[Adopted 12-23-1935 (Ch. 102 of the 1975 Code)]
[Amended 4-5-1948]
Permanent water service shall be rendered by meter only. All meters shall be of a make and type approved by the Board and of such size as the Board deems proper. All meters shall be supplied and installed by the Village and charged to the owner of the premises and they shall remain the property of the owner of the premises. No cross-section connections with any other water supply shall be permitted unless an approved check and relief valve is installed on the house side of the meter.
No person or corporation shall take the water of the Village for any purpose without having first obtained permission from the Board on a written application therefor, and having first paid the charges pertaining to the introduction of the water to the premises. All applications for the introduction of water to any premises or for the extension of any pipe for the conveyance of such water shall be made upon a form furnished by the Village for the purpose, signed by the owner of the property or his or her legally authorized agent. Said application shall include a statement of all uses for which the water is desired.
No person shall make any attachment to or connection with the pipes of the Village or make any repairs, additions or alterations to the service pipes unless he be an employee of the Village or a plumber permitted by the Board. No plumber shall do any work in connection with the installation, operation or repair of service pipes unless he be duly permitted by the Board. The issuance of permits to plumbers shall be in the discretion of the Board, and any such permit may be revoked at any time. The plumber, at the time of receiving his permit, shall file with the Board a bond in such sum as shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees, with a schedule of such fees to be maintained by the Village Clerk-Treasurer, with one or more sureties acceptable to the Board, conditioned that he will pay to the Village the amounts of all fines or other expenses imposed by the Board in consequence of his work, as soon as such amounts shall be determined; and said plumber shall exhibit to the Board public liability insurance policies in such amounts as the Board shall determine, that he will indemnify and save harmless the Village and the Board and their employees from all accidents by reason of any opening in any street, road, lane or other place in said Village made by him or those in his employ for the purpose of putting down or inserting or removing any service pipe or pipes, hydrant or other means for the introduction or discontinuance of water, or for any object or purpose whatsoever; that he will replace and restore the street and pavement over any such opening in such a condition that it will be approved by the proper highway authorities, and that he will keep and maintain the same in proper condition for a period of one year thereafter or for such longer period as the highway authorities may require.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Amended 4-5-1948[1]]
The fee for tapping shall be such sum as may be determined by resolution by the Board of Trustees, and must be paid before a permit will be issued. All tapping shall be performed by an employee of the Village or by such other person as the Board may designate. No plumber shall be permitted to tap the main or distributing pipes or make or interfere with any connection with the water system without specific permission in each case; and excepting on the pipes on the consumer's side of the meter, no additions or alterations whatsoever in or about public or private water pipes shall be made by any person until application therefor has been made to the Board and a written permit issued. Before receiving such permit, the plumber must in each case deposit with the Board a fee in such amount as shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees, with a schedule of such fees to be maintained by the Village Clerk-Treasurer, to be returned to him when he makes proper report of his work within the time specified.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
No street or public grounds shall be opened by the applicant or agent for purpose of making a connection with the mains or for laying any water pipes or fixtures unless he shall have secured from the proper public authority a permit to make such openings. All openings shall be made, protected and restored as detailed in Chapter 485, Article II.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Service pipes from the main to the curb cocks shall be no less than 1 1/8 inches outside diameter, and fittings, corporation cocks, curb cocks, curb boxes and meter settings shall conform to standards adopted by the Board and shall be of such size as the Board deems proper. Service pipes less than two inches in diameter shall be of pure seamless copper tubing with bronze fittings, all of a make designated by the Board, except as otherwise hereinafter provided. Copper tubing shall be of the following dimensions:
Outside Diameter
Gauge (BWG)
1 1/8 inches
1 3/8 inches
1 5/8 inches
The corporation cock, curb cock and curb box will be furnished by the Village as part of the service of tapping.
Service pipes two inches in diameter or larger shall be of Universal cast-iron pipe, except as otherwise approved by the Board, connected to a tee in the main with a gate valve and a box close to the main, the connection to be arranged in such manner as the Board may direct or approve.
