[Ord. 748, 4/3/1969, § 1; as amended by Ord. 1021, 5/1/1996, § 1]
Upon notice, all owners of real estate within the Borough limits having curbs or curb/sidewalks in violation of § 203 below, or having no curbs or sidewalks fronting on or contiguous to property owned by them within Borough limits, shall construct, repair or replace the curb or curb/sidewalk as directed by this Part.
[Ord. 748, 4/3/1969, § 2; as amended by Ord. 1021, 5/1/1996, § 1]
Within the time limit provided in § 206, after notice from the Borough, given after an inspection by the Borough Manager or his designated representative indicates that repair or replacement of sidewalk or curb is needed, property owners shall make the repair or replacement. Provided, nothing in this Section shall preclude the Borough from proceeding to make emergency repairs as provided for in § 1806 of the Borough Code.
[Ord. 748, 4/3/1969, § 3; as amended by Ord. 1021, 5/1/1996, § 1; and by Ord. 1107, 2/2/2005]
After an inspection by the Borough Manager or his designated representative, a curb, sidewalk or curb/sidewalk shall be declared to be unsafe and unusable and shall be required to be removed and replaced if:
The curb shall be in a substantially deteriorated condition such that it provides improper protection for the roadway and stormwater control.
The sidewalk surface shall be in a substantially deteriorated condition such that pedestrian travel on the sidewalk is dangerous or hazardous.
[Ord. 748, 4/3/1969, § 4; as amended by Ord. 1021, 5/1/1996, § 1]
When, by order of Borough Council, a Borough street is reconstructed by removal of surface and base, all curbs and sidewalks (if curbing is separated by a grass strip from the free standing sidewalk) or such curb/sidewalk (if a monolithic situation exists) along that street that are in violation of § 203 above, shall be removed and replaced at the expense of the property owner. The only exception to this Section shall be at street corners where a new handicapped ramp is to be installed. If the condition of the existing curb or curb/sidewalk violates the requirements of § 203 above, the property owner shall be financially responsible for its replacement. If it does not violate § 203, then the Borough shall pay for its replacement.
[Ord. 748, 4/3/1969, § 5; as amended by Ord. 1021, 5/1/1996, § 1]
Along properties where sidewalk or curb has not previously been constructed, curb or curb/sidewalk shall be constructed by the property owner upon notice by Borough Council and according to specifications established under this Part. Furthermore, the construction or reconstruction of said curb and sidewalk shall conform to the design of the majority of the existing curb and sidewalk as it pertains to use or nonuse of a grass strip. If the majority of the existing curb and sidewalk on a street utilizes (or does not utilize) a grass strip, then any new construction or reconstruction shall (or shall not) utilize a grass strip.
[Ord. 748, 4/3/1969, § 6; as amended by Ord. 1021, 5/1/1996, § 1]
Notice to repair or replace sidewalks and curbs shall be given to the owner of record of the property abutting or fronting the sidewalk or curb by the Manager, not less than 90 days before the date for completion of the proposed improvement and shall state the approximate length in lineal feet of the sidewalks and/or curbs to be improved, the reason for the improvement assigned by the Borough Manager, the date for completion, a reference to this Part, a statement of the place where information as to type of materials and construction may be obtained, a statement of the Borough's remedies for noncompliance with the notice and such other information as may be deemed pertinent. The notice shall be served upon the owner by personal service or certified mail; if the owner is not a resident of the Borough, notice shall be served in the manner provided by § 1805 of the Borough Code of 1966, on the agent, tenant or occupant or if no agent or tenant or no occupant of the premises, by posting the notice.
[Ord. 748, 4/3/1969, § 7; as amended by Ord. 1004, 7/6/1994; and by Ord. 1021, 5/1/1996, § 1]
No curb or sidewalk construction, reconstruction or repair shall be performed by or for any property owner unless the property owner or the person doing the work first have obtained from the Borough a permit for the work. A charge as set by resolution of Borough Council from time to time, shall be made for this permit and it will be a violation to do any work without having first secured the permit. In securing a permit the applicant shall state the following:
Owner of the real estate.
