding Fire Department determine an emergency call is located outside its district, such Fire Department will immediately notify the Saratoga County Fire Communications Center and will proceed to the scene of emergency. The Fire Communications Center will notify the Fire District, within whose district the call is located, of the emergency and that a Fire Department from another district is responding. The host Fire Department may choose to let the responding Fire Department handle the call, or may choose to respond. If the host Fire Department responds, it may choose to have the responding Department transfer command of the incident to the host Department. If Command is transferred, the responding Department will immediately transmit all pertinent information to the host Fire Department.
See current Saratoga County Fire Radio Procedures.
Fire department radio procedures. As per current Saratoga County Fire Radio Procedures.
Departments shall follow the procedures set forth in the current Saratoga County Haz Mat Response Plan.
Saratoga County will maintain the following resources at the locations indicated for the use of participating Fire Companies and Departments:
Foam depots.
Each depot has 100 gallons of foam.
Malta Ridge.
Arvin Hart.
West Crescent.
A fire department utilizing County foam shall be responsible for its replacement.
Air compressors: Saratoga Springs, Burnt Hills, Halfmoon and Schuylerville.
Spill-absorbing materials (oil absorb, booms, pads, pillows, 3M chemical): Malta Ridge.
All apparatus used by fire departments while participating in this plan shall be equipped to adapt to National Standards Threads as defined by the National Bureau of Standards.
Procedure to obtain activation of plan.
The County Fire Coordinator or a deputy in the line of authority designated pursuant to §  401 of the County Law, after utilizing all available assistance from Fulton, Hamilton, Warren, Washington, Albany, Schenectady, Montgomery and Rensselaer Counties, may call the Office of Fire Prevention and Control to obtain activation of the State Fire Mobilization Mutual Aid Plan.
Activation procedure shall conform with that specified in the Guide to Fire Mobilization and Mutual Aid Plans in the State of New York, by the Office of Fire Prevention and Control.
Authority and responsibility of the regional fire administrator. The authority and responsibility of the Regional Fire Administrator under the activated State Fire Mobilization and Mutual Aid Plan is established by the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control. Under activation of the statewide plan, only resources deployed by the RFA shall respond to the site of the declaration.
Retirement provision relating to the position of regional fire administrator. Should the County Fire Coordinator be separated from the office for any reason, this leads to automatic retirement as Administrator, if the title of Regional Fire Administrator is also held. The Office of Fire Prevention and Control is authorized by law to appoint someone to the position.
County number issued under the State Fire Mobilization and Mutual Aid Plan. The County Fire Coordinator shall utilize County number 46 assigned to Saratoga by the State Fire Mobilization and Mutual Aid Plan.
Saratoga County will coordinate training through New York State and other sources as needed.
Type and extent of training. The New York State Fire Training Program consists of basic firefighter training, advanced courses, and the New York State Graduate Fire Training Program, and is adopted as standard throughout the County of Saratoga.
When responding to mutual aid calls within the County, all firefighters are to use a three-tag accountability system. At least one tag will contain the following information:
Firefighter's name.
Firefighter's badge or identification number.
Firefighter's picture.
Company or department to which firefighter belongs.
Any allergies firefighter may have.
Emergency contact name.
The heading on this tag will read "Saratoga County Firefighter ID." This tag should stay with the firefighter at all times. The other two tags will at a minimum contain the firefighter's name or identification number and the firefighter's department name or number.
Fire Departments responding to a mutual aid call will respond with apparatus fully equipped in accordance with the requirements for equipment set forth in the Saratoga County Fire Radio Procedures.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The following specific mutual aid requests require the following minimum staffing assignments as listed:
ETA, rescue or engine to the scene or for cover assignment: minimum of driver/pump operator, officer or firefighter-in-charge and two SCBA/interior qualified firefighters. Interior qualifications in Enclosure 3.[2]
Tanker/engine for water supply only: driver/pump operator and one other firefighter.
FAST team, team member qualifications in Enclosure 3: four FAST personnel.
If a department cannot meet the equipment requirements or the minimum firefighter staffing level established for this plan, the unit will respond and at the same time, notification will be made to the Incident Commander as to the equipment status and staffing level of the responding unit. The Incident Commander will determine the action to be taken (e.g., cancellation, request additional, etc.).
When the Incident Commander requests mutual aid, the specific requirements and needs are to be clear. Any mutual aid response is to meet the specific requirements of the requesting Incident Commander. Personnel and apparatus not requested are not to be sent.
An audible-type evacuation signal will be used when immediate removal of firefighters from their environment is necessitated. This warning signal is generally given when conditions in an interior structure fire situation have deteriorated to the point that firefighter removal is required for their safety; but may be used for any circumstance that requires the removal of personnel from any dangerous environment. The method of signaling is as follows:
The Incident Commander, Safety Officer or the designated Operations Officer will give a radio and verbal signal, to evacuate the structure or designated area.
One designated on-scene apparatus will give three equal blasts of an air horn followed by a verbal evacuation message on the PA system. Firefighters who have been determined to be within the evacuation area are to begin a controlled and rapid retreat from the area. Tools such as hand lines and forcible entry devices should be taken only if needed for the purpose of evacuation. Firefighters working in groups will leave with their group as per the buddy system. Once firefighters have evacuated the area, they are to follow accountability procedures for their department. It is important to remember for responding apparatus that excessive use of air horns close to the fire scene be limited, as this may cause a false emergency evacuation.