Temporary connections for construction work or other purposes for a period not to exceed six months, by permission of the Board, may be of new iron pipe. Such temporary connections must be completely removed when the service is discontinued.
Lead goosenecks shall not be used.
Service pipes shall be run at right angles to the main and in a direct line through the foundations of the building to be served, and wherever possible must be located to avoid driveways so that curb boxes may be properly and conveniently set. Service pipes shall be laid at least four feet below the surface of the ground at all points, and in no case will any water pipe be allowed to be laid in any sewer, drain or gas trench, nor will any sewer, drain or gas be permitted in a water pipe trench. The curb cock shall be installed in the sidewalk space, close to the property line, except as otherwise directed by the Board. The meter shall be installed within the building to be served, as close as practicable to the point where the service pipe enters, unless otherwise directed or permitted by the Board, and shall be set with the inlet and outlet in a horizontal line with the register on top and shall be so located as to be readily accessible at all times for reading, inspection or repair. Stop valves shall be provided within the building on the inlet side of the meter and on the outlet side. Provision shall be made to prevent hot water from reaching the meter. No red or white lead or joint compound shall be used on joints between the main and the meter. Small meters may be set outside of buildings in underground pits, by direction or permission of the Board, and in such cases the location and construction of the pit and the method of setting the meter shall conform to directions which will be furnished by the Board for each specific instance. Meters of two inches or larger size shall be placed close to the property line of the consumer in approved underground pits unless otherwise directed by the Board. All meters shall be set in an accessible manner and place to be approved by the Board, and at all times shall be open to inspection and reading by the Board or its agents.
[Amended 3-22-1965]
Consumers must keep their own water pipes, including service pipes, and fixtures connected therewith in good repair and protected from frost and heat at their own expense. They must provide a stop and waste cock properly located inside the wall of the building on the consumer's side of the meter, and have the pipes so arranged that the water may be drawn from them whenever necessary.
Upon discovery of any leaks in the water service pipes at any point between the consumer's side of the curb cock up to the building, the Water Department under the direction of the Superintendent of Public Works or his designated agent, of the Village of Farmingdale shall notify the consumer of the premises to which water is being supplied through such water pipe, of such leak, and require such consumer, at the consumer's expense, to make necessary repairs thereto within a period of three days from the date of service of such notice, in default of which the Water Department under the direction of the Superintendent of Public Works or his designated agent will make such repairs and charge the consumer for labor costs and materials. Where the consumer is not the owner of said premises as the same appears from the Assessment Map of the Village of Farmingdale, then notice shall also be served upon the owner, directed to such owner's address as it appears on the assessment roll of the Village of Farmingdale. Such notice may be either personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested. Upon the failure of the consumer to make such repairs pursuant to such notice, and after the expiration of said three-day period, the Village Water Department under the direction of the Superintendent of Public Works or his designated agent shall be authorized to make such repairs, and the cost therefor, including labor and material costs, shall be added to the water charges due from such consumer, and payment thereof shall be enforced in the same manner as payment for water supplied to such consumer. The Water Department under the direction of the Superintendent of Public Works or his designated agent shall be responsible for the maintenance of the service line and fixtures from the water main up to the consumer's side of the curb cock.
[Amended 10-30-2001 by L.L. No. 3-2001[1]]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
In the event that a change in ground elevation leaves a service pipe insufficiently buried or results in the curb box projecting above the ground or being covered with earth, the consumer must promptly lower or raise his service pipe and curb box to conform to the new ground elevation. In case the consumer fails or neglects to make such alterations promptly, the supply of water will be shut off until the alterations are completed, and a charge in an amount as shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees, with a schedule of such fees to be maintained by the Village Clerk-Treasurer, will be made to cover the labor and expense by the Village resulting from the consumer's negligence.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Added 5-23-1955]
Interconnections between any pipe, main, outlet or hose bib supplied by or drawing water from the water supply system of the Village of Farmingdale and any drain, sewer, piper, open tank, pressure tank, sump, vat, sprinkler system or other structure which contains liquids, chemicals, nonpotable water, sewerage or any other matter are hereby prohibited except when such interconnection is so installed and protected by a vacuum breaker and check valve or other suitable device so as to prevent the pumpage, drainage, backflow[1] or siphonage of such liquids, chemicals, nonpotable water, sewerage or any other matter into the water supply system of the Village of Farmingdale. No person shall make such interconnection without securing a permit in writing from the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Farmingdale.