The number of feet of curb and sidewalk to be constructed.
Name of contractor to do the construction.
Proposed location of sidewalk to curb and property line.
[Ord. 748, 4/3/1969, § 8; as amended by Ord. 1021, 5/1/1996, § 1]
No curb or curb/sidewalk shall be constructed, reconstructed or repaired to any lines or grades other than those furnished by the Manager or his designated representative. The grades shall be established by stakes placed by the Borough at no original cost. Thereafter it shall be the responsibility of the owner to preserve grade and line stakes until curb or curb/sidewalk are installed.
[Ord. 748, 4/3/1969, § 9; as amended by Ord. 1021, 5/1/1996, § 1]
It shall be the duty of the Manager or his designated representative, to inspect curb or sidewalk construction to determine its conformity with the requirements of this Part and he shall have the authority to stop work not in conformity, order correction of the work and otherwise enforce compliance with the requirements of this Part.
[Ord. 748, 4/3/1969, § 10; as amended by Ord. 1021, 5/1/1996, § 1]
All curb and curb/sidewalk work is to be done in accordance with design specifications on file at the Borough Manager's office. No curb or curb/sidewalk work, new or replacement, is to be done without first securing a permit from the Borough.
[Ord. 748, 4/3/1969, § 11; as amended by Ord. 958, 4/4/1990; and by Ord. 1004, 7/6/1994]
A curb cut permit shall be secured from the Borough of Quakertown before any curb cut shall be made in a publicly dedicated right-of-way for a new private driveway, public roadway (right-of-way), a private road (right-of-way) or for widening of an existing curb cut. For purposes of this Part, a "curb cut" is to be defined to be anytime a new private driveway, public roadway (right-of-way) or private roadway (right-of-way) is constructed or placed to connect to a publicly dedicated roadway in the Borough of Quakertown, whether a curb actually exists at the time of construction or not.
The approval for all curb cut requests shall be made by Borough Council. Applicants who wish to make new curb cuts shall apply in writing for such approval to the Borough Manager, who shall notify Borough Council. The main criteria for review by Borough Council shall be public safety to motorists and pedestrians, and increased deterioration on existing public streets. If Borough Council determines that the increased traffic flow will bring about a greater deterioration on existing streets in the future, they shall have the option of requiring the applicant to place in escrow an amount of money equal to the total, future, anticipated cost of such improvements. If in any case, Borough Council fees that the construction of such curb cut would not be in the best interests of the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Borough of Quakertown, they shall have the right to deny the application.
The construction of any new private driveway, public roadway (right-of-way) or private roadway (right-of-way) shall conform to specifications as approved through any Ordinance of the Borough of Quakertown.
The fee for a curb cut permit shall be fixed, from time to time, by resolution of Borough Council.
[Ord. 748, 4/3/1969, § 12]
Square openings shall be left around all poles, trees, fire hydrants, light standards or any other structures within the sidewalk area. No public service curb or sidewalk boxes for access to underground facilities shall be left below the sidewalk level, but shall be brought to the grade of the new walk. The Borough will furnish and set any inlet frames that might be needed in any sidewalk for storm drainage purposes.
[Ord. 748, 4/3/1969, § 13; as amended by Ord. 1004, 7/6/1994]
Upon neglect of any property owner to comply with the terms of any notice under this Part, within the time specified in the notice, the Borough may cause the repair, replacement or construction of the curbs and sidewalks to be done at the cost of the owner, and may collect the cost of the work and 10% additional, together with charges and expenses, from that owner, and may file a municipal claim or collect the amount due by action of assumpsit in the manner provided by the Borough Code.
Penalties. Any person who shall violate any provision of this Part shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not exceeding $600 and costs and, in default of payment thereof, shall be subject to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues shall constitute a separate offense.