[Adopted 12-17-2003 by Ord. No. 03-08]
Fee. A fee, as set by the Annual Fee Schedule, shall be imposed for every gross acre developed in those acres tributary to the common municipal stormwater management facility. For any development of a site of less than one gross acre, the fee shall be prorated (e.g., development of a one-half gross acre site = 1/2 times applicable fee).
Time of payment; establishment of separate account. Such fees shall be payable at the time of final approval of the development plan. All monies paid under the provisions of this section shall be set aside in a separate account to be used to fund the common municipal stormwater management facility.
Fee. For each residential unit (regardless of the type of unit, single-family, townhouse, multifamily, apartment, etc.), the applicant shall pay a fee as set by the Annual Fee Schedule. The applicant shall also pay a fee for each gross square foot of nonresidential space as set by the Annual Fee Schedule.
Time of payment; establishment of separate account. Such fees shall be payable at the time of final approval of the development plan. All monies paid under the provisions of this section shall be set aside in a separate account to be used to fund the Public Art Program of the Towamencin Village Overlay District.
A fee shall be charged, as set by the Annual Fee Schedule, for tapping or connecting to the Towamencin Township public sewer.