Editor's Note: See Art. III, Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control.
Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $250 or 15 days' imprisonment, or both, for each offense, and in addition thereto shall be deemed a disorderly person when such offense is committed within the Village of Farmingdale, and a consumer shall have his water supply stopped until such fine is paid. Any person violating the provisions of this section in any area outside the Village of Farmingdale but to whom water is being supplied by the Village of Farmingdale shall have his water supply stopped and shall not thereafter have his water supply turned on until he shall have complied with the provisions of this article and paid the cost of turning such water on, which shall be in an amount as shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees, with a schedule of such fees to be maintained by the Village Clerk-Treasurer.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Added 5-23-1957]
In the event that any water mains owned and maintained by the Village of Farmingdale are hereafter required to be relocated or relaid by reason of the altering, widening or narrowing of a public highway in the Village of Farmingdale, then the Board of Trustees may require the owners or occupants of any and all property fronting or abutting on any street or portion thereof in which such water main is relocated or relaid, to lay new supply pipe between such relocated mains and the property line of such owners or occupants in the manner set forth in Subsection C hereof.
If as a result of the altering, widening or narrowing of any public highway in the Village of Farmingdale the distance between the water mains owned and maintained by the Village of Farmingdale in such highway and the property line of the owners or occupants of any and all property fronting or abutting on any street or portion thereof in which such water main is located is increased or decreased, and the Board of Trustees shall determine that such supply pipes between said mains and the property line of the said owner or occupant shall be replaced or the controls or appurtenances reset or relocated by reason of their becoming improperly located with respect to the highway as altered, widened or narrowed or by reason of being in a state of disrepair or in their failure to comply with the requirements of this article as to type of construction or materials used, the Board of Trustees may require such owner or occupant to lay new supply pipes between such mains and the property line of such owner or occupant in the manner set forth in Subsection C hereof.
In either of the cases specified in Subsection A or B of this section, the Board of Trustees may cause a notice to be published in the official newspaper of the Village, requiring the owners or occupants aforesaid to make and lay connection pipes to and from the water mains in said street or any portion thereof in front of each separate piece of property, within such time, or reset or relocate the controls or appurtenances thereof, and in such manner and under such inspection as the Board of Trustees shall prescribe, and whenever any such owner or occupant shall have made default in making such connections with said water mains opposite the land and premises owned or occupied by him, as directed in and required by said notice thereof, in the manner and within the time specified, the Board of Trustees shall have power and authority to so make, extend and complete the same to the property line of the lands and premises so owned or occupied opposite thereto and in front thereof, and to connect the same with any existing connecting pipes in front thereof, and the actual expenses thereof, including all labor done and materials used in doing and completing the same, shall be assessed by the Trustees of the Village upon each separate piece of property opposite which the same shall be done and completed, and shall be a lien or liens on said premises and lots of land respectively, and the same shall be collected in the same manner as other local assessment or assessments for local improvements as provided in the Village Law of the State of New York. The Board of Trustees may, in addition, where such assessment is not paid for a period of 30 days after the same becomes due, shut off the supply of water to the premises upon which such assessment remains unpaid.
In the event that houses become vacant or for any other reason an owner wishes to discontinue service temporarily, this may be done upon making proper written application to the Board, who will have the service shut off at the curb and the meter drained. The fee for this service shall be in an amount as shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees, with a schedule of such fees to be maintained by the Village Clerk-Treasurer, and the fee for turning the water on again shall be in an amount as shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees, and a pro rata rebate will be made for the remaining portion of the current year, provided that the number of gallons of water already used has not exceeded the pro rata proportion.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Water shall not be shut off at the curb except by a Village employee or a duly authorized agent of the Village.
