Applications for the agenda of a regular meeting of the Historic District Commission shall be closed at 4:30 p.m. 14 calendar days before the date of the scheduled meeting. An applicant must file an application with all pertinent data as required in Article III.
Before taking any action on the application, the Commission may delegate a subcommittee or one of its members, agents or employees to meet with the applicant. The Commission may also meet with other interested parties whose interests may be affected by the proposed building, renovation or change.
Pursuant to RSA 676:9 and Article 9 of the HDC Rules of Procedures, the Historic District Commission shall file a certificate of approval or a notice of disapproval within 45 days after the filing of the application for the certificate, unless the applicant agrees to a longer period of time.
In the event of disapproval, the Commission shall state in writing within 10 calendar days the reason for its disapproval, and may, if appropriate, state what changes, if any, would render the application acceptable to the Commission.
All existing features of a building or site not directly involved in the building, renovation or change shall be maintained in their original condition except as required in the course of normal maintenance. All building renovation and change shall be constructed so as not to change the historic look or value.
Unless the applicant commences construction, renovation or change within two years after the issuance of the certificate of approval by the Commission, the approval shall be null and void; provided, however, that no other commission, board, the Building Code Official or a court has intervened with cause.
Any deviation from the approval in the actual construction, renovation or change in a building or site after approval of the Commission shall render such approval null and void.
The exterior work of the approved application must be completed within two years of the issuance of the certificate of approval. The exterior work is defined as construction of the building, painting, landscaping, driveways and retaining walls. Failure to complete the exterior work within this time frame will result in a civil fine in accordance to Chapter 275, Zoning, § 275-87, of the Bedford Town Code for each day that the exterior work is not completed.
Regular public meetings shall be held at least once in each month and may be held at the call of the Chairperson at such other times as the Commission may determine. Meetings will normally be held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Bedford Meeting Room or as otherwise posted. If no applications are received or there is no business to conduct, the meeting shall be cancelled and members notified by the Chairperson or his/her designee.
In the event of an emergency or holiday falling on the scheduled meeting date, the Chairperson or his/her designee shall notify all members and scheduled applicants of the alternate date at least 24 hours ahead of time.
Notice to abutters shall be made by mail to the owner of record, applicant, and all abutters not less than 10 calendar days prior to the date of the Historic District Commission meeting.
Three voting members shall constitute a quorum, including alternate members sitting in place of regular members, and for approval an application must have received a majority vote of those present. A lesser number of members may meet but may not vote on any matter before the Commission. If only three regular and/or alternate members are sitting on an application for a public hearing, the applicant may elect to postpone the public hearing to a future date when at least four regular and/or alternate members are seated to vote.