[Ord. 622, 12/7/1971]
Whereas, the Bridgeville Public Library was established to provide free public library service, it is hereby authorized and designated to act as the agent of the Borough government to provide public library service to the residents and taxpayers of the Borough for and on behelf of the Borough government.
[Ord. 622, 12/7/1971]
The Borough Council will assist in the maintenance of the Bridgeville Public Library in accord with the provisions of the Library Code, the Act of June 14, 1961, P.L. 324.
[Ord. 622, 12/7/1971]
In accord with § 411 of the Library Code, the Borough Council will appoint two persons to serve as its representatives on the Board of Directors of the Bridgeville Public Library, each representative to serve three years, the terms expiring in different years.
[Ord. 622, 12/7/1971]
In accord with § 412 of the Library Code, the Treasurer of the Board of Directors of the library shall give bond to the Borough with satisfactory surety in such amount as the Board of Directors may determine.
[Ord. 622, 12/7/1971]
The Board of Directors shall prepare and present to the Borough Council by November 1 of each year a budget for the following year and such reports as are required by §§ 413 and 414 of the Library Code and shall give free library service to the residents and taxpayers as provided in §§ 415 of the Library Code.