Consumers whose houses become vacant between October 15 and April 15 in any year must have the water service discontinued. In case a house or other building is to be closed for a time, especially during cold weather, the owner or the plumber representing the owner must notify the Board in order that the meter may be read and the curb cock closed. In case of failure so to notify the Board and of the bursting of pipes by freezing or otherwise, the consumer shall pay for all water that may be thus lost, the amount to be estimated by the Board and added to the next bill and paid in like manner as the regular meter charges, together with an additional sum in an amount as shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees, with a schedule of such fees to be maintained by the Village Clerk-Treasurer, to cover the labor and expense by the Village resulting from the consumer's negligence.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
All plumbers shall, within 24 hours after completing any attachment, connection or alteration, make a true return in writing on a form furnished for the purpose. Every return must be full and complete in every particular. Each return shall be filed in the office of the Board. Any plumber failing to make such a return shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $250 or 15 days' imprisonment, or both, for each offense or revocation of his permit for a period of 30 days or longer, at the discretion of the Board.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
No plumber shall leave the curb cock open or allow the water to run on the premises after making any new connection with the street mains or after making any new extension or attachments in unoccupied premises, but where the work is a simple extension or additional attachment on the consumer's side of the meter, in places where the water is then in use, the plumber may leave the water on. In cases of new connection the Board, on notification that the work is complete, will cause the same to be inspected, and if found satisfactory will have the meter read and the water turned on. Pipes and connections between the main and the meter shall not be covered until they have been inspected and approved by the Board or its representative.
[Amended 1-5-2015 by L.L. No. 2-2015]
Meters shall not be tampered with or disturbed by any unauthorized person. In case a meter fails to register or otherwise becomes out of order, the consumer shall notify the Board immediately. If it be found necessary to remove the meter, another meter will be loaned and installed by the Board for use during the time required for testing and repairs. Such repairs as are found necessary will be made by the Board. When in the opinion of the Board a meter becomes unsuitable for further use, it shall be replaced by the Village. In the case of commercial meters which were originally paid for by the owner of the premises, all such repairs and replacements shall be paid for by the owner of the premises. Where household meters become damaged by freezing or by hot water backing up into them or through other negligence on the part of the owner of the premises or his tenant or agent, all such repairs and replacements shall be paid for by the owner. Repairs and replacement of household meters necessitated by ordinary wear and tear or by reason of defective parts shall be made by the Village without expense to the owner. No charge shall be made for inspection and testing of meter out of order when such have been duly reported to the Board, but when a meter is found to be out of order and has not been so reported, a charge in an amount as shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees, with a schedule of such fees to be maintained by the Village Clerk-Treasurer, may be made in addition to the cost of repairing the meter.
If the supply of water to any premises be turned off by the direction of the Board, it shall not be turned on thereafter without the permission of the Board.
[Added 7-26-1954]
Whenever the Board of Trustees of the Village of Farmingdale shall determine that an emergency exists affecting the public health or safety because of any inadequacy or failure in the supply or distribution of water within the Village of Farmingdale or within an area outside the Village of Farmingdale to which water is supplied by the Village of Farmingdale, the Board of Trustees may by resolution prohibit the watering or sprinkling of lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers or gardens within the Village or within the area outside the Village to which water is being supplied by the Village, or restrict such watering or sprinkling to specified hours during any day as may be determined by the Board. Such resolution shall become effective immediately upon publication in the official newspaper of the Village of Farmingdale, or upon the posting of such resolution in four public places within the Incorporated Village of Farmingdale, or immediately against any person served personally with a copy thereof certified by the Village Clerk-Treasurer.
Any person violating the provisions of this section or the resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted pursuant hereto shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $250 or 15 days' imprisonment, or both, for each offense, and in addition thereto shall be deemed a disorderly person when such offense is committed within the Village of Farmingdale, and a consumer shall also have his water supply stopped until such fine is paid. Any person violating the resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted pursuant to this section, in an area outside the Village of Farmingdale but to which water is being supplied by the Village of Farmingdale, shall have his water stopped and shall not have his water supply turned on thereafter until he shall pay the cost thereof, which shall be such sum as shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees, with a schedule of such fees to be maintained by the Village Clerk-Treasurer.
