[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Barkhamsted Special Town Meeting 1-9-1991 by Ord. No. 53. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Uniform packaging — See Ch. 160, Art. II.
Zoning regulations — See Ch. 193.
No person shall engage in peddling in or upon the streets, sidewalks or highways located in the Town of Barkhamsted without having first obtained a permit from the First Selectman in accordance with all the provisions of this chapter.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any person, whether principal or agent, who shall carry or expose for sale or barter or sell, vend, hawk or barter any goods, wares or merchandise, including articles of food or otherwise, or engage in the business of photography or assist in the doing of any of said acts on foot or from any vehicle or temporary structure, including a trailer, cart or tent, upon any of the streets or sidewalks or highways or from a driveway or parking lot within the limits of the Town of Barkhamsted.
The doing of any one or more of said acts by a peddler in pursuance of his business.
This chapter shall not apply to sales by the following persons:
A resident child under 15 years of age.
A tradesman having an established place of business within the Town of Barkhamsted.
A farmer or gardener, limited to the sale of the produce of his or her farm or garden.
This chapter shall not apply to the following types of sales transactions:
The sale, distribution and delivery of milk, tea, coffee, spices, groceries, meats and bakery goods.
Sales on approval.
Conditional sales of merchandise.
Solicitation of orders for or delivery of newspapers.
Sales for the benefit of any charity which maintains a local headquarters within the Town of Barkhamsted in connection with the raising of funds for the work and maintenance of any such nonprofit organization.
The First Selectman or his or her designated agent is hereby authorized to issue permits pursuant to this chapter.
Permits may be granted to door-to-door salespersons or peddlers for no longer than three months. The fee for each permit shall be $100 per month or part thereof and shall be paid in advance. Permits may be granted for all other salespersons or vendors for a period of one year and may be renewed annually thereafter. The fee for each such permit shall be $100 per year or part thereof and shall be paid in advance.
[Amended STM 12-6-2016]
The permit is personal and may not be transferred to any other person. Each natural person who is engaged in peddling must apply for his or her own permit. Employees of a business engaged in peddling must each apply for a separate permit.
The fee may be waived if the applicant has been a resident of the State of Connecticut for a minimum of two years prior to the date of application and is a veteran who served in a time of war as defined by C.G.S. § 27-103, as it may be amended from time to time.
Each person who applies for a peddler's permit shall give to the First Selectman the following information on a designated application form:
His or her name, home address and local address, if any.
The address of his principal place of business and any trade names.
His or her physical description, including age, height, weight and the color of his or her hair and eyes.
If employed, the name and address of his or her employer.
If a vehicle, trailer or cart is used, a description of the same, together with its license number or other means of identification.
All locations where permits for peddling have ever been granted by or applied for in the past to any other governmental body.
A written consent from the owner of the property intended to be used for the placement of a tent or other temporary structure or the parking of any vehicle, trailer or cart, appended to the application.
An insurance certificate from a reputable insurance company showing evidence that the applicant has adequate liability insurance for the benefit of persons who may be injured in the course of doing business with the applicant, in an amount of not less than $100,000 per person and $300,000 per incident.
Evidence of a state sales tax permit, if applicable, annexed to the application.
Evidence of approval of the Farmington Valley Health District for the sale of food, if applicable.
In the event that the applicant intends to place a tent or other temporary structure or park a vehicle, trailer or cart, if any, in a fixed location for the purpose of soliciting the business of passing vehicular traffic, the applicant shall also be required to provide a plot plan which meets the following requirements. The plot plan shall show:
The boundary lines of the property, in conformity with A-2 survey standards.
The location on the property of the tent or other temporary structure, vehicle, trailer or cart.
Adequate and safe parking for patrons and adequate and safe ingress and egress to and from the street or highway.
The name and address of each owner of the property on which the activity will take place and all contiguous property owners.
The locations of the proposed location of signs.
All of the above requirements must be provided to the satisfaction of the First Selectman, in his or her sole discretion.
In the event that the applicant intends to sell any food items from a vehicle, trailer or cart in a fixed location, the applicant must provide separate disposal facilities for all recyclable materials produced as a result of such sale of food and shall be responsible to see that all such recyclable materials are, in fact, brought to a suitable recycling facility. "Recyclable materials," as used herein, shall be defined as those materials which the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection has determined to be the subject of mandatory recycling. No litter of any type shall be allowed to accumulate on the premises being used by the peddler, and all garbage which is generated by the activity of the peddler shall be disposed of properly.
Each person with a permit shall have the number of his or her permit plainly inscribed on any vehicle which he uses under such license and shall have in his or her possession the permit furnished by the First Selectmen bearing the number of his or her permit that is in force. Any person with a permit shall produce such permit for examination to any purchaser or prospective purchaser and upon request by any law enforcement official or officer charged with the enforcement of this chapter.
The application for a permit may be denied if, in the discretion and judgment of the First Selectman, it fails to meet any of the requirements of this chapter. Notice, by certified mail, return receipt requested, shall be provided by the applicant to each of the owners shown on the plot plan. Any such neighboring property owner shall have the opportunity to file a written objection to the granting of the permit. No decision on the permit may be granted by the First Selectman until after 10 days from the date of the receipt of the notice to such neighboring property owners. Such notice to neighboring property owners shall include a notice that they may file such a written objection and within what period of time.
At any time if it comes to the attention of the First Selectman that any of the provisions of this chapter have been violated or in the event of any fraud, misrepresentation or false statement in the application for permit, the permit may be revoked. Notice of such intended revocation shall be made by first-class mail to the permittee at the address provided on the original application, and such revocation shall be effective on the date provided in such notice, but no less than five days from the date of the letter. The permittee may request reconsideration of the decision by the full Board of Selectmen, provided that the request for reconsideration is made within 10 days of the effective date of revocation. The decision of the Board of Selectmen shall be final, although such revocation shall be no bar to a new application for a permit. A request for reconsideration shall not operate as a stay of the revocation of the permit, except by a vote of a majority of the Board of Selectmen.
No peddler shall sell any food or beverage on any public street within 1,000 feet of any school grounds on days school is in session during the period commencing 1/2 hour before school is in session and ending 1/2 hour after the session terminates. No peddler shall locate a sign on a street or highway without the consent of the owner of the property on which the sign will be located. All signs and all business activities are also subject to and must conform to the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Barkhamsted.[1] The permit process described herein is in addition to and not in lieu of whatever may be required by those zoning regulations.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 193, Zoning Regulations.
[Amended STM 2-13-1992 by Ord. No. 59]
Any person who shall engage in peddling without a valid permit or in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined not more than $50 for each violation. Each sale made in violation of these provisions shall be deemed to be a separate violation.