The following words or phrases, as the same are used herein
or as the same appear in the context hereof, unless otherwise indicated,
shall have the following meanings ascribed to them in this chapter:
An outdoor solid fuel furnace and all appurtenances thereto,
including, but not limited to, all equipment and all components necessary
to and used in connection with the installation, maintenance and use
of the outdoor solid fuel furnace.
An appliance that has been constructed, installed, maintained
and used on or before the effective date of this chapter.
An appliance that has been constructed, installed, maintained
and used after the effective date of this chapter.
Any equipment, structure, device or associated apparatus
and related appurtenances which is installed, affixed or situated
outdoors for the primary purpose of the combustion of approved solid
fuels to produce heat or energy by the distribution through pipes
of a fluid heated in the device and used as the primary or secondary
or supplementary heating system, which provides heat for interior
space and/or domestic water within a structure located on residential
premises, and is not located within the structure to be heated or
to be provided with hot water.
Any individual, partnership, corporation, firm, association,
institution, governmental agency or entity, enterprise or any other
legal entity whatsoever which is recognized by law as the subject
of rights and duties.
The minimum horizontal distances between the front right-of-way
line or rear or side lines of any lot or parcel of land. When two
or more lots under one ownership are used, the exterior property line
so grouped shall be used in determining a setback.
A building constructed and used for human habitation, housing
of farm animals, or storage of equipment or materials of whatever
Nothing contained herein shall authorize or allow burning within
and emissions from or burning or combustion associated with or generated
by appliances, which acts and conditions are or may in the future
be prohibited by codes, laws, rules or regulations promulgated by
the United States Environmental Agency, Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection, or any other federal, state, regional or
local agency authorized to exercise jurisdiction over air quality
control management. All new appliances and all electrical, plumbing
or associated equipment or appurtenances used in connection with existing
appliances shall be installed, operated and maintained in strict conformity
with the manufacturer's installation specifications and use instructions,
and any and all local, state and federal ordinances, codes, laws,
rules and regulations.
Before commencing any action in the nature of a violation of
this chapter, the City of Nanticoke Zoning and Code Enforcement Officer
shall first give notice to the person charged with violating this
chapter. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be served personally
upon such person or by posting a copy of such written notice on the
premises or attaching a copy of the written notice to each building
or structure on the premises. In addition, a copy of the written notice
shall be sent by United States Postal Service certified mail, return
receipt requested, to the owner of the land, building, structure or
premises in or on which the appliance is located, at the owner's
last known address. The notice shall specify that failure to remedy
the violation within 10 days of the date of the personal service or
12 days from the date of mailing may result in penalties to be levied
against the owner of the premises if the specified violations are
not remedied.