[Amended 1-5-2015 by L.L. No. 2-2015]
Persons wishing to discontinue the use of water must give 10 days' written notice thereof to the Board.
Owners of premises whereon water is used will be held responsible for the water rents of their tenants, as the water rent is a lien upon the property for the use of which the water is supplied.
[Amended 4-17-1961]
Water rents, rates and charges shall be such sums as may be determined, by resolution, by the Board of Trustees.
[Amended 4-5-1948]
Household consumers will be billed quarterly, as set by resolution of the Board, with billing for water conservation on the last fiscal billing in May.
[Amended 7-6-2015 by L.L. No. 4-2015]
Village commercial customers will be billed on a quarterly basis.
[Amended 7-6-2015 by L.L. No. 4-2015]
Each dwelling, apartment or building, except accessory buildings, shall at the option of the Board have a separate meter. In cases where water is used for both domestic and industrial uses through the same service pipe, requiring over 100,000 gallons in any quarter year, the service shall at the option of the Board be divided and a separate meter shall be installed for each use, of a size to be determined by the Board, and the consumer will be charged separately for each use according to the minimum charges and schedules of rates established by resolution.
[Amended 1-5-2015 by L.L. No. 2-2015]
Persons desiring to use Village water for building construction purposes will be required to make application at the office of the Board therefor, stating the name and address of the owner of the property and its location, estimated cost of building and estimated length of time of construction period, and on receiving permit will be required to pay a charge in an amount as shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees, with a schedule of such fees to be maintained by the Village Clerk-Treasurer. Such permit will be valid for a period of time only as stated thereon, but may be renewed for thirty-day periods thereafter if upon investigation it be found that conditions warrant renewal. No person shall be permitted to use Village water for this purpose through a house service either on the same or from neighboring premises. The willful waste of water or any violation of this article will be cause for the discontinuance of the service. If the water is willfully wasted, the Board may cancel such permit and stop the supply of water. The Board reserves the right either to make a flat rate for the service or to require a meter to be installed. If a meter is installed, it must be placed in an approved box of two-inch planks with hinged cover fitted for a padlock, to be provided by the Village and so placed that it will not be disturbed during construction. In the winter the box must be properly covered with earth or otherwise be made frostproof and must be uncovered at any time, upon the request of any member of the Board or its authorized representative, for inspection or reading. Any violation of the rules and regulations of the Board will be cause for the removal of the meter and the discontinuance of the service.
Persons or corporations desiring to use Village water for the purpose of road construction, either state, county or town, in the Village of Farmingdale, shall make written application to the Board, giving a description of the road, the proposed construction, length, width and depth of pavement, the estimated length of time for construction, when construction will commence, and the name of the contractor, who shall make the application. Said application shall be accompanied by a certified check drawn to the order of Village of Farmingdale Water Department under the direction of the Superintendent of Public Works or his designated agent in such sum as shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees, with a schedule of such to be maintained by the Village Clerk-Treasurer, which check shall remain with the Board as a guaranty against any damage to the water system, gate boxes, valves or fire hydrants, and to insure payment for the amount of water used. Any damage to any part of the water system, gate boxes, valves or fire hydrants caused by the contractor, his agents or employees will be repaired or replaced by the Farmingdale Water Department under the direction of the Superintendent of Public Works or his designated agent and charged to the said applicant and deducted from the sum on deposit.
[Amended 1-5-2015 by L.L. No. 2-2015]
In instances where the Board deems it necessary to appoint an inspector in order to safeguard the mains and other property of the Village, such application will not be granted unless an inspector be maintained on the job, who shall be appointed by the Board at a salary in such amount as shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees, with a schedule of such to be maintained by the Village Clerk-Treasurer, which shall be paid by the contractor. Said inspector shall remain continuously on the job so long as water of the Village is being used.
[Amended 1-5-2015 by L.L. No. 2-2015]
The charge for water used shall be on the basis of a charge per cubic yard of concrete measured in the finished work; such charge shall be in an amount as shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees, with a schedule of such fees to be maintained by the Village Clerk-Treasurer.
[Amended 1-5-2015 by L.L. No. 2-2015]
The Board reserves the right to cancel any permission granted at any time when the system of the Village is being damaged or water wasted or when inspector's salary or the Village's bill is overdue or when any of the provisions of the ordinances of the Village of Farmingdale are being violated, and any charges for damages or water used or inspector's salary shall be deducted from the said deposit, and if there be a deficit the contractor shall forthwith pay any balance to the said Village.
Whenever it shall be found that a service installation has been made in any other manner than that approved by the Board, the water meter shall be removed. Water shall not again be supplied until the service installation is properly made and all expenses and damages paid by the owner of the property.
In no instance will the Board permit a service to be abandoned unless it is cut off at the main, in which event all expense in connection therewith shall be paid by the owner of the premises.
The members of the Board or its authorized agent shall have full power to enter the premises of any consumer at all reasonable hours to examine fixtures, plumbing and manner of using the water.
[Amended 1-10-2000 by L.L. No. 2-2000; 7-6-2015 by L.L. No. 4-2015]
All water rents shall be paid to the Village Clerk-Treasurer at the Village Hall, 361 Main Street, Farmingdale, New York or to PO Box 220, Farmingdale, New York, in accordance to the following quarterly schedule:
August 1 billing payment must be received by August 31.
November 1 billing payment must be received by November 30.
February 1 billing payment must be received by February 28.
May 1 billing payment must be received by May 31.
A penalty of 5% for the first month and 1% per month thereafter will be added to all bills remaining unpaid after the above-stated dates. Partial payments and overpayments of water charges will be accepted with the under/over payment applied to the next quarterly invoice. Any unpaid balances will be subject to the aforementioned interest and penalties.
Unpaid water charges over $20 will be relevied to the customers taxes in accordance to the town/village where the customer lives in addition to a surcharge as set by the Board of Trustees.
Village of Farmingdale residents' unpaid balances from the November and prior invoices will be relevied to taxes as of March 31.
Town of Oyster Bay and Town of Babylon residents' unpaid balances from May and prior invoices will be relevied to taxes as per the instructions of these towns.
No person shall open or interfere with the fire hydrants or draw water therefrom without permission from the Board, except the Chief of the Fire Department or his authorized assistants, and except that in case of fire, hydrants may be opened on the order of any member of the Fire Department who may be in charge at the time of need. Whenever a hydrant has been used by any member of the Fire Department, notification thereof shall promptly be given the Board.
[Amended 1-5-2015 by L.L. No. 2-2015; 12-4-2023 by L.L. No. 3-2023]
Any person who, without authority of the Village, opens any fire hydrant except for the purpose of extinguishing a fire, or who willfully injures or impairs any fire hydrant, is guilty of violation. A reward in an amount as set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees will be paid by the Board to any person furnishing evidence causing the conviction of a person guilty of such violation.
[Amended 1-5-2015 by L.L. No. 2-2015]
Any person violating this article or any section hereof shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding $250 or 15 days' imprisonment, or both, on suit by the Board to recover the same, and the consumer shall also have his supply of water cut off until such penalty is paid.
[Amended 4-5-1948]
The Board of Trustees shall by resolution determine charges to be made for supplying and installing water meters, for tapping the main or distributing pipes, for discontinuing service temporarily, for water rents, rates and charges of water supplied to consumers within and without the Village for the use of Village water, and for building construction purposes. The Board of Trustees shall have the right to make special rates, variations or contracts in all proper cases or to turn off the water supply without notice in case of extensions, repairs or other necessity, without liability for damages for lack of water or for any other damage that may result from the turning off of the water supply.
The foregoing article shall take effect February 1, 1936, or immediately as to any person or firm served with a copy of the foregoing article.
[Added 4-5-1948]
This article shall be known and cited as the "Water Department Ordinance of the Village of Farmingdale." Any reference made in said article to the Board shall be deemed to refer to the Board of Trustees of said Village.